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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Migration, Diaspora, Citizenship

Description du projet

Recherche interdisciplinaire sur la migration, la diaspora et la citoyenneté

L’université de Munster poursuit de manière stratégique ses efforts d’internationalisation dans le domaine de la recherche et de la formation postdoctorales en sciences sociales et humaines. Son objectif consiste à amplifier les dimensions interdisciplinaires et intersectorielles de ces domaines, comme le montre le programme de bourses COFUND intitulé «Migration, Diaspora, Citoyenneté» (MDC). Cette initiative financée par le programme MSCA se concentre sur ces questions interconnectées, en mettant l’accent sur l’amélioration des perspectives de carrière des boursiers. Elle met particulièrement l’accent sur les sciences sociales et humaines, domaines dans lesquels ce type de recherche est moins courant que dans les sciences naturelles et les sciences de la vie. En s’appuyant sur les programmes existants, les réseaux universitaires et sa vaste expérience dans ces domaines respectifs, l’université est prête à combler les lacunes existantes dans la recherche en sciences sociales et humaines.


The COFUND Fellowship Programme “Migration, Diaspora, Citizenship” is part of the strategy of the University of Muenster (WWU) to further internationalise postdoctoral research and training in the social sciences and humanities and to strengthen their interdisciplinary and intersectoral dimensions. In the context of the proposed MDC Project, the WWU pursues four primary aims: first, to enhance the academic and non-academic career prospects of the fellows participating in this programme; second, to build a cadre of researcher-practitioners who are able to communicate, work and cooperate across national, sectoral and disciplinary boundaries; third, to share best practices within a large and growing international network of academic and non-academic partner organisations. Last but not least, the fourth, long-term aim of this project is to effect sustainable change in academic structures and human resource development by contributing to the creation of a new academic culture that fully supports and rewards interdisciplinary and intersectoral research. With its focus on the social sciences and humanities, this programme targets fields where interdisciplinary and intersectoral training and research are still relatively uncommon and underdeveloped, particularly in comparison to the natural and life sciences. In tackling these deficits, the WWU will rely on existing training programmes, academic networks and its long-term experience with high-profile research projects in the respective fields. By centring the programme around the ubiquitous and interconnected phenomena of migration, diaspora and citizenship, the MDC Project builds upon established research excellence among its partners and opens up research opportunities for scholars with a wide range of academic interests and backgrounds while also facilitating high-quality interdisciplinary and intersectoral collaboration among the fellows and partner organisations, which is key to accomplishing the above-mentioned aims.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 050 720,00

Voir sur la carte

Nordrhein-Westfalen Münster Münster, Kreisfreie Stadt
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Partenaires (17)