Other documents
- Multi-lingual summarisation of stream media software - v1
- Clustering models for discovery of regional and demographic variation
- summarisation-ugc-chapter
- Multilingual resources and evaluation of knowledge modelling - resubmission
- Architecture for distributed text annotation and trend mining over media streams - v1
- Multilingual summarisation of stream media software v2
- Application final results
- First Annual Public report
- Integration of all annotations generated by the new NLP tools
- Application final results
- Multilingual, ontology-based IE from stream media v2
- Regression models of trends - v2
- Real-time Stream Media Collection - v1
- Harmonsiation of the newly generated domain-specific language data and tools
- Dissemination and exploitation report v2
- Market Watch v2
- D2.1.1 Knowledge and Provenance Modelling and Stream Reasoning
- Evaluation results report
- Integration of all lexical and terminological data in the TrendMiner platform
- Multilingual, ontology-based IE from stream media - v1
- Architecture for distributed text annotation v2
- Multi paradigm search software
- Knowledge & Provenance Modelling and Stream Reasoning v2
- Multilingual resources and evaluation of knowledge modelling
- Real-time Stream Media Processing Platform and Cloud-based Deployment v2
- Deployment of the two new use cases as web services (SaaS) at the partner Daedalus
- D3.1.1 - Regression models of trends in streaming data
- Tools for Mining Non-stationary Data-v2
- Market Watch - v1
- Experimental results on sequential computation