Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BROADMAP (Mapping Interoperable EU PPDR Broadband Communication Applications and Technology)
Reporting period: 2016-05-01 to 2017-04-30
The primary goal of this project is to:
Collect and validate the PPDR (Public Protection and Disaster Relief) organisations’ existing requirements with the aim to establish a core set of specifications, and roadmap for procurement, to achieve future evolution of EU broadband applications and interoperable radio communication solutions
This project implements a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) with the purpose to inform and guide the future procurement of research and development, networks and devices and their deployment to realise new interoperable broadband networks, and the ecosystems of applications and services to support the PPDR and critical communications community.
The outcomes of BROADMAP will likely feed into later Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) actions, and/or Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions (PPI), which may be subject of subsequent projects funded by EC.
Project BROADMAP addresses the following goals which will likely define the PCP, or other subsequent procurement steps defined as appropriate:
– To collect, assess and validate the PPDR’s wireless broadband communication requirements
– To establish a core set of specifications to fulfil the requirements
– To define transition roadmaps for research and standardisation for future evolution of European interoperable radio communication solutions, within legal procurement constraints
– To prepare the ground for a new eco-system to catalyse new applications, services and processes making use of broadband capabilities for public safety and security
– To utilise the strength of the PPDR community through our partners, their expertise, knowledge, networks and relations with the aim to achieving interoperability across Europe. This importantly includes nuances of societal differences, including different cultures, geography, processes and legal frameworks (See section 3.3 for details of geopolitical coverage)
Collect Requirements - from the wealth of existing studies
Validate Requirements - through consultation with end users through a series of workshops in each partner country
Establish a Core Set of Requirements - using the experience and knowledge in the team to translate the validated requirements to a set of specifications
Feedback to End User Stakeholders - A workshop will be held in Brussels in October 2016, open to the entire community of end users
Define Transition Roadmaps - Knowledge of existing systems and the specifications will be used to determine how transition to EU interoperable broadband applications, services, networks and devices will be achieved across Europe.
Feedback to the Entire Community - A workshop will be held in Brussels in April 2017, open to the entire stakeholder community