Other documents
- Definition of the MPA Procedure
- Second dissemination report
- Survey on Research Expectations of European Companies
- Report on third-year mobility and awards
- Second report on tools and their integration on the experimental setups
- Overall assessment of selected techniques on energy- and bandwidth-efficient communications
- Consolidated results at EuWIN@CTTC
- Open Lab access and experimental setups EuWIn@CNRS/Eurecom and preliminary plan of activities
- Final results obtained in the lab infrastructures
- Experimental results over the lab infrastructures
- Final results of N#JRAs on opportunistic and cooperative communications
- Description of EuWIn@CTTC technical facilities and interfaces, and preliminary plan of activities
- NEWCOM# Management Book
- Final report on tools and their integration on the experimental setups
- Final yearly report on scientific management and strategy for network sustainability
- Third period workshops and conferences activity report and CD ROM of the 3rd N# Annual Conference
- Report on second-year mobility and awards
- Consolidated results on the performance limits of wireless communications
- Intermediate results of N#JRAs on opportunistic and cooperative communications
- Third report on Web Tools usage
- Analysis of initial results at EuWIN@CTTC
- Report on relevant journals, editors, topics and main contributors
- Second report on Web Tools usage
- Report on education and training activities during year 2
- Final dissemination report
- Final report on planned/launched journal special issues, book chapters and books
- Second yearly report on scientific management
- Report on education and training activities during year 3
- Techniques and performance analysis on energy- and bandwidth-efficient communications and networking
- Second report on planned/launched journal special issues, book chapters and books