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Contenu archivé le 2024-06-18

Baltic Grid Second Phase

Description du projet

e-Science Grid infrastructures

The Baltic Grid Second Phase (BalticGrid-II) project is designed to increase the impact, adoption and reach, and to further improve the support of services and users of the recently created e-Infrastructure in the Baltic States.
This will be achieved by an extension of the BalticGrid infrastructure to Belarus; interoperation of the gLite-based infrastructure with UNICORE and ARC based Grid resources in the region; identifying and addressing the specific needs of new scientific communities such as nano-science and engineering sciences; and by establishing new Grid services for linguistic research, Baltic Sea environmental research, data mining tools for communication modelling and bioinformatics.
The e-Infrastructure, based on the successful BalticGrid project, will be fully interoperable with the pan-European e-Infrastructures established by EGEE, EGEE associated projects, and the planned EGI, with the goal of a sustained e-Infrastructure in the Baltic Region.
The present BalticGrid e-Infrastructure of 26 clusters in five countries is envisaged to grow, both in capacity and capability of its computing resources.
The consortium is composed of 13 leading institutions in seven countries, with 7 institutions in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, 2 in Belarus, 2 in Poland, and one each in Sweden and Switzerland.
The overall vision is to support and stimulate scientists and services used in the Baltic region to conveniently access critical networked resources both within Europe and beyond, and thereby enable the formation of effective research collaborations.

Appel à propositions

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Contribution de l’UE
€ 416 596,00
100 44 Stockholm

Voir sur la carte

Östra Sverige Stockholm Stockholms län
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (12)