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CORDIS - EU research results

PLATform for the Implementation of the Navigation Action programme for Action

Project description

Platform for policy action to boost green and connected inland waterway transport

The EU-funded PLATINA4Action project supports the implementation and evaluation of the Action Plan of NAIADES III. The project brings together expertise and stakeholders in European inland waterway transport (IWT), building on the knowledge, network and findings of project PLATINA3. PLATINA4Action’s objectives include supporting synergies in R&I aimed at green and connected IWT, monitoring and estimating the impact of NAIADES III actions, developing an EU label for emission performance of inland vessels, updating the strategic R&I agenda and developing a new policy agenda towards 2035. PLATINA4Action closely collaborates with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport and engages with IWT and logistics representatives, river commissions, national IWT policy makers, ports, waterway managers, technology and energy suppliers, and research institutes.


Platform for the Implementation for green and connected Inland Waterway Transport IWT) as envisaged in the Action Plan of NAIADES III. The platform will act as catalyst, bringing together expertise, stakeholders and research in the field of European Inland Waterway Transport, building on the network and expertise developed in the CSA project PLATINA 3 funded under Horizon 2020.

The PLATINA4Action project aims to accelerate the implementation of green and connected inland waterway transport. Activities will focus on 1) supporting and coordinating research and innovation activities focussing on green and connected IWT to find synergies between parallel developments, 2) impact estimations of NAIADES III actions and supporting the policy discussions to achieve modal shift and zero-emission IWT and 3) the updating of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for IWT.

The consortium will work closely together with European Commission DG MOVE in view of the NAIADES Implementation Expert Group and DINA Expert Group. Furthermore the consortium will involve and interact with IWT and logistic representatives and platforms, river commissions, ports and waterway managers, Member States and research institutes.


Net EU contribution
€ 569 375,00

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West-Nederland Zuid-Holland Zuidoost-Zuid-Holland
Activity type
Total cost
No data

Participants (6)