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CURE HEARTandBRAIN postdoctoral COFUND programme by CNIC

Descripción del proyecto

Programa postdoctoral en investigación cardiovascular

El Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC) es una institución mundialmente reconocida dedicada a mejorar la salud cardiovascular. Genera conocimientos científicos, los traduce con eficacia en aplicaciones clínicas y ofrece una formación completa a los investigadores emergentes. El equipo del proyecto CURE HEARTandBRAIN, que cuenta con el apoyo de las Acciones Marie Skłodowska-Curie, establecerá un programa de becas posdoctorales diseñado para desarrollar competencias, fomentar la innovación, promover prácticas de ciencia abierta y mejorar el compromiso público. El programa estará abierto a doce candidatos con un doctorado y ofrecerá formación, movilidad internacional y oportunidades para impulsar el potencial de los investigadores traslacionales en investigación cardiovascular y campos afines, al tiempo que se comunican con eficacia al público los resultados de la investigación.


The CNIC (Spanish Centre for Cardiovascular Research) is a worldwide recognised research centre dedicated to cardiovascular research. CNIC’s mission is to improve cardiovascular health in the society by generating scientific knowledge, efficiently translating that knowledge to the clinic, and providing new researchers with a comprehensive training.
CNIC, awarded with the HR Excellence in Research since 2013, proposes to run a postdoctoral fellowship programme “CURE HEART & BRAIN” that will offer a total of 12 positions in the incoming mobility type for the selected and eligible candidates (holding PhD and compliant with MSCA mobility rules). During the COFUND grant life (5 years) there will be two calls (M2 and M9), each offering 6 fellowships. The Programme will advertise the positions internationally.
The fellows will be able to choose the supervisor at CNIC and to propose research projects in all the research disciplines available at CNIC. The selection of the proposals will be transparent, based on merit and performed by external international peer-reviewers. CURE HEART & BRAIN fellowship programme will be open to excellent researchers of any nationality. The programme will offer training to develop key
transferable skills and competences, foster innovation, entrepreneurship, promote Open Science practices, FAIR data management, and public engagement. The fellows will acquire new skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility.
CURE HEART & BRAIN includes 24 Associated Partners (12 from private sector) from all over the world and from different sectors, providing translational elements to the programme (secondments, training, supervision). The overall goal of the programme is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of a new generation of translational researchers in cardiovascular research and related areas as well as reach out to society to make the results of the research visible to the citizens.


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€ 1 719 360,00
28029 Madrid

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Comunidad de Madrid Comunidad de Madrid Madrid
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
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