Final Activity Report Summary - MACROPHAGE GENOMICS (Genomic Screens to Identify and Characterize Mechanisms of Mycobacterial Killing by Macrophages.)
Microarray analysis of cells infected with non-pathogenic m. smegmatis revealed that a number of genes were up-regulated, most strikingly TNFa and Rab proteins involved in membrane fusion, in comparison to control un-infected cells. Quantitative-PCR analysis confirmed these micorarray results. TNFa was released rapidly from cells infected with the non-pathogen m. smegmatis as compared to infection with pathogenic m. avium or control un-infected cells, as observed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Furthermore, the addition of recombinant TNFa led to mycobacteria killing whereas treatment with TNFa -protease inhibitor led to dramatic growth in mycobacterial survival. This growth was also achieved when the cells were incubated with TNF-RI blocking antibodies. However, blocking with TNF-RII had only marginal effect. By immunoflourescence microscopy, we showed that addition of TNFa led to more phago-lysosome fusion, thus to more killing of mycobacteria.