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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

European Laser Research Infrastructures serving Science and Industry

Description du projet

Pour une infrastructure européenne virtuelle de recherche sur les lasers à rétroaction répartie

La technologie laser a connu des avancées et des percées considérables, se muant en un moteur essentiel de l’innovation pour diverses applications et produits sociétaux. Ses contributions à la croissance économique et à la résolution des problèmes de santé, d’environnement et d’énergie sont énormes. Dans ce contexte, le projet Lasers4EU, financé par l’UE, se propose d’établir une infrastructure virtuelle de recherche sur les lasers à rétroaction répartie en intégrant les principales installations européennes de recherche sur les lasers. Cette infrastructure permettra aux utilisateurs universitaires et industriels d’accéder à des instruments et à des capacités scientifiques haut de gamme. Le projet entend renforcer la position dominante et la compétitivité de l’Europe en coordonnant les activités de recherche sur les lasers, en restructurant le paysage européen des infrastructures de recherche sur les lasers et en renforçant les ressources humaines européennes dans le domaine de la science des lasers.


Lasers4EU is incorporating the major laser research infrastructures, in a large number of European member states, into a comprehensive virtual distributed laser research infrastructure that is offering to a broad user community, from academia and industry, access to an exceptional portfolio of technical and scientific capabilities.
This unique set of instruments together with the specific scientific expertise at the host facilities allows Lasers4EU users to carry out high-level research in an extremely wide range of high-impact topics in life sciences, materials nano-processing, etc. Laser technology has experienced remarkable advances and breakthroughs and is now a key innovation driver for highly diversified societal applications and products, thereby substantially contributing to economic growth and to solving challenges in the areas of health, environment and energy. Through its strategic approach, Lasers4EU aims to strengthen Europe’s leading position and competitiveness. It facilitates long-term coordination of the laser research activities within the European Research Area and provides concerted and efficient services to scientific, industrial and medical researchers.
The main objectives of Lasers4EU are to:
• provide coordinated access to high-quality services based on a coherent and comprehensive consortium of 27 leading European laser installations offering to users from academia as well as from industry cutting-edge performances at the forefront of the laser technologies,
• structure the European landscape of laser Research Infrastructure through enhanced access, extended geographical coverage, novel science diplomacy activities, improved synergies with other European networks and projects,
• increase European human resources in the field of laser science by implementing training activities towards researchers from new domains of science and technology and from geographical regions where laser communities are still less developed.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 909 546,00
12489 Berlin

Voir sur la carte

Berlin Berlin Berlin
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 1 300 736,25

Participants (28)