NoGAP bridges the gap between research and innovation and contributes to taking advantage of the innovation potential of SMEs based on a better cooperation with researchers, transferring and using knowledge resulting from research. The overall objective of the project is to reinforce cooperation with Eastern Partnership countries to develop a “Common Knowledge and Innovation Space” on societal challenge ”secure, clean and efficient energy”.
The NoGAP consortium is composed of 13 organizations from 6 countries of which 3 are EU members (Germany, Romania, Slovakia) and 3 are members of the Eastern Partnership (Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia). In order to improve mobility between research, business and innovation, interrelated tandem relations between research organizations and innovation support services are established.
Within the NoGAP project we want to:
- identify the main drivers and obstacles of closer links between academia and the market in the field of secure, clean and
efficient energy in the Eastern Partnership Region
- develop a best practice methodology to enhance successful commercialization of research results and to improve the
management of these results
- develop innovation support services to foster existing and establish new strategic partnerships
- assess the opportunities for the establishment of sustainable Technology Transfer Centres (TTC) in the participating
partner countries on the basis of existing structures and good practice
- improve the competencies of researchers, entrepreneurs and multiplicators by organizing trainings
- develop a list of pilot activities to foster mutually beneficial public-private-partnerships between EU and Eastern Partnership
countries in the energy sector
- create and organize twinnings between the regions
- promote networking between EU and Eastern Partnership countries.
Call for proposal
See other projects for this call
Funding Scheme
CSA-SA - Support actionsCoordinator
70599 Stuttgart