Final Report Summary - ELIQUID (Best Engineering Training in Electric, Lightweight and Quiet Driving)
The eLiQuiD project (Best Engineering Training in Electric, Lightweight and Quiet Driving) aims to bring together early stage researchers and experienced specialists from key players in academia and industry across Europe covering NVH, LWD and H/E disciplines to form a broad range of backgrounds. Recent research underlines the strong interaction and shows the often conflicting demands of these 3 topics.
Consequently, an optimum for future vehicle development requires an interdisciplinary education in this triangle of topics. eLiQuiD’s focus is to motivate and encourage early stage researchers for scientific work in the new interdisciplinary research fields NVH+LWD, LDW+H/E and H/E+NVH. The fellows are trained and supported in their phase of doctoral thesis to find innovative PhD topics as well as to receive specific education in theoretical and practical trainings. The education will comprise existing lectures in the partner network as well as training specifically developed for the interdisciplinary needs.
The eLiQuiD consortium is formed by three organizations, combining leading education and research institutions as well as an associated partner well established in European automotive R&D to assist in the dissemination and outreach of the eLiQuiD results. Thus the fellows participate in both the scientific research work and the practical application of new methods of testing and simulation and they profit from extended international knowledge after their academic education when starting to work in the industry.
eLiQuiD was funded by the EC as a Marie Curie European Industrial Doctorate under Grant Agreement 316422 in the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) and ran over a period of 4 years (October 2012 – September 2016). The project brought together the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) as academic partner, Virtual Vehicle Research Center (ViF) as industrial research centre and the European Automotive Research Partners Association (EARPA) as associated partner and together hosted 4 researchers, drawing together skills and expertise in a range of different technical approaches. ViF and EARPA brought specific applications that embed generic difficulties associated with NVH of electrified vehicles, while KU Leuven brought a diverse range of innovative approaches and the capability of research training, provision of courses and dissemination to the wider community. Together the consortium developed and promoted research, knowledge and application of NVH analysis and design techniques within the EU industry.
Near the end of the 4-year eLiQuiD project, each of the 4 Fellows has written a self-assessment report. An Open Access book publication (freely downloadable on the project website) collects these public domain reports, providing an insight in the theoretical development of each of the approaches studied within eLiQuiD and giving an assessment on their industrial applicability, on open research questions and future challenges. The authors hope that these reports may help others in tackling the substantial challenges still existing in NVH assessment of electrified vehicles.
Wim Desmet, Bert Pluymers, Project coordinators,