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Contenu archivé le 2024-06-18

European Assessment of Global Publicly Funded Automotive Research – Targets and Approaches

Periodic Report Summary - EAGAR (European assessment of global publicly funded automotive research targets and approaches)

The FP7 project EAGAR benchmarks the current public automotive research activities at international level, in particular the European Union with North America, Japan, South Korea, India, China and selected other emerging economies. The European Commission has stated objectives to improve the competitive position of the EU for economic benefit. Benchmarking and competitor assessments are essential tools for developing strategic plans and focussing investments. Until now, there has been no perspective available to compare global RTD strategies and priorities.

EAGAR creates a methodology for collecting consistent information on automotive RTD to enable benchmark comparison between countries on an equal basis.

EAGAR identifies the national road transport visions and roadmaps, research priorities, supported key topics, technology pathway, as well as the level of investment. This enables a direct comparison of national automotive R&D policies relating to the environment (energy, CO2, pollution, recycling, noise), safety and congestion. The comparison of visions and roadmaps contributes to ERTRAC, the European Technology Platform for Road Transport and its Strategic Research Agenda and Implementation Plans.

The EAGAR study provides a key perspective on global investments designed to improve automotive technologies for a greener, safer and smarter road transport system. It will assist in defining the future direction of the European automotive sector. The benchmarking study benefits the competitiveness of Europe and enables the stakeholders to adjust its visions and plans for the future.

The first 12 months of the project were mainly dedicated to develop a robust methodology and to collect the data, which is necessary for the analysis. First results will be published in February 2010 and will be available from the project website,