Description du projet
Transformer les défis des transports urbains
Les villes étant confrontées à des défis de transport de plus en plus complexes, comme les embouteillages, la pollution atmosphérique et les modes de transport non durables, il est crucial de trouver des solutions innovantes. Le projet CIVITAS SATELLITE, financé par l’UE, cherche à faciliter l’accès à ces solutions. SATELLITE servira de point d’ancrage à l’ensemble du réseau CIVITAS, en coordonnant et en soutenant les projets CIVITAS2020 en cours et à venir, et en veillant à ce que les dernières innovations émanant de la recherche européenne sur la mobilité urbaine atteignent les villes par le biais de mécanismes adéquats de coordination et d’échange inter-projets. En dotant les acteurs de la ville des compétences nécessaires pour qu’ils puissent appliquer les innovations à leur propre situation et en préparant le transfert et l’adoption effectifs de ces solutions par le biais d’activités d’échange, SATELLITE est amené à révolutionner la façon dont nous abordons les défis des transports urbains.
SATELLITE will function as anchor for the entire CIVITAS Network, coordinating and supporting ongoing and future CIVITAS2020 projects. SATELLITE will address the MG5.5b call topic by helping cities gain better access to innovative solutions to properly address transport challenges they are facing. SATELLITE will make sure the latest innovations resulting from European urban mobility research reach cities through adequate cross-project coordination and exchange mechanisms. For innovations to be properly scaled up, sufficient information on their actual impact is required. SATELLITE will further elaborate the CIVITAS Impact and Process Evaluation Framework and provide IA projects with support mechanisms to implement and apply this framework. Through capacity-building, SATELLITE will provide city practitioners with the necessary skills to apply innovations in their own context, while additional exchange activities will prepare for the actual transfer and take-up of these solutions through community building approaches where cities can learn from their peers. Moreover, the project enhances the direct exchange and cooperation between the public and private sector, offering a dedicated online marketplace for urban transport innovations. SATELLITE dissemination activities will promote CIVITAS successes and improve access to available solutions through a varied range of communication tools and activities. Structured networking among all CIVITAS Forum members, with the annual conference as main highlight and with strong links to CIVINETs will encourage lasting capitalisation of activities.
Unique selling points include: functioning as bridge between past and future of CIVITAS; bringing research tools to a marketplace for improved application and accessibility; gathering leading European and international urban transport networks in one CIVITAS CSA for the first time; reaching beyond Europe to widen the impact of CIVITAS; preparing for a lasting legacy of CIVITAS innovations
Champ scientifique
Régime de financement
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinateur
1050 Bruxelles / Brussel
L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.