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Role of Epithelial Apoptotic Force in Morphogenesis

Descripción del proyecto

El papel dinámico de las células moribundas en la morfogénesis

Durante el desarrollo, se crean patrones ordenados y el plan corporal final a través de una cascada de procesos denominados en conjunto «morfogénesis». La apoptosis, o muerte celular programada, es una forma de eliminar células no deseadas, lo que respalda la morfogénesis de forma pasiva. Estudios recientes sugieren que las células apoptóticas pueden desempeñar un papel dinámico e importante durante la morfogénesis, pero aún se desconocen sus mecanismos. En el proyecto EPAF, financiado por el Consejo Europeo de Investigación, se tratará de determinar primero los mecanismos celulares que subyacen a un reciente descubrimiento: que las células apoptóticas generan una fuerza de tracción sobre las células epiteliales de las patas en desarrollo de «Drosophila melanogaster», lo que da lugar al plegamiento epitelial. A continuación, sus investigadores compararán la dinámica apoptótica con otros procesos de extrusión celular, como la transición epitelio-mesénquima, para examinar similitudes y diferencias.


Contrary to previous beliefs, recent studies have suggested that apoptotic cells play an important dynamic role during morphogenesis. Nonetheless, the mechanisms whereby dying cells drive tissue shape modification remain elusive.
Using the Drosophila developing leg as a model system to study apoptosis-dependent epithelium folding, we have recently shown that apoptotic cells produce a pulling force through the unexpected maintenance of their adherens junctions that serves as an anchor to an apico-basal Myosin II cable. The resulting apoptotic apico-basal force leads to a non-autonomous increase in tissue tension and apical constriction of surrounding cells, leading to epithelium folding. These results reveal that, far from being passively eliminated as generally thought, dying cells are very active until the end of the apoptotic process. The objective of the present proposal is to understand how apoptotic cells influence their surroundings from the micro-environment to the macro-scale level.
Our first aim is to dissect the cellular mechanisms governing the generation of the apoptotic force and its transmission to the tissue, both apically through planar polarity and basally through the extra-cellular matrix (ECM), in parallel with the identification of the network of genes orchestrating apoptosis-dependent morphogenesis through a powerful genetic screen. Interesting preliminary results have already identified the epithelio-mesenchymal-transition gene Snail as essential for the progression of apoptosis, thus validating our approach.
Therefore, the second aim of this project is to compare Snail function in the control of adhesion and ECM dynamics and in the generation of tissue tension in both EMT and apoptosis. This original comparative study should bring novel insight into these two fundamental processes.

To perform this work, we will use elegant genetic tools combined to state-of-the-art live imaging techniques, together with robust biophysical modelling.

Régimen de financiación

ERC-COG - Consolidator Grant

Institución de acogida

Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 2 311 843,75
75794 Paris

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Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 2 311 843,75

Beneficiarios (1)