Descripción del proyecto
La creciente amenaza de la peste porcina africana
La peste porcina africana (PPA) ha pasado rápidamente de ser una enfermedad exótica a convertirse en una amenaza mundial para los suidos domésticos y salvajes (incluidos cerdos, puercos, verracos y jabalíes). Europa se enfrenta a diversos escenarios de PPA, desde introducciones esporádicas hasta epidemias generalizadas, especialmente difíciles en entornos de jabalíes y granjas de traspatio. Los métodos de control convencionales son eficaces en las explotaciones porcinas industriales, pero fallan al contener la enfermedad en las poblaciones salvajes o en las explotaciones más pequeñas. En este contexto, el equipo del proyecto ASFaVIP, financiado con fondos europeos, pretende colmar esta laguna probando vacunas prometedoras, entre ellas la ASFV-G-ΔI177L, que ha demostrado su eficacia en Vietnam. Se realizarán pruebas de seguridad y eficacia, junto con la caracterización de la respuesta inmunitaria y la optimización de las estrategias de vacunación. Estos datos son cruciales para evaluar los beneficios y los riesgos del despliegue de las vacunas contra la PPA.
"African swine fever (ASF) has recently transformed from an exotic disease to a panzootic threat to domestic and wild suids world-wide. Europe is currently facing different scenarios with front and point introductions, affected wild boar and domestic pig populations, epidemic and endemic situations. While our traditional prevention and control strategies work well with industrial pig farms, we quickly reach our limits when we have to control the disease in the abundant wild boar population or in regions with a majority of backyard farms. To turn the tide and to safeguard animal health, vaccines, especially oral vaccines for wild boar, could be the missing tool.
There has been considerable progress in vaccine development and while we should continue to look for alternative approaches, we must now also dare to test the promising candidates beyond simple proof-of-concept studies. Only in this way can we generate the data base for benefit-risk analysis of whether and how current generation vaccines could be employed.
Along these lines, this project sets out to test the vaccine candidate ""ASFV-G-ΔI177L"" in safety and efficacy tests after oral and intramuscular application as prescribed by international guidelines. This vaccine candidate has shown safety and very good protection under laboratory conditions and has been applied in the field in Vietnam. As a backup option, other promising candidates, “ASFV-G-ΔMGF” and “ASFV-G-Δ9GL/UK, will be tested in initial comparative trials. Accompanying the prescribed tests, our interdisciplinary consortium will characterize the protective immune responses, target the optimization of oral immunization and model tailored vaccination strategies. The data body generated in this project is crucial for benefit-risk-assessments at the level of all authorities entrusted with licensure and deployment of ASF vaccines and for this reason, relevant stakeholders will be involved from the start to guarantee full exploitation of our data."
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Convocatoria de propuestas
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HORIZON-RIA - HORIZON Research and Innovation ActionsCoordinador
17493 Greifswald-Insel Riems