Final Report Summary - BIO-PHONONICS (Advanced Microfluidics & Diagnostics using Acoustic Holograms – Bio-Phononics)
The way the structures work can be explained by analogy to traditional optical holograms, which change the field and create new visual patterns. Our acoustic holograms change the acoustic fields, shaping the ultrasonic field, and enabling us to make acoustic waveguides, mirrors and lenses. These new acoustic fields interact with fluids to create new microfludic flows.
We have been able to demonstrate how we can create interesting liquid manipulations, including four “real-world” examples, namely (i) sample preparation and identification of malarial parasites in whole blood; (ii) the measurement of the viscosity of blood, a key marker used in diagnosis to determine drug treatment following cardiovascular disease; (iii) new techniques for gene sequencing and finally (iv) new methods to create aerosols from liquids, which may have important applications in the delivery of medicines to the lungs.