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NOVel Iwt and MARitime transport concepts

CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.

Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .

Resultado final

VT concept benchmarked

VT concept benchmarked: Report on the VT concept model fed with Antwerp region/port cargo flows and benchmarked against the model from D2.2.

Final assessment

Viability confirmation of the Vessel Train concept Milestone 4 Viability approval of the Vessel Train concept

ODAM assessment framework

Description of the Overarching Decision Analysis Model (ODAM) and supporting tool including instructions for use and examples.

Intermediate assessment

Results of developments of Work Packages 26 following the recommendations of the midterm assessment Milestone 3

Demonstration results

Report on the results of the numeric simulator and model tests

VT Transport system concept

VT transport system concept: Report on the VT transport system concept in terms of typologies, operations and business models.

Detailed requirements

The WP2-relevant initial requirements set in task T1.1 detailed to the needs of WP2 work domain.

Initial requirements

The overview of the attuned overall initial requirements set for WP’s 2-6 and the agreed Performance Indicators -PI’s - (Milestone 1).

Design guidelines

Design guidelines vessels with varying crewing levels

Full scale demonstration

Report on the results of the full scale demonstrator and the VT as a whole

QA procedure

A report describing the NOVIMAR QA procedure.

Vessel train potential use areas

Vessel train potential use areas Report of a study to identify potential use areas for Vessel Trains within the European transport corridors

Navigation requirements and procedures for the vessel train

The WP3-relevant initial requirements set in task T1.1 detailed to the needs of WP2 work domain.

Recommendation to regulatory bodies

Report containing a set of recommendations to different direct and indirect regulatory organizations assessing on the comprehension of the risk that may rise in the VTconcept and the ways to mitigate them

Mid-term assessment

Results of the mid-term assessment, adjustment recommendations for WP’s 2-6 and for the ODAM method/tool (Milestone 2).

Second case study

Report on a second case study based on Le Havre regionport cargo flows initial assumption

Public website

The public website with general project information.

Vessel Train handbook

A webbased repository for assembly of project and external documents in the form of a vessel train handbook


Operational 2D water depth prediction using echo sounder data of inland ships

Autores: C.F. van der Mark, M. Lemans
Publicado en: River Flow 2020, Edición PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10TH CONFERENCE ON FLUVIAL HYDRAULICS, DELFT, THE NETHERLANDS, 7–10 JULY 2020, 2020, Página(s) 2329-2337, ISBN 978-0-367-62773-7
Editor: Taylor & Francis Group

An analysis of accidents in inland navigation in context of autonomous shipping

Autores: Igor Bačkalov, Milica Vidić, Stefan Rudaković
Publicado en: Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Stability and Safety of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB&S 2021), 2021
Editor: University of Strathclyde

Assessing Semi-Autonomous Waterborne Platooning Success Factors in Urban Areas

Autores: A Colling, Y van Delft, V Peeten, T Verbist, S Wouters, R Hekkenberg
Publicado en: Compit 2021, 2021
Editor: Compit conference

Stability assessment of the river-sea Vessel Train

Autores: Stefan Rudaković, Igor Bačkalov
Publicado en: Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Stability and Safety of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB&S 2021), 2021
Editor: University of Strathclyde

Developing performance indicators for a logistics model for vessel platooning

Autores: Meersman Hilde, Moschouli Eleni, Sys Christa, Van de Voorde Eddy, Vanelslander Thierry, van Hassel Edwin, Friedhoff Benjamin, Hekkenberg Robert, Hoyer Katja, Tenzer Matthias
Publicado en: Proceedings of the WCTRS, Special Interest Group 2, 2018
Editor: Proceedings of the WCTRS, Special Interest Group 2

Identifying cost performance indicators for a logistics model for vessel trains

Autores: Hilde Meersman , Eleni Moschouli, Christa Sys , Eddy Van de Voorde , Thierry Vanelslander, Edwin van Hassel, Benjamin Friedhoff, Katja Hoyer and Matthias Tenzer, Robert Hekkenberg .
Publicado en: IAME 2018, 2018, Página(s) 20
Editor: IAME conference

EU projects contribute to continuing development of ship propulsion

Autores: Ir. M.B. Flikkema, Prof. Dr. Ir. T.J.C. van Terwisga, Dr. Ir. H.J. Prins
Publicado en: TRA 2018, 2018
Editor: TRA

Platooning auf Wasserstraßen - Erste Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt NOVIMAR

Autores: Friedhoff, Benjamin
Publicado en: Duisburger Kolloquium Schiffstechnik/Meerestechnik, Edición 39, 2018
Editor: University of Duisburg-Essen

Simulation model for a vessel platooning transport system

Autores: NanwayBoukani Loghman, Vanelslander Thierry, van Hassel Edwin, Moschouli Eleni
Publicado en: World of Shipping Portugal : an international research conference on maritime affairs, 2019, Página(s) p. 1-17, ISBN 978-989-33-0042-8
Editor: orld of Shipping Portugal, 2019

Evaluating the performance of the vessel train concept.

Autores: Meersman, H., Moschouli, E., NanwayBoukani, L., Sys, C., van Hassel, E., Van de Voorde, E., Vanelslander,
Publicado en: Transport Research Arena 2020 (conference canceled), 2020
Editor: Transport Research Arena

Evaluating the economic performance of the vessel train concept.

Autores: Meersman, H., Moschouli, E., NanwayBoukani, L., Sys, C., van Hassel, E., Van de Voorde, E., Vanelslander, T.,
Publicado en: WCTRS2019, 2019
Editor: WCTRS2019 (2020, May 26-30).

Evaluating the economic performance of the vessel train concept.

Autores: Meersman, H., Moschouli, E., NanwayBoukani, L., Sys, C., van Hassel, E., Van de Voorde, E., Vanelslander, T.,
Publicado en: IAME 2019, 2019
Editor: IAME 2019 Conference,

A Multi-Scenario Simulation Transport Model to Assess the Economics of Semi-Autonomous Platooning Concepts

Autores: A.P. Colling; R.G. Hekkenberg
Publicado en: COMPIT 2019, 2019
Editor: -

Assessment of the Required Subdivision Index for Autonomous Ships based on Equivalent Safety

Autores: J. de Vos; R.G. Hekkenberg
Publicado en: ISSAV 2019, 2019
Editor: -

The Effects of Automating Navigation on the Economic Viability of Short Sea Platooning

Autores: A.P.Colling; C. Kooij; R.G. Hekkenberg
Publicado en: TRA 2020, 2020
Editor: -

A Day in the life of a Vessel Train - Exploring the Concept

Autores: A.P. Colling; R.G. Hekkenberg
Publicado en: TRA 2020, 2020
Editor: -

Towards Safety Regulations for the Design of Autonomous Ships

Autores: J. de Vos; R.G. Hekkenberg
Publicado en: COMPIT 2020, 2020
Editor: -

Waterborne platooning: A viability study of the vessel train concept

Autores: Colling, A.P.
Publicado en: 2021
Editor: Delft University of Technology
DOI: 10.4233/uuid:8e7b13cb-6c1c-43e8-bcfc-22e588c862b6

Towards unmanned cargo ships: A task based design process to identify economically viable low and unmanned ship concepts

Autores: Kooij, C.
Publicado en: 2021
Editor: Delft University of Technology
DOI: 10.4233/uuid:7f26d675-4e27-4ddb-bc84-1daa0f3d2eb2

A task-based analysis of the economic viability of low-manned and unmanned cargo ship concepts

Autores: C Kooij, AA Kana, RG Hekkenberg
Publicado en: Ocean Engineering 242, 110111, 2021, 2021, ISSN 0029-8018
Editor: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.110111

The effect of autonomous systems on the crew size of ships – a case study

Autores: C Kooij, R Hekkenberg
Publicado en: Maritime Policy & Management, 2020, ISSN 0308-8839
Editor: Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/03088839.2020.1805645

A viability study of waterborne platooning on the Lower Rhine

Autores: Colling Alina, Hekkenberg Robert, van Hassel Edwin
Publicado en: European journal of transport and infrastructure research, 2021, ISSN 1567-7133
Editor: TU Delft open
DOI: 10.18757/ejtir.2021.21.2.5469

Evaluating the performance of the vessel train concept

Autores: Hilde Meersman, Eleni Moschouli, Loghman NanwayBoukani, Christa Sys, Edwin van Hassel, Thierry Vanelslander, Eddy Van de Voorde
Publicado en: European Transport Research Review, Edición 12/1, 2020, ISSN 1867-0717
Editor: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1186/s12544-020-00415-9

Waterborne platooning in the short sea shipping sector

Autores: A Colling, R Hekkenberg
Publicado en: Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Edición 120, 2020, 2020, Página(s) 14, ISSN 0968-090X
Editor: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2020.102778

A multinomial process tree for reliability assessment of machinery in autonomous ships

Autores: MM Abaei, R Hekkenberg, A BahooToroody
Publicado en: Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2021, ISSN 0951-8320
Editor: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2021.107484

Identification of a task-based implementation path for unmanned autonomous ships

Autores: C Kooij, R Hekkenberg
Publicado en: Maritime Policy & Management, 2021, ISSN 0308-8839
Editor: Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/03088839.2021.1914878

Identifying cost performance indicators for a logistics model for vessel trains.

Autores: Meersman, H., Moschouli, E., Sys, C., Van de Voorde, E., Vanelslander, T., van Hassel, E., Friedhoff, B., Hoyer, K., Tenzer, M., Hekkenberg, R.
Publicado en: T. Vanelslander and C. Sys (Ed.) Maritime Supply Chains, Edición 18, 2020, Página(s) pp. (47-65), ISBN 978-0-12-818421-9
Editor: Elsevier.

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