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ANTI-SUPERBUGS Precommercial procurement


PCP procurement framework and PCP Partners role description

To ensure that the PCP is appropriately calibrated we will design the PCP tendering process in close cooperation with the buyers group enlarged thanks to the result of T 61 triggering and organizing an effective capacity building process and mutual learningbydoing processSpecial attention in the designing phase must be paid to the main elements that can enhance the successful deployment of a PPI project within the applicable legal constrains namely toconsideration of the public procurement principles such as best valueformoney principledefining the subject matter of the contract in functional terms and setting clear targets requirements ie performancebased specificationschoosing the phases articulation and budget allocation that are best suited for the subject matter of the envisaged contract ie i PCP execution duration ii overall amount of resources that should be reserved for PCP procedure iii number type content and duration of RD phased services iv budget allocation per phase v offers number required per phase choosing the main contractual aspects and proceduralcontractual mechanism to reduce the opportunistic behaviour and to enable the participation of SMEs ie vi selection criteria vii evaluation criteria etcchoosing the IPRs allocationsharing model that is best suited for the subject matter of the envisaged contractlifecycle whole life costing conceptualization

Visual identity

The project visual identity materials.

Phase 1 Design: Evaluation of submissions and contracts award

All valid tender submissions will be evaluated by each Experts Board Panel against the criteria stated in the Invitation to Tender The evaluation criteria will be based on the best value for money criteria Each Experts Board Panel will include at least one member of the 3 procuring authorities ICO ESTAR FRRB and one external expert To this extent the PCP process will be organised while taking care to avoid any conflict of interests including in the use of external experts The awarded suppliers will be requested to provide all the administrative documents necessary to sign a contract with Spanish public administration Once all the documents are provided Phase 1 framework contract will be signedOnce the contracts are awarded one month of standstill period will be left prior to their signature

OJEU Prior Information Notice publication

A Prior Information Notice (PIN) will be published at the Official journal of the European Union (OJEU) to pre-inform suppliers about the planned procurement and to invite them to open market consultation (described in WP4), at least 30 days before publishing the invitation to tender notice, the latter aimed to invite suppliers from throughout the EU and associated countries of H2020 programme to compete and win contracts to deliver R&D of a technology that will meet the requirements.

Development and provision of templates for all partners

Development and provision of templates for all partners.

Invitation To Tender notice and Q&A publication

In respect of the Treaty principles, EU wide publication will be ensured for the PCP call for tender in at least English. The Anti-SUPERBugs PCP Project will run as a joint PCP competition. All public purchasing authorities of Anti-SUPERBugs PCP Consortium will collaborate through their existing purchasing departments in such a way that AQuAS is designated as the lead authority to take responsibility for tendering and arranging contractual documentation for specific procurements, all in consultation with the other purchasing authorities involved in this joint procurement.

Project Management Handbook

Project Management Handbook [AQuAS (M1-M3)] Document defining the: - project plan - project governance and partners role and responsibility - communication plan - project meetings - project reporting - conflict resolution

Phase 1 Design: Assessment of successful completion

A technical Phase Report shall be submitted by the suppliers which shall contain the detailed and description of the solution design of the innovative solution concept proposed in the original bid The Experts Board Panels will be requested to determine whether the suppliers have complied with their obligations under the Framework Agreement the Phase 1 Contract and the Tender Documents The commissioning authority Procuring Entity will release a statement based on an assessment of the Experts Board Panels and will proceed to the complete payment owed to the suppliers for the correct execution of Phase 1

Phase 2: Evaluation Report

Report on a task consisting of 2 phases first a framework and method dimensions indicators and data collection methods for vendors evaluation under the technical and commercial perspectives will be identified second consensus about the framework main measures and indicators will be met within the consortium Tender evaluation framework will include the following criteria among others Vendor characteristicsexperience customers products portfolio ability to deliver support and maintenance capabilities ISO andor CMMI international coverage etcTechnical review including system design performance throughput system usability growth expansion security compliancy with all the regulatory requirementsCommercial reviewA framework for the evaluation of User Needs Identification and Concept Viability will be identified The framework will based on Literature review Expert opinion Workshops with professionals carried out in the three procuring authorities Endusers interviews

Final dissemination report
Stakeholder database and media directory
Technical surveillance report

During the entire life of the project the AntiSUPERBugs PCP Consortium will carry out a technical surveillance to ensure that the contracted services through the precommercial procedures are always to be considered research development and go beyond the state of the art in agreement with the exemption of application of both the old public procurement directive 200418EC and the new one not yet transposed in all EU countries

Analysis of dissemination activities and recommendations
Open market consultation and EU-level meet-the-market events report

Market consultation is a powerful instrument that helps bridging the gap between supply and demand and is vital, firstly, as means to create and increase awareness of the market relating to the needs of public authorities, providing the market with a congruous and large time to prepare itself for the tender. Secondly, in order to cross-check the procurers group’s needs with the state-of-the art of industrial development and to better understand the available options, the Consortium will jointly organize an advised open market consultation with the supply side and with the research system. Such a dialogue could facilitate a deeper understanding of on-going industrial product developments in terms of technological maturity and help partners to distinguish purchasing needs that require significant R&D and that can be effectively managed with PCP, from the others that concern commercial development. An open dialogue makes it possible to broach the views of the market before starting the tendering process. For that reason, this should be done under the condition that the seeking or accepting of advice does not have the effect of precluding or distorting competition. The Old Procurement Directive was rather scarce in providing guidance on the opportunity / the need for public authorities to conduct market consultations. The New Procurement Directive however, contains specific provisions regarding the conduct of market consultations. According to article 40 under the New Procurement Directive: “Before launching a procurement procedure, contracting authorities may conduct market consultations with a view to preparing the procurement and informing economic operators of their procurement plans and requirements. For this purpose, contracting authorities may for example seek or accept advice from independent experts or authorities or from market participants. That advice may be used in the planning and conduct of the procurement procedure, provided that such advice does not have the effect of distorting competition and does not result in a violation of the principles of non-discrimination and transparency.” Following the rational, the open market consultation will be advertised with an adequate means of publicizing and through the Official Journal of the European Union using the TED website in English and the other languages of partners for the purpose of complying with the EC Treaty principles including those of transparency, non-discrimination and equal treatment. After the publication of the PIN (Prior Information Notice), the technical dialogue, that is not a strictly regulated by the Directives, will be conducted (1) launching a market explorative call to targeted to Industrial organizations, R&D institutions finalized to analyze the solution already available on the market or near to be (2) organizing at least two open and advertised EU meet-the-market events, one in Barcelona and one in Milan, during which the technological needs will be presented and discussed with an audience of SMEs, industries, industrial associations and R&D institutions, but also other local procurers. The prior information notice for the open market consultation will be promoted and advertised widely using in particular also Horizon 2020 Internet sites and National Contact Points. The Commission will be informed at least 5 days prior to the expected date of publication of the PIN for the open market consultation and 30 days prior to the expected date of publication of the PCP contract notice and its content. The open consultations will be organized and regulated keeping in mind the following: • the contracting authority will take the necessary steps to ensure that the participation of a previously consulted company does not affect competition within the tender procedure concerned; • any information to which the company may be party as a result of its prior involvement will be transparently published or sent to the other participating compan

Dissemination and exploitation plan (Presentation of overall concept and approach)

Definition of communication plan, where the consortium will be provided witth dissemination materials, channels and tools to disseminate the project general goals and specific activities.

Phase 3: Evaluation Report & Summary Evaluation

After the end of Phase 1 a first evaluation report will be prepared This will cover the activities conducted for the assessment of submissions received during the same Phase covering the evaluation of technical and commercial vendors and the evaluation of the PCP process The objective is to provide feedback regardingThe process development in order to ensure that the it was conducted fairly and transparentlyBids evaluation ensuring equal and homogeneous standards of evaluation for all participants

Business case(s) and prioritized list of common uncovered innovation needs

Usually the brainstorming step lead to the identification of a list of desired innovative solutions, which have to be validated in comparative terms and put in order of priority, on the basis of their expected costs-benefits, impacts and trends. To validate and rank-order the perceived needs and to address the subsequent technological scanning activities (as described in WP3), this task is aimed to define business case. The business case require a straightforward articulation of the problem/needs that a procurement action is supposed to solve. It identifies the areas where there are issues that need to be addressed, such as inefficiencies, missed solutions, unacceptable market price and performance or unfavourable consumer response to a product or service already available on the market. It is very important to evaluate the historic past-performance of the process or service under consideration, using key performance indicators (KPI) as a measure (cost, headcount, time, outcomes, etc.). These KPIs have to be, then, extrapolated the future based on predictive data such as cost escalation, etc., drawn from authoritative sources in order to fix the improvements and KPIs to be achieved. With this task we will elaborate a business, more properly “service”, case aimed to evaluate and verify the positive balance between risks and benefits for all stakeholders, reducing risk of mistakes in (procurement) decision making. Having in input the business case modelling exercise and assuming a portfolio management perspective, the task will be able to rank-order the list of needs, suitable to be addressed by (direct and/or collaborative and/or catalytic) procurement initiatives. The business or service case, will present these information. • Problem statement: the description of the problem has to be thorough and include constraint descriptions, without attempt to prescribe the solution and should concern what is the issue, when does it happen, who is impacted and how often does it happen and what is the actual and long-term potential problem dimension. The described ‘problem’ has to be “genuine”, real, not itself questionable and not a just a symptom of a more fundamental issue. In other terms is important to determine if the problem is ‘big’ enough to justify devoting resources to solve it. To address a PCP, the problem may be predictive or anticipatory as it lies in the future, in this sense trend data are important to show the persistence and evolution of the problem. • Opportunity cost estimation: quantification of the cost (over a defined time period and within a defined geographical area) of delaying or not proceeding with the intended investment, extrapolating the future based on predictive data. • Desired solution: description in functional and performance terms the solution desired with a sufficient detail to allow the decision-makers to evaluate the solution. • Risks identification and management: assessment of the expected risks to which the project will be exposed and outline a plan to manage the risks. • Benefits analysis: identification of improvements in quality and how and when the costs will be recouped and savings will be generated. • Critical success factors and recommendations: list elaboration of the factors needed to face the market failure and ensure win-win procurement, such as the European or global scale of the demand, the need for open standards at an European level, etc.. • Reference materials Catalogue all reference materials for the business case.

Needs elicitation through questionnaires and WIBGIs events with end-users

There are multiple methods to identify and assess needs, but we consider fundamental to base the methodology on the premise that those who are best-placed to see the problems of, or the inefficiencies with, a process or a service are those who work within the system delivering it on daily basis. At the same time, we know that the civil servants involved to deliver the service are typically too busy to consciously consider how the service could be transformed or could benefit from innovation, but they are skilled and perfectly prepared to do it. Here is necessary to make time to take them out of their usual working environment to participate to a brainstorming session. A very effective method that we intend to adopt to assess innovation needs is called WIBGI , being a collective exercise to complete the sentence “Wouldn’t be great/good if….”. In conducting such brainstorming sessions, we have already experimented that it’s important to involve together similar staff groups from multiple locations, in order to avoid that a perceived inefficiency or need can be related to local customs and practices and in this way could adversely affect the economies of scale that are the basis of the procurement. We will have an experienced facilitator to conduct the sessions, to draw out the issues and ideas, as well as a subject domain expert who can guide the facilitator with respect to the specialist technicalities. We have planned to organize two “WIBGI” sessions, one in Barcelona and one in Milan.

Challenge brief and description of uncovered functionalities

Once selected and confirmed, the challenge and procurement will be described in detail to ensure, when published, a full understanding and comparability of the competing solutions proposed by the market in view of potential conversion into permanent services. The description of the need will involve, again, those are daily involved within the public service delivery chain and, ultimately, the final users of the innovation. The brainstorming and focus group sessions are, also here, effective ways to ask them to define their needs for innovation in terms of functional and performance requirements, without identifying a specific solution, to encourage the market to the active generation of application ideas and technological choices, including divergent and alternative ones, though equivalent from the point of view of performance. The opportunity to do not pre-define the technical solution and to open to alternative technical ways to address the needs expressed in functional and performance based requirements, doesn’t mean to define the need in general and short terms. This will be a crucial point, as the only way in which solutions will meet their performance targets and expected behaviours is for them to be specified upfront, clearly and unambiguously. Following our experience, it is a simple fact that if functions and performances are not a stated criterion of the solution requirements then the product designers will generally not consider (strictly) performance issues. At the same time, in order to pre-determine a wide potential market (public and private) for the new solutions developed or acquired, enabling the desired economies of scale and cost savings, it will be extremely important not to fall into the hyper-description of the desired solution, avoiding customization and personalization and preferring the standardization of solutions, through requests for interoperability and scalability. To describe a need in functional and performance terms, we will combine multiple and already tested methodologies and approaches. A good synthesis, that combines the LT-TLC and FAST methods, has been developed and implemented in Lombardy Region to conduct the PCP pilot. As innovation procurement is about the total cost of ownership and not the lowest price per piece, it will be extremely crucial to direct innovation towards the entire life-cycle of the solution. In this regards, the method LT-TLC (long-term and total life-cycle performance description) will creates associations between descriptive functions and quantified performance targets and will classify functions and related performances along the solution life-cycle phases: production, delivery, installation, use, management, maintenance and disposal in order to address high long-term performance and (total life-cycle) costs as low as possible. The other relevant methodology that we will use to elicit the functional specifications is called FAST (Functional Analysis System Technique). According to this methodology the basic element of a system is the Function that describes the original intent or purpose that a product, process or service expected to be performed. The description of a Function is restricted to a two words format: Active Verb + Measurable Name. The Verb is used to answer to the question: What does it do? While the Name is used to answer to the question: What does the Verb apply to?

Identification of dissemination channels
Comprehensive study of the state of the art techniques & technologies, including patent search results

This task will develop an analysis of the state of the art at worldwide level, that is a key activity in order to understand what technologies are currently available and used and what R&D projects are being developed in the area of healthcare associated infections prevention. In the area concerned on the supply side and to complete a rigorous state of the art analysis, we will carry out a prior patent search. The patent information is an key source in order to investigate both the information technology and the data available in patent law relating to the selected patents. The patents in fact can be used as repositories of information, to find existing solutions to their technical problems, to know who is doing what or to avoid colliding with the rights already protected by others. In fact, they are the first source of published information on new technologies and about 80% of the information contained in patents is not published elsewhere. The search of specialized public databases allows to scout research projects, solutions and under development and testing technologies. The IP research database used could be, but not limited and exactly, the following: Espacenet (that permits patent search offering access to more than 80 million patent documents worldwide, containing information about inventions and technical developments from 1836 to today), Thomson Innovation (that enables IP search with the most trusted global patent data, scientific literature and business information, integrated with powerful analytics), WIPO (global forum for intellectual property services, policy, information and cooperation), ResearchGate (network dedicated to science and research), (United States patent and trademark office's main web site) Google Scholar (that provides a search of scholarly literature across many disciplines and sources), UIBM (Italian patent and trademark office's main web site), Telemaco (Italian registry of businesses’ main web site). The patent analysis and the consultation of literature of scientific and technical publications will be conducted in order to establish a list of technologies, classified in terms of different solutions (then not limited to smart textiles) answering to the identified needs: degree of innovation/market readiness (TRL level), cost-effective, barriers to be deployed (if existing), etc. At the same time we will analyse the state-of-the-art on the demand side aimed to understand what are the most advanced solutions already adopted or under development by other public procurers or private sector customers on the EU Internal Market or in other parts of the world to address the same challenge as the one addressed by the PCP, what are the shortcomings of this state-of-the-art compared to the procurement needs of the buyers group.

Reporting and documentation of dissemination and exploitation activities
Project website

Setting up of a Web page and internet solutions such as social network tools for the project dissemination

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