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Content archived on 2024-06-16

User empowerment in standardisation


This support action concentrates on the growing group of customers of higher age and customers with disabilities. The standardisation community is prepared to interact with these users, but not enough well trained users from user organisations are available to act in the standardisation process in a professional way. USEM takes up these main problems, by offering a concept, to user organisations, to empower users for full participation in standardisation. USEM stands for USer EMpowerment in standardisation.

USEM objectives are: facilitate participation of user organisations in standardisation; qualify users (who represent user organisations) with disabilities and elderly people for participation in European standardisation; improve European exchange of experiences by networking; increase the level of interaction with user societies between the EU countries and the European Disability Forum; disseminate information about standardisation.

USEM contains a concept for full and equal participation and a curriculum and training to empower the users. For the development of USEM we built upon the experiences of FORTUNE (1997). The base for USEM is an inventory of experiences with FORTUNE and of the structure of the standardisation field and processes. In USEM, user organisations cooperate as partners with knowledgeable institutions skilled in European standardisation.

The concept of national contacts in all the European countries and the involvement of the European Committee of Standardisation ensure a European dimension and build an excellent potential for information dissemination. Different user organisations around various disabilities from various European countries will be involved or addressed by the approach. USEM is the key to better developed standards, with all parties involved, resulting in better products in the IST field.


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Participants (8)