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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenido archivado el 2024-06-18

Atom chips on the submicron scale: Routes to hybrid cold atom-quantum electronics devices


This project merges two very successful branches of science, solid state and ultra cold atom physics. Although a combination of quantum systems from each of these fields is of great interest, interactions between the two fields remain rare. In this project we will develop a platform to cool and trap ultracold rubidium gases in the submicron vicinity of novel types of atom chips (current chips: 10-100 microns).Only at this distance scale, efficient, fast and sufficiently strong controlled coupling between the atomic and the solid state based quantum electronic system will be possible. The close surface limitations can be beaten by reducing influences of Casimir-Polder surface attraction, Johnson noise and trapping potential roughness due to fabrication imperfections.The project encompasses fabrication of thin membrane atom chips with two-dimensional electron gases (2DEG) and magnetic materials coupling to ultracold thermal and Bose-condensed atomic samples at submicron distances. As a first application we will map out and control the current and donor distribution of a 2DEG.
This project is set within the Midlands Ultracold Atom Research Centre at the University of Nottingham interlinking scientists and research at the interface between atomic and condensed matter physics. The project brings a researcher who constructed a pioneering cryogenic cold atom apparatus at TU Vienna into the cold atom group of Scientist-in-Charge Prof. Peter Krüger with its experience in quantum gases and atom chips. In this thriving environment fast development of novel hybrid devices can be expected with quantum technology applications ranging from quantum information processing to metrology (Casimir forces, minute magnetic field patterns). Hence this project targets areas of national and European priority in an interdisciplinary area of leadership of science and technology within the European Research Area.

Convocatoria de propuestas

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Aportación de la UE
€ 209 033,40
University Park
NG7 2RD Nottingham
Reino Unido

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Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Contacto administrativo
Paul Cartledge (Mr.)
Coste total
Sin datos