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Content archived on 2024-06-18


Final Report Summary - INTERCONNECT (Interconnection between short and long-distance transport networks)

Executive summary:

INTERCONNECT has examined the function of local, regional and intermodal transport interconnections where they form part of longer-distance and inter-regional passenger journeys in Europe, in order to address the potential for greater economic efficiency and reduced environmental impact.

The main goals of the project were to:

- reveal the extent, impact and causes of poor interconnectivity;
- identify existing good practice and potential solutions, analyse them using appropriate methods and establish their likely contribution to improving interconnectivity; and
- disseminate the findings widely and promote take-up of best practice.

These goals have been achieved through the work undertaken.

Early in the project an extensive literature review of key sources on current practice in interconnectivity uncovered relevant input from all countries in Europe and European Commission (EC)-wide documents. These key sources were analysed to identify particular examples of problems and barriers to interconnectivity that exist, as well as notable examples of good practice. At the same time as this literature review all relevant (European) national and EC-wide policy documents relating to interconnectivity were identified.

With the literature search database providing the main input, potential solutions for improving interconnectivity were identified, grouped in a number of thematic areas. The initial thematic areas were revised to better fit all the solutions identified, as follows:

- local link infrastructure solutions;
- improved public transport services;
- improvements at the interchange;
- improved procedures for check-in or luggage transfer;
- ticketing and marketing solutions; and
- enabling solutions.

Feedback from stakeholders on the applicability and relevance of all solutions identified in INTERCONNECT was sought at WCTR in July 2010, and also through an online questionnaire conducted in November 2010. This work led to the development of a matrix of solutions and their feasibility, applicability and potential impact on interconnectivity in long-distance passenger journeys. This forms the INTERCONNECT 'toolkit' reported in public deliverable D3.1 'An analysis of potential solutions for improving interconnectivity of passenger networks'.

A number of case studies of interconnectivity were analysed to show the real-world implementation of some of the solutions identified and their effectiveness in these locations. All case study reports are contained in D4.1 'Factors affecting interconnectivity in passenger transport'. A smaller number of 'test beds' were studied to analyse potential transferability of solutions to other situations.

D5.1 'Impacts of improved interconnectivity on a European scale', reports on the implications for EU policy that can be drawn from the analyses carried out, as well as the transferability of findings on interconnectivity to other situations, and also on the models and tools currently available for modelling interconnectivity at a European scale and the potential need for improved models. There was further investigation into models currently available to represent the impacts of interconnectivity and a meta-model based on trans-tools was developed. In addition the IC module was developed to allow for realistic modelling of interconnection facilities. The developed models were reported in D5.2 Meta-models for the analysis of interconnectivity, and D5.3 'Modelling module for interconnectivity', and were used in test bed analysis and also to provide conclusions on the impacts of good practices in interconnectivity as reported in D5.4 'Conclusions and recommendations' from the INTERCONNECT project.