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Regional innovation and development strategy for Mazovia region - RIS Mazovia


The regions should play an important role in creating an environment conducive to innovation, which helps the regional enterprises, mainly the SMEs, to become more innovative and technology-oriented." The attention of the project team will be impartially d irected to the SMEs, creating an integrated system connecting University, Research, capital markets (and DPI) with regional needs. New initiatives will be supported (start-ups, spin- off and spin-out). Modernization of small farms and related industries wi ll be pursued. The core of the present project is one of formulating a solid innovation policy and plan for the region of Mazovia. In addition to the plan itself the project will support the creation and implementation of pilot innovation programmes to be put in placed, monitored and evaluated during its duration. The members of the partnership expect to achieve this general aims by using the experience and knowledge available within the consortium itself, and the use of leading experts in those aspects and actions related to the Ris/Ritts programmes. With this purpose in mind the project aims in first instance to enhance a learning process and transfer of knowledge and experience to people, institutions and companies hi the involved regions mainly in those aspects related to innovation policies. This should have as a direct effect the enhancement of the absorption capacity of EU funding. Furthermore the planning, testing, implementation and monitoring of (short and long term) pilot actions created with the s upport of experienced regions and international innovation experts will provide the basis to bring the overall plan and into reality; and thus ensure the continuation of the promotion and support of innovation related actions and policies hi the Region of Mazovia.

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Bertolda Brechta 3

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