Periodic Reporting for period 4 - TARICA (PoliTical And socioinstitutional change in NoRth AfrICA: competition of models and diversity of national trajectories)
Período documentado: 2021-07-01 hasta 2021-12-31
Drawing on a multidisciplinary and comparative approach, which also combines various levels of analysis, we explore these processes through three complementary thematic entries: (i) the reconfiguration of the political space and the changing forms of political regulation, (ii) the treatment of the past and the models of transitional justice, (iii) the models of development and of social justice.
The originality of our project and its potential contribution to a break-through in the knowledge of post-Arab spring political, institutional and social change in Northern Africa lies in its analytical framework and methodological approach, which seek to capture the complex processes that shape the diversity of the trajectories followed by five Northern African countries after the 2011 Arab uprisings.
By integrating political, social, institutional and development related dimensions in the analysis of post- Arab revolts dynamics of change in North Africa and approaching these dynamics within a comparative perspective of actors’ reference models and practices, our project will make an important contribution to the understanding of the differentiated trajectories – and of the most important parameters that shape them- in the five countries under study. It is hoped that our project will help to overcome the biases attached to both culturalist and normative approaches of North African societies and political systems.
The establishment of working groups and the organization of thematic research workshops have allowed for a significant progress in the collective reflection on the theoretical and conceptual frameworks for analyzing post-Uprisings political changes, development models and trajectories, the integration of Islamist parties into the political game and the rebuilding of social pacts in North Africa.
In addition, the field surveys carried out made it possible to collect a large amount of original information (on elections, voting, partisan systems, mobilizations) and led to the establishment of a rich database. These data are valorized collectively in various forms: preparation of electoral maps at various spatial scales, analytical and comparative tables of partisan systems, of mobilizations, of development indicators, etc. These data, which are regularly updated, are also used to produce collective publications. Their access, currently limited to members of the research team, will be open to the scientific community 3 years after the end of the project.