Descripción del proyecto
Formación de investigadores para comprender la infraestructura de los metaversos
Los metaversos funcionan en tiempo real, y se espera que su adopción generalizada cree espacios públicos digitales que mejoren las interacciones en línea y las integren con el mundo físico. Para maximizar los beneficios, Europa debe asumir un papel de liderazgo en este campo y abordar los nuevos retos en consonancia con sus valores. El equipo del proyecto AGORA, financiado por las acciones Marie Skłodowska-Curie, aborda el problema de la escasa disponibilidad de programas de doctorado que exploren el valor empresarial y social de los metaversos más allá de la mera comprensión técnica. También pretende identificar y abordar cualquier posible consecuencia imprevista asociada a ellos. El equipo del proyecto pretende establecer una sólida base de investigación crítica y formar a los investigadores para que comprendan la infraestructura del metaverso, naveguen por sus niveles de valor empresarial y social y saquen el máximo partido de los resultados de la investigación.
As metaverses operate in real-time their wide adoption is expected to create digital public spaces for interaction in which the already possible online interactions are intensified and blended with the physical world as never before. To lead in this field and maximize positive implications, Europe needs to ensure that new multi-dimensional challenges arising, are addressed in accordance with European values. AGORA responds to the lack of doctoral programs which go beyond the technical understanding of Metaverses and consider its business and social value while unpacking and addressing potential unintended consequences. Through a rigorous and robust research and training programme, AGORA aims to develop a critical research and talent base capable of leading by example. AGORA’s approach is to train the researchers not only to understand Metaverse's infrastructure but also to understand and oscillate between the different levels of Metaverse’s business and societal value, paving in this way a more integrated understanding of this disruptive ecosystem. Combining theoretical and hands-on industrial research and transferable skills training will enable researchers to target high-quality publication outlets and to become creative and autonomous so that they can exploit and commercialize research results and become competitive in the global arena. One of AGORA’s unique selling points is its ability to prepare the ESRs to work in any of the three pathways (academia, industry, policy making) as well as their intersections. AGORA's inter-sectoral network brings together leading academic and non-academic co-supervision arrangements of high quality, stimulates the development of new industrial doctoral training procedures between top business schools and industries in the region.
Ámbito científico
Palabras clave
- HORIZON.1.2 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Main Programme
Régimen de financiación
HORIZON-TMA-MSCA-DN-ID - HORIZON TMA MSCA Doctoral Networks - Industrial DoctoratesCoordinador
1700 Nicosia