CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Public defintion of the two LIFES50+ 10MW floater concepts.
Design Basis
A definition of the full set of environmental conditions and design load cases that shall be considered within the project
Overall summary of the industrialization processDissemination – overall summary of the industrialization process in one publication
Optimization framework and methodology for optimized floater design.Project Quality and risk management plan
Required numerical model fidelity and critical design load cases in various design phases
Required numerical model fidelity and critical design load cases in various design phases, including industrialization.
Risk management for deep water substructuresAeroDyn validated model
Report on validation and tuning of AeroDyn model to be implemented in the HIL system for ocean basin tests
Report of initial kick-off meetingReport of initial kickoff meeting
Review of FOWT guidelines and design practiseReview report on current regulations in guidelines and standards and publicly available design practices
Oceanographic and meteorological conditions for the designOceanographic and meteorological conditions for the design Report with the analysis and selection of the target locations and the oceanographic and meteorological conditions for the concepts design
Wind turbine models for the design10MW wind turbine FASTAeroDyn model to be used by concepts developers including a report with the model description
Handbook Management proceduresGuidance on platform and mooring line selection, installation and marine operations
Publication and presentation of the research performed in the WP
Publication and presentation of the research
Model validation against experiments and map of model accuracy across load cases.State-of-the-art models for the two public 10MW floater concepts
State-of-the-art models for the two public 10MW floater concepts.
Overview of the numerical models used in the consortium and their qualificationOverview of numerical consortium models and their qualification
Validation of advanced models and methods for cascading into simpler models.Periodic reports to EC
Framework for LCOE, uncertainty and risk considerations during design
Dissemination guidelines and procedures
Design practice for 10MW+ FOWT support structures
A public design practice for FOWT developers and researchers summarizing and condensing all key information in a generalized way from previous deliverables in WP8, i.e. the lessons learned, findings, methodologies and knowledge generated related to design. It includes chapters on necessary pre-design requirements and specifications, experimental and numerical design practices, as well as LCOE, uncertainty, risk and industrialization considerations and also includes exemplarily applications of the developed design methodologies.
State-of-the-art FOWT design practise and guidelinesState of the art report summarizing the current industrial design practice and design phases and current regulations in guidelines and standards including an analysis of their importance on design and LCOE
LCOE tool description, technical and environmental impact evaluation procedureDescription report evaluation tools LCOE and other KPI which will be used in the project It also contains a survey of similar tools and procedures Report also contents the results from industry assessment
Presentation of the methodology and results of the WP at a relevant conferenceGuidance and recommended methods for HIL/SIL-based FOWT experimental testing
Guidance and recommended methods for HIL/SIL-based FOWT testing.
Identification of critical environmental conditions and design load casesDescription of the most critical environmental conditions and design load cases for different platform types.
IPR GuidelinesExpected LCOE for floating wind turbines 10MW+ for 50m+ water depth
Report showing extrapolated results for LCOE and evaluation values, which should be realistic for our concepts assuming real production and cost reduction of several years. This result determines the definitive expected cost of energy for such floater concepts.
Upscaling procedureReport collecting design experience during the upscaling process.
Recommendations for platform design under considerations of O&M, logistics, manufacturing and decommissioningRecommendations for platform design under considerations of O&M, logistics, manufacturing and decommissioning.
Aeroelastic scaled model of the 10MW reference wind turbine
HexaFloat robot6 DOF moving platform for wind turbine HIL testing in wind tunnel
Ilmas Bayati, Alan Facchinetti, Alessandro Fontanella, Marco Belloli
Published in:
Volume 10: Ocean Renewable Energy, 2018, Page(s) V010T09A078, ISBN 978-0-7918-5131-9
Kolja Müller, Ricardo Faerron Guzman, Po Wen Cheng, Josean Galván, Miren J. Sánchez, Raúl Rodríguez, Andreas Manjock
Published in:
ASME 2018 1st International Offshore Wind Technical Conference, 2018, Page(s) V001T01A042, ISBN 978-0-7918-5197-5
Lemmer, Frank; Yu, Wei; Cheng, Po Wen; Pegalajar-Jurado, Antonio; Borg, Michael; Mikkelsen, Robert F.; Bredmose, Henrik
Published in:
Issue 1, 2018
Antonio Pegalajar-Jurado, Michael Borg, Henrik Bredmose
Published in:
Wind Energy Science, Issue 3/2, 2018, Page(s) 693-712, ISSN 2366-7451
Wind Energy Science
Hermes Giberti, Francesco La Mura, Gabriele Resmini, Marco Parmeggiani
Published in:
Robotics, Issue 7/3, 2018, Page(s) 39, ISSN 2218-6581
Robotics 2018
Ilmas Bayati, Marco Belloli, Luca Bernini, Alberto Zasso
Published in:
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Issue 167, 2017, Page(s) 217-227, ISSN 0167-6105
Elsevier BV
Kolja Müller, Po Wen Cheng
Published in:
Wind Energy Science, Issue 3/1, 2018, Page(s) 149-162, ISSN 2366-7451
J Galván, M J Sánchez-Lara, I Mendikoa, G Pérez-Morán, V Nava, R Rodríguez-Arias
Published in:
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Issue 1102, 2018, Page(s) 012015, ISSN 1742-6588
Institute of Physics
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