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Centre of Excellence for the Design of Efficient and Safe Aircraft

Final Report Summary - CEDESA (Centre of Excellence for the Design of Efficient and Safe Aircraft)

Executive Summary:
Project CEDESA of Work programme CAPACITIES of EU 7FP helped to support improvement in IAE-BUT quality of know-how, human resources and research equipment. Additional effects of project are the higher visibility of IAE-BUT in scientific and industrial community and wide publicity and dissemination of received experiences.

IAE-BUT already was one of leading institutions in Czech aeronautic area and thanks to EU support also has been joined to European Aeronautical research community and is sensed as an equivalent partner for development and research.
Project Context and Objectives:
The overall aim of the CEDESA project was to upgrade the existing research capacity in aerodynamics and aircraft structures at the Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Brno University of Technology (IAE-BUT) to the highest European level and create Centre of Excellence for the Design of Efficient and Safe Aircraft. The activities should help to increase IAE-BUT’s competitiveness and visibility in the most advanced topics of aerodynamics and aircraft structures.
Essential activities of the CEDESA project were IAE-BUT´s twinning partnerships with 4 specialist research organisations for know-how exchange plus increasing IAE-BUT´s human potential by hiring 6 experienced researchers. Also, project activities included organising secondments with the twinning partners, increasing IAE-BUT´s technology potential as well as organising workshops and international conferences to increase IAE-BUT´s visibility.

The CEDESA project’s progress was collected in 6 workpackages described by objectives:

WP1- Know-How and Experience Exchange - Develop IAE-BUT’s Strategic Research Partnership
Twinning partnerships with 4 specialist research organisations was essential activity for the project.
Twinning partners were:
- European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company Innovation Works (EADS);
- Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI);
- Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR);
- Materials Engineering Research Laboratory Ltd (MERL).
The twinning researchers worked on key project themes - Aerodynamics and Aircraft Structures. The target was measured by person months (PM) of individual researchers exchange stays.

WP2) Recruitment by IAE-BUT - Increase IAE-BUT’s Human Potential
The objective of this WP was to attract highly qualified researchers, who would be able to enhance the Institute potential. The quantifiable aim was to hire 6 experienced researchers and 1 research manager.

WP3) Development and Upgrade of Research Equipment - Increase IAE-BUT’s Technology Potential
The main objective was to upgrade existing research capacity in areas of computer modelling, structural testing a durability analysis. Particular procurements for the acquisition were computer cluster, fatigue actuators, personal workstations, optical measurement system and up to date mechanical testing system.

WP4) Workshop and Conference Organization - Increase IAE-BUT’s Scientific Visibility
This WP was focused on raising a scientific awareness of the Institute and its research and development possibilities. The targets were organisation of international conference (2), bilateral seminars with twinning partners (6), conference and workshop participation (6), international partners supporting IAE-BUT with organising workshops and conferences (3), reports (2).

WP5) Dissemination and promotional Activities - Increase IAE-BUT’s Technology transfer for socio-economic needs.
The first aim was to design and published project website. Next aim was a market research identifying commercial potential for aerospace engineering R&D services. Continuous activities were linked with workshops organization and publishing news.

WP6) Evaluation Facility - Ensure Research Quality and Capability
For the real quality evaluation there was planned these targets: 3 international experts on project Evaluation Board, 3 annual reports, project evaluation report and project road map report.
Project Results:
WP1) Know-How and Experience Exchange

The secondments between the IAE-BUT and the twinning partners were the main tool for know-how and experience exchange, which was the main CEDESA project goal. The WP objective was to develop IAE-BUT’s strategic research partnerships and to work together with the partners to learn and receive know-how on partner defined specific themes. Each theme was solved from two sides – during the secondment at the partner institution and also at IAE-BUT after comeback.

The cooperation with EADS was a significant and prestige opportunity in aviation, therefore the twinning here was very important for know-how exchange. 4 individual IAE-BUT researchers visited to EADS:
1. Ondrej Lajza (7,5PM)
During his stay at EADS, Ondrej undertook training and work experience in the research topic Optimization of aerodynamic shapes with respect to in-flight contamination and its behaviour (T4). He joined a team developing small scale high-speed wind tunnel for airfoil ice accretion contamination resistant coatings testing.
Ondrej performed the following activities during his secondment stay - design of test wind tunnel section, detailed CFD analysis of the droplet delivery system, design of a flow quality calibration test section, experimental validation of lift and drag forces on testing airfoil, experimental validation of the flow quality and comparison to CFD analysis, and calibration of main experimental measurement equipment.
2. Pavel Zikmund (6PM)
During his stay at EADS, Pavel has worked on the research topic Optimization of aerodynamic shapes with respect to in-flight contamination and its behaviour (T4).
His main task was to manage insect impact experiments in a wind tunnel. The primary use of the tunnel is for airfoil icing and insect contamination investigations. So, his work hasd required modifying the tunnel and its delivery system for the demanded tests. The work includesd CFD simulations, analytical aerodynamics analysis and CAD design.
3. Tomas Urik (6PM)
Tomas was focused on structure behaviour under static and fatigue loading, Damage tolerance (T5). During his stay at EADS, the four research topics were studied: 1. Finite element topology optimization of aircraft part for additive layer manufacturing technology with incorporation of bionic principles, 2. Analyses of behaviour of hybrid adhesive bonded overlap joints consisted of titanium and carbon substrates, 3. Experimental investigation of adhesive properties of ice on different kind of surface by dynamic vibration measurement technique, 4. Parametric study of pin pattern and shape in multiple pin joint by finite element analyses.
4. Tomas Katrnak (6,5PM)
Tomas was focused on structure behavior under fatigue loading, Damage tolerance (T5). During his stay at EADS, Tomas undertook training and work experience in the research topic EFFECT OF SURFACE ROUGHNESS ON FATIGUE PROPERTIES. At this topic the analyses in ABAQUS FEM software and AFGROW analytical software, stress intensity factor and J-integral investigation on the crack tip, comparisons of numerical and analytical results, surface roughness analyses, notch and porosity analyses, and simulations of crack propagation were done.

The twinning secondments with the Swedish Defence Research Agency run exactly according to the plan:
1. Jiri Hradil (6PM+3PM+3PM)
During his stay at FOI, Jiri undertook training and work experience in the research topic Aerodynamic shape optimization. Jiri focused on main tasks connected with free-form deformation (FFD) parameterization of geometry and its development for use in aerodynamic shape optimization of complex shapes. He worked on cases of 2D airfoil optimization and wing shape wing shape optimization with CFD.
The following list summarizes the performed activities: adaptive Free-Form Deformation parameterization, aerodynamic airfoil and wing shape optimization (EDGE).
2. Jan Navratil (6PM+3PM+2,5PM)
Jan is focused on Aerodynamic design and optimization of elastic wings (T2). He was on the twinning stay from April 2012, than followed two more stays. He solved mainly fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problem. He gained knowledge related to principle of coupled field formulation of FSI, i.e. derivation of coupling matrix based on radial basis functions. The coupling was tested on highly swept transonic wing.
He worked on development of a tool for derivation of the equivalent beam model from complex finite element model of a wing. In an initial stage, a feasibility of an optimization based approach was evaluated. The target structure was a beam with linearly varying cross-section. An influence of a number of optimization variables on convergence to target structure was tested. It was shown that a simplified problem, i.e. assumption of the beam cross-section shape and its distribution (polynomial) along the beam, led to better posed problem. In future, relaxed assumptions (distribution of cross-section according higher polynomial) and estimation of dynamic properties of structure will be incorporated to the tool.

The twinning secondments with DLR did unfortunately not proceeded according to the original plan. The reason was due to the long term (more than 1,5 year) reconstruction of testing facility and spatial adjustments at DLR. Next delay was prolonged by subsequent commercial tests. In order to keep the cooperation it was necessary to adapt the plan and there was given a priority to the simulations before testing and experimental activities.
1. Michal Malis (4PM)
During his stay at DLR, Michal worked on the research topic Porosity – Effects of Defects (T8). During his stay, Michal has worked on collecting relevant data and learning software tools used in DLR. He was investigating the single perturbation load concept which is a promising approach for identification of buckling performance of an imperfection sensitive unstiffened cylinder from composite materials. The concept was invented by Dr. Christian Hühne in DLR in 2007. Many questions remain unanswered, which would enable greater application of the concept.
A brief description of some of his other work is as follows: Study relevant papers regarding unstiffened cylinders made of composite materials, Development of a tool for buckling load calculation using semi-analytical approach, Application of non-dimensional stiffness and stacking eccentricity parameters on semi-analytical buckling calculations.
2. Pavel Schor (2,2PM+1,8PM)
Pavel during his stay worked on topics: Visualization of imperfect composite cylinders, stochastic modelling of composite cylinders, gap detection on composite structures. He received experiences in topics non-linear post-buckling simulations in ABAQUS, experience with powerful visualization libraries VTK, matplotlib, openCV, development of large software projects, stochastic approach to design problems.

The twinning secondments with the Element Hitchin (MERL) was originally assumed in range 7PM, than during prolongation the range was increased up to 13PM. Unfortunatelly only 8,45PM were fulfiled:
1. Jaroslav Juracka (1PM)
During the stay at MERL, UK the topic Experimental Testing of Crack Propagation in Delaminated Composite Structure (T9) was defined. Both participants (Jaroslav Juracka and Vladimir Matejak) were cooperating there.
Jaroslav participated in the following activities: Familiarisation with company activities and organization, Presentation of BUT activity and discussion about possible joint activities and topics, Study of Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Throuth-Tickness Cracks, Learning of Abaqus FEM software control, ABAQUS FEM analysis software practices, first analyses, Fatigue tests for crack initiation and growth investigation of tapered carbon laminates, Open mode Fracture Toughness testing by ASTM 5528 of woven fabric specimens, Open mode Creep Toughness tests (specimen preparation, preliminary test realisation, reporting) of woven fabric specimens.
2. Vladimir Matejak (3PM+3PM)
Vladimir continued with the research topic Experimental Testing of Crack Propagation in Delaminated Composite Structure (T9), which had originally been started by Jaroslav Juracka. During his stay Vladimir worked on several projects involving both experimental and numerical modelling aspects.
The main area of activity was the testing of composite materials for aerospace applications with particular emphasis on damage characterization. Because of client confidentiality issues, details of some of the projects he worked on cannot be reported. A brief description of some of the other work is as follows: Static and Creep delamination testing of composite materials under Mode I loading conditions, Mode I, Mode II and Mixed mode static testing of carbon-carbon composite panels for glider wings, Mixed mode static testing of Carbon-Glass reinforced composites specimens, etc.
Vladimir´s second stay was focused on the research topic Global/local delamination modelling for damage tolerant composite structures (T10). He worked on several projects involving both experimental and numerical modelling aspects.
A brief description of some of the other work is as follows: FE modelling of complex mechanisms in Abaqus to identify reasons of in-service failure and evaluation of possible re-design concepts through FEA to prevent failure; Developing FE models of hail impact on composite panels; Experimental testing of ice impact on composite panel, development and calibration of ice firing facility.
3. Volodymyr Symonov (1,25PM)
During the stay Volodymyr started with learning of ABAQUS Standard and Explicit by modelling of metal and composite materials including elastic and plastic behaviour, damage, Linear and non-linear simulations, eigenvalue problems and contact and building and simulation of a business jet model for training and marketing purposes (using conventional shell elements, metal and composite materials, contact). Next he made parametric studies of metal and composite thin square plates shear buckling using ABAQUS Standard. The main purpose of these studies is to find buckling load/stress vs the plate side length to thickness ratio dependencies. Also Simulation of aluminium and composite laminate plates shear by four-link chain in order to check the parameters of the plates for real tests was done.

Within the WP1 also 1 individual MERL researchr visited IAE-BUT:
1.Vladimir Matejak (1PM)
Vladimir visited IAE-BUT at the frame of know-how transfer. He spent one month at the IAE-BUT during laboratory testing and simulation of crack progress. He supervised the young researchers and made introduction course to simulation technique, testing of specimens and test data processing on new test machine with optical measurement system.

More information about fulfilling WP1 targets can be found in the deliverables D1.1 D1.2 and D1.3.

WP2) Recruitment by IAE-BUT

The WP objective was to Increase IAE-BUT’s Human Potential. The aim was to attract highly qualified researchers, who would be able to enhance the IAE-BUT’s potential. The quantifiable aim was to hire 6 experienced researchers and 1 research manager. Overall, meeting the objectives of WP2 was very challenging due to the absence of available aeronautical research experts in Europe.

The recruitment strategy was described in deliverable D2.1 which thoroughly describes the recruitment mechanism and approach to ensure sustainability of the recruitment at CEDESA project.
The report contains - the detailed description of the recruitment process including required skills, selection process, time schedule for the recruitment and the hiring and evaluation processes for selecting the researchers and the research manager.

Recruitment of experienced researchers
The recruitment process started according to the mentioned recruitment strategy by ROUND 1 in 01-2011, when there were published 7 advertisements in specialized magazines and websites, in major public newspapers and the experts shortlisted for interview were contacted by letter. Even though there were 22 applications in this round, the campaign only resulted in 1 successful experienced researcher from Greece as an expert in topic A1.
ROUND 2 begun in 07-2011 and there were published 5 advertisements now only in specialized magazines and websites, 1 advertisement in HR website and the experts shortlisted for interview were contacted by letter. On this occasion, there were 6 applications with the result that 3 experienced researchers (experts in topics A1, B1 and B2) were hired from the Czech Republic and from Slovakia.
ROUND 3 started in 03-2012 and there were published 4 advertisements in specialized magazines and websites and the experts and universities shortlisted for interview were contacted by the letter. On this occasion, there was only 1 application, which was successful, so the result was 1 experienced researcher (expert in topics A2) was hired from Slovakia.
The recruitment process progressed according to the recruitment strategy by ROUND 4 (the final round). The maximum priority was given to ensure the researchers have the necessary level of expertise rather than fulfilling the targets at any cost. It started in 08-2012 and the evaluation was in 09-2012. There were 2 applications (both international, Ukrainian and Greek) in this round and both candidates seem to fulfill requirements defined for the position. Finally, Volodymyr Symonov, from Ukraine, was chosen and he has beenis a member of CEDESA team since 1.11.2013.

Recruitment of experienced researcher manager
The recruitment process was run simultaneously with the process of hiring of experienced researchers. The only difference was in job description and professional requirements.
After 2 rounds without any applicants, in ROUND 3 there came an application from an experienced project manager (although from a different engineering branch). After a personal interview the applicant was accepted.

Detailed description about the recruitment process can be found in deliverables D2.2 and D2.3.

WP3) Development and Upgrade of Research Equipment

A major objective of the CEDESA project was the reinforcement of IAE-BUT’s research potential. Part of the way to achieve that aim was through the upgrade of IAE-BUT’s research facilities. In precise terms, that meant purchasing a high performance cluster computer to support complex computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculations in the field of aerodynamic and for complex finite element modelling (FEM) calculations in structural design (Research Topics A1, A2, B1 and B2), purchasing new fatigue actuators, unique contactless optical measurement system (Research Topics B1 and B2) and high performance personal workstations for experienced researchers as CFD and FEM analysis preparation and evaluation (Research Topics A1, A2,
B1 and B2).
A significant portion of the budget was dedicated to purchasing and upgrading equipment. During the first 5 months of the project, a change in the requirements specification for the equipment was necessary. Part of the original budget allocated for personal computers (EUR 28,800) was used EUR 9,000 for the upgrade of the existing software CATIA with the new module “Aerospace Sheetmetal Design 3” (ASD3). Thanks to the upgrade to the new software it has enabled significantly more effective preparation of CAD models for CFD and FEM analyses (in both major CEDESA topics, A and B) - using tools optimized for aerospace use.
Nevertheless, the remaining EUR 19,800 allocated for personal computers were used for its original purpose. Also, IAE-BUT has used additional resources outside of the CEDESA project to purchase personal computers for researchers. That helped to ensure that CEDESA researchers have had access to both upgraded PC equipment and to state-of-the-art software tools.
Please note that these budget changes were approved by the CEDESA project EU officer Antonio Balestrieri (see details in deliverable D3.1) later by Lucas Janssen and finally according Annex I / DoW for Grant Agreement No: 264084 from 19th March 2013.
The Amendment confirms also request for the Up to date mechanical testing system. It was was purchased close the end of project research activity (M42).
Targets for WP3 were fulfilled. A detailed description you can find in deliverables D3.1 and D3.2.

WP4) Workshop and Conference Organization

The WP objective was to increase IAE-BUT’s scientific visibility. This WP was focused on raising scientific awareness of the IAE-BUT and its research and development possibilities.

International conferences organized by IAE-BUT
The organization of two international conferences at IAE-BUT was planned within the FP7 CEDESA project. The conferences should be open to researchers from EU countries as well as to industrial partners.
The first international conference (well-known conference READ 2012) was organized in October 2012. The conference took place in Brno from 17th - 19th October 2012 and over 60 participants from not only European countries accepted the call ( The second international conference (conference NTCA 2013) was organized in June 2013. The conference took place at Zilina University Campus from 21st - 22nd June 2013 with 55 participants from 8 European countries ( The official language for both, presentations and papers, was English. The invitations were accepted by well-known researchers and scientist from institutions across the World.
Detailed description can be found in deliverable D4.3. International conference organization report and deliverable D4.4 Second international conference organization report.

Bilateral seminars with twinning partners
The organization of six bilateral seminars was foreseen with the DoW of the CEDESA project. The seminars were organized by IAE-BUT to coincide with the know-how exchanges with FOI, DLR, EADS and MERL. Those seminars supported information exchange on research interests, knowledge, outputs from research, cooperation possibilities. They also helped to improve the visibility of IAE-BUT. During project twelve bilateral seminars were organized.

Conferences & workshops attended by IAE-BUT
In accordance with the DoW, IAE-BUT researchers were expected to attend international conferences and two workshops.
The researchers presented their research results and the latest developments at 12 conferences and workshops.
Detailed description about the conferences, workshops and presented papers can be found in deliverable D4.1.

International partners supporting IAE-BUT with organizing workshops & conferences
The first international conference READ 2012, arranged by IAE-BUT was supported by international partner DLR. Dr Degendhart provided a workshop.
The second international conference NTCL 2013 was arranged by IAE-BUT and Zilina University in Zilina, Slovak Republic. This join conference was supported by INTELLIGENTSIA Consultants, which took care about marketing of the event and preparation of conference materials for attendants.

Summary reports for workshops & conferences
There was a plan for two reports. The first one was published as a deliverable D4.2 Report on participation in workshops and conferences, second D4.4. Second International conference organization report.

WP5) Dissemination and Promotional Activities

The objective was to continue in increasing IAE-BUT’s technology transfer for socio-economic needs. Continuous activities were linked with workshops organization and publishing news. The plan was to organize 3 workshops and to publish 1 news.

CEDESA project website
The target CEDESA project website was a creation of a professional-looking CEDESA project website with regular updates of project news and events and publications throughout the project duration.
The website was created and published according to the plan at the domain

Published news concerning project events and results
The plan was to publish 3-4 news about the project. News concerning the project were published regularly as a project Newsletter, which were sent via e-mails to project partners and for those who were signed in the project website for this. Then it was placed in the project website (

Dissemination workshops with regional aircraft industry
A planned part of the CEDESA project in mentioned period was also the organization of regular workshops (1-2 per year) for two-way knowledge transfer about aerodynamics and aircraft structures research activities with regional industry, SMEs and other research institutions from the aerospace and non-aerospace sectors (e.g. automotive, marine and rail transport). The regional industry should receive news on the latest technological developments thus helping to give them to gain a competitive advantage). Also, feedback from industry should help to influence IAE-BUT’s research.
4 workshops were organized during the both period of the project.

Workshops to organize FP7, H2020 R&D proposal submissions
In order to increase IAE-BUT’s participation in the European Research Area (ERA) and EU R&D programmes - as well as increase IAE-BUT’s technology transfer for socio-economic needs – it was targeted to organize at least one workshop per year to focus on the preparation of FP7 R&D proposals.
Workshops organization:
- 1st FP7 Workshop took place at IAE-BUT on May, 12th 2011. The main objective of the workshop was to introduce the FP7 Research for SMEs and EUREKA Eurostars programs to a small group of Czech aerospace SMEs and discuss possible R&D proposal ideas of interest to them for the up-and-coming calls.
- 2nd FP7 Workshop was held at IAE-BUT from 2nd of July 2012 to 5th of July 2012. The main objective of the workshop was proposal discussion of National Aerospace University "KhAI" with its R&D manager Igor Rybalchenko. The project name is CASCO and it is still subject of negotiations.
- Final workshop „ IAE-BUT CEDESA workshop for partners “, 21.2.2014 BUT IAE (approx. 21 participants). The possibility of project financial support by Horizon 2020 was presented.

For higher chances to participate on other EU FP7 projects there were made business travels to other meetings for proposals negotiation:
- 21-02-2012 – 23-1-2012, Robert Popela - Jet Stream Airsail - IAE-BUT helped to prepare and submit a FP7 proposal called “Jet Stream Airsail”. The proposal was submitted to the FP7 Transport Work Programme Topic: Breakthrough and emerging technologies, Activity AAT.2012.6.3-1 Call Identifier FP7-AAT-2012-RTD-L0. The proposal consortium consists of ONERA (French aerospace research institute), Delft University, SUPAERO Toulouse (French aerospace oriented university), IAE-BUT and Bauhaus Luftfahrt (German research organization focused on aerospace future designs).
- June 5th - 7th,2012, Luxemburg, Buxeles, Jaroslav Juracka - Hybrid Electric Powered Light Aircraft (HEPLA) - The proposal consortium involves IAE-BUT, University of Luxembourg, Skyleader a.s. (Czech), Electroengine SA (Luxembourg), Cleancarb Sarl (Luxembourg), DM-Prop (Slovak), and Josef Bozek Research Centre of Engine and Automotive Engineering (Czech). The project’s original aim was to develop a hybrid electric powered version of the Skyleader SL600 light aircraft and demonstrate a 25% reduction in fuel consumption (currently approximately 16.2 l/h in cruise and 24l/h during take-off for typical engine - Rotax 912) and 50% reduction in exhaust emissions (compared to current fossil fuel version).
- Hybrid Electric Powered Light Aircraft (HEPLA) -Workshops took place in Abigdon, UK (Juracka) on September 3rd - 4th , 2012. Submied project did not be supported by EC.
- 24-05-2012 - 26-05-2012, Robert Popela - Non-Linear aerodynamic optimization in Industrial Aircraft Design (ILIADE), coordinated by FOI - the IAE-BUT team is involved in the project preparation, but all other information are not yet publishable.
- CLEAN SKY 2 Workshops - The main objective of the workshops was to introduce the JTI arrangement and the possibility collect partners for possible proposal. CLEAN SKY 2 Workshops took place in Warsaw (Palko) on April, 10th -11th , 2013, in Prague (Juracka) on January, 14th , 2014 and in Wien (Hlinka) on January 24th, 2014. As output of first meeting the proposal for “VibTor” project was submitted at SP1-JTI-CS-2013-02 on October 2013.
- Advanced Aerostructure Research Centre is proposal and workshops arranged for preparation of centre at the frame national Competence Centres Programme. The significant companies and research entities are covered in now negotiated project. Workshops and meetings were arranged in Prague in 14.11.2012 21.3.2013 28.3.2013. During summer 2014 the negotiation with Technology Agency started.
- Garteur AG52 face to face meeting (Dvorak) took place in INTA, Madrid on February 18th-21st 2014 focused on evaluation and comparison of surrogate-based global optimization methods in preliminary aerodynamic design. The main objectives of the meeting were review pending actions & update the project schedule.
- Dvorak - Köln on Rhein - AUVSI Unmanned Systems Europe conference was held in Collogne, Germany on 15-16/10/2013. The main aim of the conference and workshop was to discuss future prospects of unmanned systems in European context within the upcoming regulative workflow.
- Preparation of other national research projects ALFA program aims to support applied research and experimental development especially at the frame call by Technology Agency - 5 projects were submitted. Workshop was arranged in Prague in 21.11.2013
- Dvorak: Bilateral meeting with representatives of VTULaPVO took place in Prague on 16.4.2013. Negotiation regarding a proposed UAV consortium and funding possibilities was the main goal of the meeting.

Detailed descriptions can be found in deliverables D5.4 and D5.5.

Market research report identifying commercial potential for aerospace engineering R&D services
The overall aim of the FP7 CEDESA project iswas to upgrade the existing research capacity in aerodynamics and aircraft structures at the Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Brno University of Technology (IAE-BUT), to the highest European level and create a Centre of Excellence for the Design of Efficient and Safe Aircraft. Within this context, and in order to ensure the sustainability of the Centre of Excellence, the purpose of this market research report wasis to help IAE-BUT to identify and exploit R&D opportunities in aerodynamics, aircraft structure and composite behaviour during the next 5 years. Consequently, the report has beenwas structured in the following sections:
1. Aerospace and Related Sectors – which provides a synthesis of the aerospace, road transport, wind and tidal energy sectors with respect to the factors driving industrial R&D
2. IAE-BUT’s R&D Capabilities - which summarizes IAE-BUT’s aerospace research activities and laboratory facilities
3. Potential Research Funding Sources - which highlights funding programmes in the Czech Republic and in Europe that can support aerospace related R&D
4. Potential Research Partners - which identifies and recommends European organizations that successfully participate in aerospace related R&D projects
5. Strategic Next Steps - which outlines practical steps over the next five years for IAE-BUT to exploit the available R&D funding opportunities

The report has 42 pages and it is published as deliverable D5.3.

WP6) Evaluation Facility

The main objectives of WP6 Evaluation was definition of progress done during CEDESA project (comparison with other research and education entities) and future progress.

International experts on CEDESA Evaluation Board
For the quality evaluation, the attendance of 3 international experts on a project Evaluation Board before 05-2012 was planned. In the second period of the program the EC defined following international independent experts:
- Prof. Johan Wideberg, University of Seville - President of the Evaluation team
- Prof. Piotr Doerffer, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk
- Prof. Argiris Laskarakis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
For monitoring of CEDESA team activities the Annual reports were defined as deliverables D7.4 D7.5 and D7.6.

CEDESA Evaluation Report
As a result of evaluation activities the report was required. After discussion in 3Y Steering Committee meeting (with participation of Evaluation Board) the two parts of report were defined. Firstly the CEDESA team fill the evaluation criteria (defined by Intelligentsia Consultants according international practice) and then Evaluation Board created main report after two visits February and May 2014).
Potential Impact:
Thanks to recruitment of new researchers (brining new approaches and skills) and really wide twining there has been started further development of IAE-BU. Very good outcomes of twining and new contacts established the further twining out of the CEDESA project frame were arranged. Another positive result was reflection of increase in know-how in publications level.

Based on established cooperation with CEDESA partners a several EU project proposals has been discussed and three of them submitted (CASCO, HEPLA, ILIADE). All unfortunately without successful funding. Next activities were stopped by calls gap between 7RP and Horizon 2020. Involvement to CLEAN SKY II activity is possible only at the frame Call for proposal from 2015.

With respect to mentioned calls gap new activities in national tenders were arranged. Together with main Czech aeronautical companies the “Advanced Aerostructures Research centre” proposal has been prepared and after successful validation it will be started from January 2015. This project should cover future long time cooperation in the area of Damage Tolerance of Aircraft structure research.

There was also established close cooperation with industrial partners based on contractual basis. Several such a projects were started – e.g. development of ballistic recovery systems for UAV drones with Galaxy GRS Ltd. (patented design developed), huge campaign of composite structures specimen qualification for UK based company, development of cryogenic testing device for ESA ITT developed switch for Italian company has been discussed and contract is under preparation.
List of Websites: