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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-05-29

Power Oriented low cost and safe MatErials for Li-ion batteries

Final Report Summary - POMEROL (Power Oriented low cost and safe MatErials for Li-ion batteries)

The 'Power oriented low cost and safe materials for Li-ion batteries' (POMEROL) project was funded under the Sixth framework programme and was a consortium of participants aiming to develop materials of qualities as stated in the project's title. Work was performed globally on schedule for all partners involved in the work during the whole duration of the project.

All major milestones are reached. The selection of the first generation of materials was made as scheduled during month 15 (third technical meeting):
- Graphite materials were selected and up-scaled, rather early in the project. Second generation of materials is being studied, in particular to improve calendar life at elevated temperature.
- LiFePO4 material from Umicore was selected and scaled-up.
- Ionic liquids were identified and first electrolyte compositions designed. Cells using all these materials were assembled and delivered to the partners.
- MTA meeting was held on 1 June 2007 as scheduled in the proposal.
- The selection of materials for the final design was made during fifth technical meeting.
- For the negative electrode, SLS30 graphite from TIMCAL was selected because it meets all requirements with the best compromise between power and calendar life.
- For the positive electrode, low-moisture content LiFePO4 material from Umicore (with 150 nm primary particle and C-coating) was selected.
- Concerning electrolyte, SAFT standard electrolyte was chosen due to negative impacts on power and insufficient improvement in safety induced by ionic liquid-based electrolytes.
- It was decided to process positive and negative electrodes at SAFT with SAFT formulation and to assemble modules without electronics.

Some delays to mention on the electrodes deliveries by CEA during year two of the project due to difficulties to process electrodes with LiFePO4 and by SAFT during year three to produce final cells also due to difficulties to process electrodes with LiFePO4. 28 final cells have been produced by SAFT, nevertheless, they could not be delivered due to high self-discharge. It was proposed to perform deep post-mortem analyses of these cells (in progress) and to deliver one module with remaining cells from the second set of validators (with the same design as final cells) for last abuse test. Resources used were adequate to the work and to the achievement of the goals. The use of the resources was in good agreement with the planning.