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Contenu archivé le 2024-06-18

Applied Public-Private Research enabling OsteoArthritis Clinical Headway

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .



Auteurs: Kloppenburg; M.

Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacodynamics of the ADAMTS‐5 Nanobody M6495: Two Phase 1, Single‐Center, Double‐Blind, Randomized, Placebo‐Controlled Studies in Healthy Subjects and Patients With Osteoarthritis

Auteurs: Asger Reinstrup Bihlet; Torben Balchen; Kosalaram Goteti; Jesper Sonne; Christoph Ladel; Morten Asser Karsdal; Victor Ona; Flavie Moreau; Roseann Waterhouse; Anne‐Christine Bay‐Jensen; Hans Guehring
Publié dans: WileyACR Open Rheumatol 2024
Identifiant permanent: Digital Object Identifier:10.1002/acr2.11610; PubMed ID:38311369

Severity and progression of structural hand OA is not associated with progression of structural knee OA: The IMI-APPROACH cohort

Auteurs: Sietse E.S. Terpstra; Lotte A. van de Stadt; Francis Berenbaum; Francisco J. Blanco; Ida K. Haugen; Simon C. Mastbergen; Harrie Weinans; Mylène P. Jansen; Frits R. Rosendaal; Margreet Kloppenburg
Publié dans: Elsevier BVOsteoarthr Cartil Open 2024
Identifiant permanent: Digital Object Identifier:10.1016/j.ocarto.2024.100487; PubMed ID:38828015; PubMed Central ID:PMC11141256; Handle:2183/36632

A sex-specific association between incident radiographic osteoarthritis of hip or knee and incident peripheral arterial calcifications: 8-year prospective data from Cohort Hip and Cohort Knee (CHECK)

Auteurs: Gielis; W. P.; Welsing; P. M. J.; van Spil; W. E.; Runhaar; J.; Weinans; H.; de Jong; P. A.
Identifiant permanent: Digital Object Identifier:10.1016/j.joca.2017.07.016; PubMed ID:28757188; Microsoft Academic Graph Identifier:2741849545

Biochemical marker discovery, testing and evaluation for facilitating OA drug discovery and development

Auteurs: Christian S. Thudium; Oreste Gualillo; Anne-Christine Bay-Jensen; Ali Mobasheri; Ali Mobasheri
Publié dans: Elsevier BVDRUG DISCOVERY TODAY 2018
Identifiant permanent: Digital Object Identifier:10.1016/j.drudis.2017.10.008; PubMed ID:29038075; Microsoft Academic Graph Identifier:2764191054

Cohort profile: The Applied Public-Private Research enabling OsteoArthritis Clinical Headway (IMI-APPROACH) study: a 2-year, European, cohort study to describe, validate and predict phenotypes of osteoarthritis using clinical, imaging and biochemical markers

Auteurs: van Helvoort, Eefje; van Spil, Willem; Jansen, Mylène; Welsing, Paco; Kloppenburg, Margreet; Loef, Marieke; Blanco, Francisco; Haugen, Ida; Berenbaum, Francis; Bacardit, Jaume; Ladel, Christoph; Loughlin, John; Bay-Jensen, Anne; Mobasheri, Ali; Larkin, Jonathan; Boere, Janneke; Weinans, Harrie; Lalande, Agnes; Marijnissen, Anne; Lafeber, Floris
Publié dans: BMJBMJ Open, Vol 10, Iss 7 (2020) 2020
Identifiant permanent: Digital Object Identifier:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035101; PubMed ID:32723735; PubMed Central ID:PMC7389775; Microsoft Academic Graph Identifier:3045652818; Handle:1887/3182952; Handle:2183/26194

Soluble biochemical markers of osteoarthritis: Are we close to using them in clinical practice?

Auteurs: Mobasheri; Ali; Bay-Jensen; Anne-Christine; Gualillo; Oreste; Larkin; Jonanthan; Levesque; Marc C.; Henrotin; Yves
Identifiant permanent: Digital Object Identifier:10.1016/j.berh.2018.07.002; PubMed ID:30509415; Microsoft Academic Graph Identifier:2889850154

Exploring the differences between radiographic joint space width and MRI cartilage thickness changes using data from the IMI-APPROACH cohort

Auteurs: Mylène P. Jansen; Frank W. Roemer; Anne Karien C. A. Marijnissen; Margreet Kloppenburg; Francisco J. Blanco; Ida K. Haugen; Francis Berenbaum; Floris P. J. G. Lafeber; Paco M. J. Welsing; Simon C. Mastbergen; Wolfgang Wirth
Publié dans: Springer Science and Business Media LLCCrossref 2023
Identifiant permanent: Digital Object Identifier:10.1007/s00256-022-04259-3; PubMed ID:36607356; Handle:1887/3562172; Handle:2183/35032

Aging and osteoarthritis: Central role of the extracellular matrix

Auteurs: G. Nalesso; Ali Mobasheri; Ali Mobasheri; Ali Mobasheri; Masoud Mozafari; Maryam Rahmati
Publié dans: Elsevier BVAGEING RESEARCH REVIEWS 2017
Identifiant permanent: Digital Object Identifier:10.1016/j.arr.2017.07.004; PubMed ID:28774716; Microsoft Academic Graph Identifier:2740118744

Neuropathic pain in the IMI-APPROACH knee osteoarthritis cohort: prevalence and phenotyping

Auteurs: Eefje Martine van Helvoort; Paco M J Welsing; Mylène P Jansen; Willem Paul Gielis; Marieke Loef; Margreet Kloppenburg; Francisco Blanco; Ida K Haugen; Francis Berenbaum; Anne-C Bay-Jensen; Christoph Ladel; Agnes Lalande; Jonathan Larkin; John Loughlin; Ali Mobasheri; Harrie Weinans; Floris Lafeber; Niels Eijkelkamp; Simon Mastbergen
Publié dans: BMJ 2021
Identifiant permanent: Digital Object Identifier:10.1136/rmdopen-2021-002025; PubMed ID:34911812; PubMed Central ID:PMC8679113; Handle:2183/29374

Showing 1-10 out of 40

Ensemble de données

Structural tissue damage and 24-month progression of semi-quantitative MRI biomarkers of knee osteoarthritis in the IMI-APPROACH cohort

Auteurs: Roemer, Frank W.; Jansen, Mylène; Marijnissen, Anne C. A.; Guermazi, Ali; Heiss, Rafael; Maschek, Susanne; Lalande, Agnes; Blanco, Francisco J.; Berenbaum, Francis; van de Stadt, Lotte A.; Kloppenburg, Margreet; Haugen, Ida K.; Ladel, Christoph H.; Bacardit, Jaume; Wisser, Anna; Eckstein, Felix; Lafeber, Floris P. J. G.; Weinans, Harrie H.; Wirth, Wolfgang
Publié dans: figshare

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