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Contenido archivado el 2024-06-18

A mobility action in Interaction Design Research Focused on Natural Motion Capturing Process for Creative Industries

Periodic Report Summary 1 - NAMOCAP (A mobility action in Interaction Design Research Focused on Natural Motion Capturing Process for Creative Industries)

Project Objective
Motion capturing has already been used for quite some time in the movie and game industry. Nevertheless, motion capturing does currently not provide a natural acting environment for game and movie applications, especially when acting in virtual environments.At the moment, there are a few technologies, which could be used to develop a system to support the acting and to create a more immersive acting environment. Yet, most of these systems are still bulky and do not fully give a feeling of freedom to actors while performing. We believe that the current state of the art will be advanced significantly with the use of a technology for user centered 3D display using head- mounted laser projection and polarized contact lenses, which is being developed at KU. Therefore the main objective of this IAPP proposal is to analyze “how to create an immersive environment for actors who should perform effectively and naturally at motion capture (MoCap) shoots for game-based animations”. The end result would be a system and its design guideline that will significantly increase the effectiveness and accuracy of a motion capture shoot.

During the first year:
- The project work has resulted in 2 publications so far; publicly disseminated
- An open seminar was given by Filip Carvell at the Koç University; publicly disseminated
- Another open seminar was given by Kaan Aksit at Imagination Studios; publicly disseminated
- A one-day conference was given by David Grice at Koç University; publicly disseminated
- Project website described all current happenings in a news-blog format; publicly disseminated; via Desginlab pages, under Koc University website

The scientific work during the first year has taken place in WP1, WP7 and WP8. In WP1, two open seminars “Advances in Motion Capture Technologies” at Koç University and “Introduction to retro-reflector based stereoscopic display systems for motion capture application” at Imagination Studios have been held. A one-day conference with the title “Scenario Creation for Optical Motion Capture” has been held at Koç University. These conferences help to create a network within the community. Besides these other work was mostly performed within WP1 Preparation and WP8 Management.

As a result of Imagination Studio's bankruptcy in November 12, 2013, the project is terminated without completing its first year. Therefore, the project could not achieved to proposed results, conclusions and socio-economic impacts as expected.