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Contenido archivado el 2024-06-18

REtrofitting Solutions and Services for the enhancement of Energy Efficiency in Public Edification

Periodic Report Summary 2 - RESSEEPE (REtrofitting Solutions and Services for the enhancement of Energy Efficiency in Public Edification)

Project Context and Objectives:
The RESSEEPE project brings together design and decision-making tools, innovative building fabric manufacturers and a strong demonstration programme to improve the building performance of public buildings through retrofitting.
The overall objectives of the project are to identify suitable buildings for demonstration activities representing a variety of public buildings, establish appropriate technologies for the retrofit (including the development and testing of innovative prototypes), plan and execute installation of the chosen technologies, develop decision support tools and build detailed models for pre- and post- retrofit simulations, develop a detailed monitoring installation, analyse the results of the demonstration activities to validate the design activity, and identify lessons and best practices to disseminate among other stakeholders in the field. Throughout these activities parallel and supporting objectives are pursued, such as the direct involvement of users in the planning and implementation activity, and the identification and execution of key exploitation and dissemination activities for outreach beyond the project.
The RESSEEPE demo sites vary across building types and climatic zones, including a school in northern Sweden, two hospitals in Spain (near Barcelona), and two university buildings in Coventry, UK. Due to the differences in building uses and climatic regions, and to the fact that all buildings are currently in operation, a core activity of the project is the definition with demo site owners and users of technologies that are feasible for installation, and a careful planning of the works to minimise impact on the buildings’ use.
To achieve this objective, a robust research activity is necessary to identify barriers to integrated energy conservation measures and to analyse and develop technologies such as aerogel-based superinsulating mortar, vacuum insulated panels, solar photovoltaics, seasonal thermal energy storage, electrochromic windows, ventilated façade, LED lighting, high efficiency windows, building integrated photovoltaics, and solar thermal collectors.
The technology mix most appropriate to each building is defined according to the aforementioned research, and complemented by innovative decision support tools and virtual models for all demo sites used to carry out simulations at various stages of the project.
The RESSEEPE project aims to develop all the abovementioned technologies to suitable readiness levels for prototype testing and installation in the buildings, carrying out extensive analyses through both laboratory research, development and testing, and in-use testing with installation on the buildings of the more mature technologies with ad hoc monitoring system. The purpose is threefold: to study the performance of components from technical aspects while also considering practical issues, such as installation protocols, the financial performance and compatibility of such technologies with procurement procedures in public buildings, and taking into account social issues such as the acceptance of users.
Due to the large number of results expected by the project, a robust exploitation approach is pursued, to identify potential markets and impacts for the technologies and tools developed; at the same time, a replicability study will be developed to evaluate future roads of application in other sectors and markets, with a particular focus on Eastern Europe (thus extending further the project reach).
The parallel objective of raising awareness on the project results to a broader base of stakeholders is developed via a strong package of dissemination activities, ranging from online presence with website, newsletter and social networks, to participation and organisation of events and conferences, the development of professional training and webinars and the publication of a best practices booklet, to guide future policy developments and initiatives at all levels.

Project Results:
Partners have agreed consortium structures. A portal has been set-up for information exchange. Coordination is on an administrative level (IES) and scientific level (EXE) with assistance from Work Package leaders and Task Leaders.
A classification typology has been defined for demo sites. A financial investment plan has been created for decision-making. Technology economic viability has been performed with feasibility studies. A user acceptance testing methodology has been defined and applied pre-retrofitting.
A report on identification of barriers to integrating technologies is complete. Solutions for envelope insulation have been studied, and an innovative aerogel-based superinsulating mortar has been developed. A VIP combiplate element has been designed. Optimum channel widths for ventilated PV facades have been achieved. An energy storage prototype has been designed, coupling batteries and supercapacitors to the grid. A new thermal solar panel has been developed for DHW. An updated solution has provided passive cooling with PCM storage. Current lighting systems have been analysed and legislative requirements identified. Benchmarking has been carried out to compare the technologies across building location and typologies. All technologies developed have been tested and pre-qualified.
A methodology for project integration has been developed, integrating BIM, IPD, LCA and LCC tools and energy performance software. The Performance Reporter and decision support tool Retrofitting Planner at building and district level have been developed and tested. Online dashboards for demo site monitoring have been developed. LCA and NER data inventories have been established.
The implementation plan of the construction works has been developed, and complemented by engineering documents for the implementation of solutions on the demo sites. All solutions have been assessed by expected energy performance, through the application of abovementioned tools, the creation of VE models for all demo sites, and the assessment according to actual implementation. A methodology has been proposed and implemented for the efficient involvement of stakeholders. The prototypes previously developed have been fully designed, manufactured and tested.
Demo site buildings have been identified: Richard Crossman building and John Laing building at Coventry University; Balderskolan School at Skellefteå; Hospital Terrassa in Terrassa (Barcelona); and Hospital Fundació Parc Taulí in Sabadell (Barcelona). The John Laing building is considered a Living Lab for the installation of prototypes and their testing in use. Procurement procedures, purchases and schedules have been defined in all demo sites. Installations and commissioning have been carried out in almost all demo sites, with the final works due to end by August 2016. Sensors have been installed at demo sites.
Key Exploitable Results of RESSEEPE have been identified. Three workshops have been held at WSB 2014, Sustainable Places 2015 and INDTECH 2016. For exploitation, a collaborative platform has been set up for interaction with related energy efficiency projects. A preliminary business plan and technology implementation plan has been developed and will serve as base for the long term exploitation plan, which has been defined in its outline.
Related EC funded projects have been identified and joint dissemination activities have been carried out. The website provides project updates, publications and public deliverables. Dissemination materials have been developed, including a periodic eNewsletter, social networks, and videos. Seminars and professional training are under development. Participation and paper submissions to fairs and conferences have occurred.
Scientific and technical progress continues with monitoring of objectives and milestones; reviewing deliverables; performing risk management and conflict resolution activities; coordinating scientific and technical meetings, workshops and teleconferences.

Potential Impact:
The expected final results will combine the decision and design making tools together with building manufacturers, technology suppliers, architects and facilities managers to improve building performance through retrofitting. The project will provide quantifiable performance improvements across a range of building spaces which will help address the fragmented nature of the industry, improve collaboration, and the flow of information throughout the construction supply chain. This 'joined-up' approach (IPD, BIM, LCA) is expected to improve and create further innovation opportunities (and revenue stream) across the industry. The RESSEEPE project is expected to lower building running costs and provide and technological affordable cost of entry (SME modelling products assisting facilities managers realise idealised environment leading to manufacturers responding to model evaluations). The RESSEEPE project will also address telemetry issues (occupancy behaviour and comfort) whereby a holistic approach to information use will address deviations in post building commissioning compared with pre-commissioning.
Materials solutions have been analysed, physical properties improved (where appropriate) and at the prototype stage. Results extrapolation functionality, using the Retrofitting Planner, will facilitate decision support for retrofit solutions.
A standardised low energy concept is expected to be deployed at both building and district level encompassing economies of scale, method and addressing standards leading to a best-practices approach. This will be highlighted in a Best Practices Book of which the contents have already been identified. There are two distinct parts: development containing classification, nature, description, relevance, innovation and development; and showcase containing result classification, uptake, description, innovation, advantage, and target application.

List of Websites: