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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

The Mechanics of Canon Formation and the Transmission of Knowledge from Graeco-Roman Antiquity

Description du projet

Comprendre les mécanismes de la formation des canons

En littérature, la notion de texte ou d’auteur canonique revêt une signification profonde, conférant prestige et autorité à certaines œuvres. Cependant, les canons ne sont pas des entités fixes, mais ils sont plutôt sujets à une évolution perpétuelle. Les forces énigmatiques qui façonnent ces canons et leur influence restent complexes. Dans ce contexte, le projet MECANO, financé par le programme MSCA, cherche à apporter un éclairage sur les mécanismes de formation des canons et de transmission des connaissances dans les textes grecs et latins anciens. Afin d’étudier la manière dont les textes acquièrent un statut canonique et dont ces canons implicites évoluent dans le temps, le projet déploie des méthodes qualitatives et numériques sur de vastes corpus de textes. Cette initiative favorise un nouveau modèle pour l’étude de la canonicité et la formation de chercheurs en sciences humaines qui connaissent l’histoire et sont compétents sur le plan numérique.


To consider a text or author canonical is to invest it with prestige, authority or even timeless value. Canons set standards and define what is deemed worthy of transmission, but at the same time they are constantly undergoing change. The distinction between those who belong to the canon and those who do not inevitably operates a dynamics of inclusion and exclusion. It is not clear, however, who if anyone is the agent of such operations and what influences the way canons are shaped.

MECANO (The Mechanics of Canon Formation and the Transmission of Knowledge from Greco-Roman Antiquity) aims to advance our understanding of the mechanics of canon formation and knowledge transmission of ancient Greek and Latin texts. It will look at a) how texts, ideas or authors become canonical by being cited, translated, studied, imitated, excerpted, or compiled by later authors, and b) how such implicit canons have changed across time and space by being received in different cultural, intellectual and linguistic environments. To study the dynamics of canonicity from a longitudinal perspective, MECANO will combine qualitative approaches to intellectual history and reception studies with applications of digital and computational methods on extensive text corpora. Bringing together six universities and an array of academic and non-academic institutions interested in the topic of canonicity (publishers, museums, academies of sciences, national libraries, arts companies), as well as a centre for entrepreneurship and an ICT company, MECANO created a training programme that responds to the need for historically conscious and digitally skilled Humanities PhDs. MECANO's twofold goal is to develop a new model for the study of canonicity and to train the PhD researchers to become versatile intellectuals ready to tackle the challenges of modern engagement with the topics of canonicity, diversity, and cultural heritage.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 525 240,00
3000 Leuven

Voir sur la carte

Vlaams Gewest Prov. Vlaams-Brabant Arr. Leuven
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (4)

Partenaires (9)