Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ULKCOND (Zero damage Ultra-Low-K etch using the precursor CONDensation technique)
Reporting period: 2016-04-01 to 2018-03-31
The low-k protection during critical steps (like etching) is of main importance for the scaling of future CMOS devices. ULKCOND has demonstrated that the cryo-etching is protecting very well the low-k. First of all, it avoid detrimental reaction with radicals. The best reagent also absorb detrimental VUV photons. Etching process can then be implemented on low-k, ensuring good electrical and mechanical properties. The direct application of this work will enable the fabrication of a new generation of more efficient microchips.
WP2 focused on the study of the condensation process into the porous material by micro-capillary condensation. State-of-the-art literature does not give satisfying explanations for this phenomenon. The fellow proposed a new paradigm to describe micro-capillary condensation into hydrophobic microporous materials. The Kelvin equation used up till now does not give an accurate representation of the micro-capillary condensation. A new general equation has been proposed by the fellow, which will be submitted as a Letter very soon. Regarding the experimental selection of molecules for micro-capillary condensation, five different organic candidates were compared. The condensation behavior was found to be driven not only by the pore radius but also by the wettability of the precursor with the surface. A better wettability allows to lower the condensation pressure in comparison with the vapor pressure of the gas at a given temperature (this is predicted by our new model but not by the Kelvin equation).
WP3 was focused on the mechanism of plasma etching in presence of a solid/liquid phase condensed in the pore network. The most relevant results were provided by studying the material after etching in different condition. The best candidate to protect the material was found to be the nerima (commercial name of this gas, which use has been patended by Air Liquide in the course of ULKCOND). Without plasma activation, nerima is inert with respect to the p-OSG material. The mechanisms of plasma damage propagation were determined in a SF6/nerima plasma discharge. VUV photons, emitted by the plasma, were found to be the single origin of damage in the low-k. With a different discharge, NF3/nerima, more reactions with the by-products/radicals are found. After processing in a nerima-containing plasma discharge, the mechanical and electrical properties are maintained at a temperature of around -10°C (or lower) in the conditions of the experiment. As expected, when condensed, nerima mitigate damage by avoiding detrimental reactions between the plasma by-products and the low-k; in addition nerima absorb the VUV between 100 to 130nm allowing even better protection of Si-CH3 bonds. This range of wavelength include the emission of SF6 at 106 nm for example.
WP4 was focused on pattern transfer optimization. A DOI was performed with NF3/nerima plasma in a dedicated 300mm tool. Good pattern transfer was demonstrated on a 45nm ½ pitch vehicle.
The work performed in the framework of the ULKCOND project allowed to develop, understand and improve the plasma etching of ultra-porous low-k’s. The new concept demonstrated within ULKCOND might be applied in the coming few years for various technologies, advanced CMOS and more-than-Moore (sensors, DNA detection).