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Content archived on 2024-05-30

Development, construction, integration, and progress toward to two-phase device monitoring and qualification on aircrafts


The proposed project is part of the Cleansky Eco-Design activities for the all (or more) electric aircrafts. The main targets of the call are related to improved aircraft weight, improved electronic equipment life cycles & reduced maintenance thanks to the use of highly efficient passive (“green”) thermal control systems (as already used on satellite systems).

Technical objectives:
The EHP proposal is part of the ECO-Design ITD and will address the development, and qualification aspects of highly efficient two-phase cooling devises such as heat pipes and loop heat pipes to be used on board of aeronautical aircrafts.
The main objectives are :
• Qualify two-phase heat transfer devises in accordance with specific aeronautical requirements such as :
o High acceleration loads
o Long duration vibration stresses
• Reduce global aircraft weight at equipment and/or system level => reduce aircraft consumption and increase operating range
• Lower impact on environment through the use of passive and maintenance free thermal equipments
• Increase reliability of controlled equipment (power electronics) => decrease repair and maintenance aspects
The Ammonia HP and LHP products are today baselined (with a TRL 9) on all Space satellites or payloads thanks to the reliable capability provided by these “isothermal” lightweight thermal management devises.
Non-space applications are also more and more considered for these two-phases devises to be used on high power electronic (railway applications) or primary flight control actuators.
The AeroL-HP products will be developped up to CDR level with qualification of the two-phase hardware. From a technical side, the proposed thermal link will have to provide a reliable and competitive (generic, modular and low cost) product (Rejected power/mass). The thermal link will be a scalable system able to address payload dissipations from 30W (TBC) up to 900W (or higher).

Call for proposal

See other projects for this call


EU contribution
€ 269 932,50
Rue de l'Industrie 24
1400 Nivelles

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Région wallonne Prov. Brabant Wallon Arr. Nivelles
Activity type
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Total cost
No data