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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Door to Door Information for Airports and Airlines

Resultado final

Technical and legal requirements

Report on the technical and legal issues to take into account for the development and integration of the components of DORA information system – outcome of tasks 2.4, 2.5.

Evaluation plan

D61 will serve as a reference document for all project partners concerning all evaluation activities to achieve within the project Further it will summarize the evaluation approach based on three pillars and describe in detail how and when evaluation activities will be carried out and who will accomplish them indicators methods for data gathering timeplan partners involved

Specification of DORA Applications

D34 will include specifications of the Operation Centre as well as user and web applications to be developed in WP4

Dissemination plan and database of dissemination activities - Update 1

Report on DORA dissemination on a detailed level including a database of all dissemination activities and events attended The deliverable will also include an operational level plan that identifies activities events and targets for the upcoming period

DORA Architecture

D32 will include full specification of the DORA architecture the required data exchange models and necessary interfaces among various DORA components and for external communications

Intermediate Pilot implementation plan

Report on readiness to pilot including technical set-up, organizational and operational aspects as result of activities carried out in tasks 5.1 and 5.2.

Market analysis report

Document with the main results of the state of the art review and the market analysis carried out Relevant findings will be structured in three main parts Demand analysis Supply analysis and integrated SWOT Analysis

Database of dissemination activities

Report on DORA dissemination on a detailed level including a database of all dissemination activities and events attended.

Report on pilot execution

Report on pilot results for both sites Berlin and Palma de Mallorca. It will include all implementation details and technical experience.

Analysis of Suitable Cooperation and Business models

Report on analysis of the DORA business requirements as well as potential benefits and costs and definition of potential business and cooperation models for the DORA concept

Dissemination plan and database of dissemination activities - Update 2

Report on DORA dissemination on a detailed level including a database of all dissemination activities and events attended. The deliverable will also include an operational level plan that identifies activities, events and targets for the upcoming period.

Technical Evaluation and Assessment report

D6.2 will summarize the results from the technical pre-tests (Validation of functionality / Performance assessment / Troubleshooting tests / Platform test). It will further describe alternative and/or backup approaches for proper and uninterrupted service provisioning.

Initial specification of DORA Architecture

D3.1 will include initial description of the DORA architecture for overall project discussion, particularly within WP2 and WP6, and to launch tasks 3.2 and 3.3 as well as WP4

DORA Service Specification

D3.3 will include site specific service specifications in the terminal (Indoor Location and Navigation, Waiting Time Detection) and landside transport (Multimodal Router)

Final evaluation report

D6.4 will summarize the findings resulting from the impact, usability and process evaluation. It will be the central document to demonstrate to which degree the objectives of the project were achieved and how they were achieved (process evaluation). It will lead into a description of aspects and recommendations that have to be taken under consideration for other cities that wish to implement the system in their cities (transferability).

Usability Assessment report

D6.3 will summarize the results from the Usability pre-tests (test of conceptual variants / first prototype test / pre-test before trial phase). It will be a summary of the three intermediate short reports containing information on the identified usability problems and recommendations for improvements that will be provided to the developers of the system during the development phase

Awareness and dissemination strategy

The deliverable D71 will establish a guideline and strategy for project communication outline the dissemination plan and the approach taken in regard to various stakeholder groups and objectives

Use cases manual

Definition of use cases for different scenarios of DORA system deployment.

Integration report

D4.6 will include report on the component integration, including corresponding tests, into the complete DORA solution.

Users groups and mobility profiles

Definition of DORAs users groups including for each one a description of specific mobility needs and patterns and traffic behaviour

Pilot implementation plan

Report on readiness to pilot including technical set-up, organizational and operational aspects as result of activities carried out in tasks 5.1 and 5.2.

Project website

Establishment of fully operational project website which will be maintained and continuously restructured in accordance with the project needs

Pilot showcase at TXL and PMI

The deliverable D7.5 will report on the public Pilot showcase demonstrations organized at both pilot sites.


A Multimodal Fingerprint-Based Indoor Positioning System for Airports

Autores: Benjamin Molina, Eneko Olivares, Carlos Enrique Palau, Manuel Esteve
Publicado en: IEEE Access, Edición 6, 2018, Página(s) 10092-10106, ISSN 2169-3536
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2798918

Platform design framework: conceptualisation and application

Autores: Nina Tura, Antero Kutvonen, Paavo Ritala
Publicado en: Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Edición 30/8, 2018, Página(s) 881-894, ISSN 0953-7325
Editor: Carfax Publishing Ltd.
DOI: 10.1080/09537325.2017.1390220

Long airport queues could soon be a thing of the past

Autores: Halid Hrasnica
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: EC

Limburg Vertiefungsseminar - Approaches for a Sustainable Mobility (DORA approach as one solution)

Autores: Wulf-Holger Arndt
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Limburg Vertiefungsseminar

Luft- und Raumfahrt Sonderausgabe 2018 Von Tür-zu-Tür - –DORA bringt Flugreisende schneller zum Ziel

Autores: - Claudia Baumgartner - Samir Djulancic - Alexander Pilz - Jan Kätker
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft und Raumfahrt

Project DORA solution was successfully showcased at Smart Island World Congress in Calvia, Mallorca which took place on 23-24th of April 2018.

Autores: Patricia Bellver, Christiane Reinsch, Stephanie Ah Tchou
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Smart Island Congress

Booth at the Intertraffic Amsterdam VMZ presented the DORA application at the Siemens Booth at Intertraffic Amsterdam

Autores: - Jan-Niklas Willing - Claudia Baumgartner - Tom Schilling (
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Intertraffic

ITS European Congress 2017 Strasbourg (Booth)

Autores: Vivek Nigam, Halid Hrasnica, Antero Kutvonen, Christiane Reinsch,Tom Schilling
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: ITS Interview: Finding Dora: behind the EU sponsored door-to-door travel app

Autores: Halid Hrasnica
Publicado en: 2017

Webinar: DORA solution for faster travel of air passengers

Autores: Halid Hrasnica Milon Gupta
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: DORA project

TRA 2018 Wien Booth DORA – Step into Mobility as a Service for Long-Distance Travellers

Autores: Jan Kätker Claudia Baumgärtner
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: TRA

ILC Demosntration to Athens Stakeholders title: Indoor Location demonstration to external stakeholders buildings

Autores: Konstantinos Koutsopoulos, John Vavourakis, Athanasios Kokkinins, George Giannopoulos, Michael Loupis
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: DORA consortiun

DORA Facebook posts

Autores: - Vivek Nigam ( - Antero Kutvonen ( - Nina Tura (
Publicado en: 2015
Editor: DORA consortium

DORA website:

Autores: DORA consortium
Publicado en: 2015
Editor: Eurescom

Presentation on DORA at Düsseldorf Airport Intermodal traffic information services for airports in DORA project

Autores: Jan Kätker, Claudia Baumgärtner
Publicado en: 2015
Editor: -

Discussion with DUS Airport on Transferability of DORA

Autores: Claudia Baumgärtner, Tom Schilling
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: -

Tourismus und Mobilität in der Region – Herausforderung und Lösungswege Perspektiven einer nachhaltigen Mobilität

Autores: Wulf-Holger Arndt
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: -

Study visit of South-African experts to Berlin (GIZ, DIfU) Public Transport in Germany (DORA approach as one solution)

Autores: Wulf-Holger Arndt
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: -

DORA Project Flyer Door-to-Door information for air passengers

Autores: Antero Kutvonen, Nina Tura
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: DORA Consortium


Autores: Vivek Nigam, Nina Tura, Antero Kutvonen
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: Project Consortium

Press Releases / Presse Mitteilungen - Mit Dora nach Palma: EU-Projekt startet App-Prototyp für Tür-zu-Tür-Reiseinformation - A llança els serveis de mobilitat Porta a Porta per a passatgers aeris entre Berlín i Palma - Una aplicación estudia acortar traslados entre Berlín y Palma -

Autores: Samir Djulancic Jan Kätker Stephanie Ah Tchou Consortium
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Consortium

Workshop at the Smart Island World Congress in Calvia, Mallorca which took place on 23-24th of April 2018 Making international, seamless multimodal travel possible: DORA Project

Autores: Antonio Marques
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Smart Island World Congress

Instagram account and posts

Autores: Project Consortium
Publicado en: 2015
Editor: Instagram

Palma City Hall website EMT participa en el projecte DORA de mobilitat porta a porta per a passatgers aeris entre Berlín i Palma

Autores: Stephanie Ah Tchou
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: -

Presentation on DORA Discussion on Exploitation at Fraport Airport and Discussion of potential Exploitation with Members of Fraport Marketing and Strategic Development Team

Autores: Claudia Baumgartner, Jan Kätker, Tom Schilling
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: -

Non-public article - Mit Dora nach Palma

Autores: Samir Djulancic
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: -

Article: EU-Projekt startet App-Prototyp für Tür-zur-Tür-Reiseinformation

Autores: Tom Schilling
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: VMZ Berlin

Smart Mobility Forum Low Carbon Mobility (DORA approach as one solution)

Autores: Wulf-Hoger Arndt
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: -

Chinese Highway Authority Beijing – Seminar of Carl Duisberg Centren Sustainable Mobility, Traffic Impacts and Integrated Solutions for Sustainable Mobility (DORA approach as one solution)

Autores: Wulf-Holger Arndt
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: -

PASSME - DORA collaboration meeting Preparation meeting for PASSME/DORA workshop

Autores: Halid Hrasnica
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: Consortium

XVII Congreso Español de Sistemas Inteligente Proyecto Europeo DORA: Solución multimodal para movilidad puerta a puerta a nivel internacional

Autores: Antonio Marques Patricia Bellver
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: -

Invited Talk Horizont 2020 – Halbzeit und Ausblick – Welche Chancen bietet das neue Arbeitsprogramm 2018-2020 für potentielle Antragsteller? Best Praxis DORA - Door to Door Information for Air Passengers Experiences in Submitting Proposal

Autores: Jan Kätker Claudia Baumgärtner
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: -

Trafic 2017: International Safe and Sustainable Mobility Exhibition Booth

Autores: Patricia Bellver
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: Madrid

Smart City World Congress Booth

Autores: Patricia Bellver
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: -

Mobility and Transportation, Solutions for Future Megacities, Seamless Mobility Chain

Autores: Wulf-Holger Arndt
Publicado en: 2nd Bauhaus Luftfahrt Symposium, 2015
Editor: -

DORA Project & Innovative Mobility Services

Autores: Patricia Bellver Muñoz
Publicado en: EUTravel conference 2016, 2016
Editor: -

Sustainable Urban Mobility Challenges (DORA approach as one solution)

Autores: Wulf-Holger Arndt
Publicado en: 15th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2016
Editor: -

Air travel groups and their mobility profiles in air traffic Towards seemless air travels – the DORA project and mobility (information) requirements of air travellers

Autores: Michael Abraham Wulf-Holger Arndt Norman Döge
Publicado en: International Transportation – Edición 1 | 2017, Edición International Transportation (69) 1 | 2017 61 International Transportation is a special edition of Internationales Verkehrswesen, 2017, ISSN 0020-9511
Editor: Trialog Publishers Verlagsgesellschaf

Equipamientos y Servicios Municipale

Autores: Antonio Marques
Publicado en: MOVILIDAD COMO SERVICIO: USAR LA TECNOLOGÍA PARA PONER EN EL CENTRO AL CIUDADANO Y AL MEDIOAMBIENTE, Edición Equipamiento y Servicios Municipales • Segundo Trimestre 2016, 2016, ISSN 1131-6381
Editor: David Casillas Paz

EAI International Conference on Smart City Experimental and Digital Business Development Platforms DORA - An experimental platform for Smart Cities

Autores: - Vivek Nigam - Antero Kutvonen - Benjamin Molina - Patricia Bellver - Jan-Niklas Willing
Publicado en: 2017
Editor: EAI

ILA 2018 Future Lab Video DORA - Door to Door Information for Air Passengers

Autores: Samir Djulancic Claudia Baumgartner
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: DORA

ACARE Working Group 1, 16th meeting DORA - Door to Door Information for Airports and Airline - Project Presentation

Autores: Jan Kätker
Publicado en: 2015
Editor: -

Sustainable Urban Mobility Challenges (DORA approach as one solution)

Autores: Wulf-Holger Arndt
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: ICTTE

Airports - practice-oriented contribution

Autores: Claudia Baumgartner Jan Kätker
Publicado en: 6th Transport Research Arena (TRA 2016), Edición Transportation Research Procedia Volume 14, 2016, Página(s) 3238-3247, ISBN 9781-510826892
Editor: Elsevier Procedia

Balancing the value creation and capture of platform ecosystem

Autores: Nina Tura Antero Kutvonen
Publicado en: ISPIM Innovation conference proceedings, Edición 61, 2016, Página(s) -, ISBN 978-952-265-929-3
Editor: ISPIM
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3345565

Mobility as a Service: The solution to current Mobility issues Only the Abstract was requested and accepted. The authors were requested to attended the conference for a presentation. Therefore, there is not actually a full paper / publication associated to this abstract.

Autores: Antonio Marques, ETRA I+D, Manuel Serrano, ETRA I+D, Patricia Bellver, ETRA I+D
Publicado en: European Transport Conference 2016, Edición European Transport Conference 2016, 2016, Página(s) -, ISSN 2313-1853
Editor: Association for European Transport

Städtische mobile Informationsdienste

Autores: Jan Kätker
Publicado en: 2016
Editor: Technische Universität Dresden

Movilidad como servicio, la solución a los actuales problemas de la movilidad urbana: usar la tecnología para poner en el centro al ciudadano y al medioambiente

Autores: Antonio Marques, Patricia Bellver
Publicado en: II Congreso Ciudades Inteligentes, 2016, ISBN 978-84-608-6681-7
Editor: Grupo Tecma RedS.L.


Autores: Antonio Marques Manolo Serrano Patricia Bellver
Publicado en: XVI Congreso Español de Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte, 2016
Editor: IATED
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3341097

DORA - Door to Door Information for Air Passengers

Autores: Jan-Niklas Willing Patricia Bellver Antero Kutvonen
Publicado en: ITS European Congress 2016 Glasgow, 2016
Editor: Glasgow
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3345572

WS: The future of the intelligent travel system with DORA

Autores: Antero Kutvonen Halid Hrasnica Jan Kätker
Publicado en: ITS 2016 Proceedings, Edición DORA workshop at the ITS Congress, 2016
Editor: -

Sustainable Transportation, Interregional Integration Seamless Public Transport Chain - DORA approach

Autores: Wulf-Holger Arndt
Publicado en: EU-China Forum on Sustainable Urban Development 2015, 2015
Editor: -

Access Control in a Port – A GeoRBAC Approach

Autores: Eneko Olivares, Benjamín Molina, Carlos E. Palau, Manuel Esteve, Miguel A. Portugués, Alejandro García-Serrano
Publicado en: Critical Information Infrastructures Security, Edición Volume 9578 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016, Página(s) 239-242, ISBN 978-3-319-33331-1
Editor: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-33331-1_19

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