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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Integration of citizen SCIENCE best practices to Upscale and maximise projects impact related to Green Deal and EU missions

Description du projet

Ouvrir la voie à un réseau européen de science citoyenne

La science citoyenne implique la participation du public à la recherche scientifique. Par conséquent, les spécialistes en sciences citoyennes jouent un rôle important dans la conception des expériences, la collecte des données et l’analyse des résultats. Le projet ScienceUs, financé par l’UE, vise à établir un réseau de projets européens dans ce domaine. Il offrira un programme de soutien comprenant des fonds et des services à une sélection d’initiatives prometteuses en matière de science citoyenne. Grâce à des stratégies de communication, de diffusion et de transfert de connaissances, ScienceUs cherche à impliquer toutes les parties prenantes. Il développera des boîtes à outils, du matériel de formation et des méthodologies pour promouvoir les meilleures pratiques en matière de science citoyenne. En outre, il établira un réseau d’initiatives interconnectées en science citoyenne et suscitera l’intérêt des organismes de financement pour soutenir des sous-projets.


The main objective of the proj is to generate a EU wide network of connected citizen science projects. A combined support program of direct funding and support services will be delivered to a group of high potential citizen science initiatives. A strong set of communication, dissemination and knowledge transfer will be implemented to engage all actors in the quadruple helix around the citizen science networks.
The project will consist of 5 work packages to be implemented for 36 months. WP1 (lead: UAM) is devoted to coordinating the project in an efficient and transparent manner for the whole consortium. WP2 (lead: SUR with significant participation of UAM) will do a benchmarking on citizen projects to identify the barriers, needs and challenges of the new ERA and EU missions to implement best practices on citizen science. WP3 (lead: UT with significant participation from ULB and AMU) will focus on selecting and supporting the best citizen science initiatives to be upscaled to other EU regions from Europe. WP4 (lead: ULB, with significant AMU’s participation) will be devoted to analyze the impact of the project and the transfer of the results to policy makers and regulators. WP5 (lead: NKUA) will focus on communication, dissemination, sustainability and exploitation.
The expected results of the project are: 1) Tool kits, training materials and methodologies about best practices on citizen science available to all stakeholders; 2) Network of connected citizen science initiatives sharing activities, data and synergies; 3) Approach from CS sub-projects to all actors of the quadruple helix to citizen science initiatives; 4) Interest by funding bodies in the CS sub-projects supported; 5) Materials developed (policy briefs or similar) for the review of policies impacted.
The team is formed by the CIVIS university alliance and MFN that brings to the project its expertise and networks generated thanks to its predominant role in projects.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 499 750,00
28049 Madrid

Voir sur la carte

Comunidad de Madrid Comunidad de Madrid Madrid
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 499 750,00

Participants (8)