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Sustainable Urban Neighbourhoods - Research and Implementation Support in Europe

Resultado final

Final synthesis report on emerging lessons from the co-creation phase

Several shorter interim reports and one final report will be produced by each city; these documents, however, will not be separate deliverables but will be compiled by the WP3 leader into synthesis reports at the pre-defined reporting periods (month 18, 33, 48). The last of these reports will form D3.3 to articulare robust commonalities, differences and lessons learned from the implementation activities in all six action neighbourhoods in a way that makes them also a useful addition to the Pathfinder.

"Package of “Recommendations” from five clusters: 1) Use and design of space, 2) Mobility and accessibility for all"", 3) Urban logistics, 4) Shared mobility, 5) Active modes"

"A dedicated deliverable will be contain a set of “Cluster recommendations” from each of the following five thematic clusters: 1) Use and design of space, 2) Mobility and accessibility for all"", 3) Urban logistics, 4) Shared mobility, 5) Active modes. These recommendations will also be available to non-cluster members, Take-Up Cities and the public at large through the Pathfinder. The responsibility for the production of the individual cluster recommendations rests with the respective cluster leader. The WP leader Rupprecht is responsible for their compilation into one package. "

Local communication toolbox

SUNRISE will help residents, users, stakeholders, decision makers and private sector representatives in the six action neighbourhoods to analyse and articulate their own situation as an opportunity for reflection, learning and sharing. For this purpose, SUNRISE will provide tools to visualise the local challenges and options. This local communication toolbox (D5.3) will contain open source tools, SUNRISE’s own guidelines and methodologies for event organisation and moderation, use of social media and use of the SUNRISE website’s Neighbourhood Dashboard. The tools included in the toolbox will also constitute part of the Neighbourhood Mobility Pathfinder. The neighbourhoods will be invited to use techniques such as video reports, Flickr, project newspapers, podcasts, map-/ GIS-based visualisation of problems and opportunities, school visits, walking audits etc. Guidance for the involvement of conventional local media (print, online, TV, radio) will also be provided. ‘Neighbours’ will be encouraged to interact through social media. The local communication toolbox will be updated continuously.

Final Project Assessment and Evaluation Report (across all neighbourhoods)

TRI will prepare the overall Final Project Assessment and Evaluation Report, which will articulate findings across the six action neighbourhoods in the sense of possibly generalisable and transferable conclusions.

Package of six Neighbourhood-specific Participation Strategy Handbooks

"TUW will support all action neighbourhoods through providing information on methods and tools, best-practice outreach to local actors depending on local contexts, and process management support. The result of this first step will be a set of six strategy documents that articulate the most suitable formats for each action neighbourhood. These six documents form one package as D2.3, the set of ""Neighbourhood-specific Participation Strategy Handbooks."""

Set of at least four Factsheets on Co-implementation

The WP3 leader will extract and publish the key lessons from across all neighbourhoods in at least four separate Factsheets on Co-implementation. These can be about topics related to processes, case studies or tools. The precise topics of these will be determined in collaboration with the six CCFs and with the Take-Up Cities in order to cover those issues that are perceived as most decisive “on the ground”; currently envisaged are Factsheets on Collaborative Procurement, Financing Models, Contract Preparation and Liability.

Shared definitions of key terms, version 1.0

Effective collaboration requires a shared terminology, uniform technical protocols, easily accessible sharing infrastructure etc. The WP6 leader will therefore develop early on a living document with shared definitions of key terms, which will also be available on the Neighbourhood Mobility Pathfinder.

Handbook for participation strategies for mobility issues in neighbourhoods

Task 2.1 (Compilation of a handbook identifying and categorising existing participation tools and methods) is designed to assist the action neighbourhoods with a handbook (D2.1), that is, a comprehensive and conveniently categorised overview of such methods. Two elements form the basis for this work: 1. The results of the status-quo analysis from Task 1.1 on the previous experiences and practices in the field of participation and mobility development in each action neighbourhood; 2. Additional comprehensive desk research on the state-of-the-art and best practice of possible activation and participation tools and methods in European co-development processes at the neighbourhood level. Based on an overview of relevant European projects addressing neighbourhoods, this will include a thorough description of process characteristics, target groups, field of application, their purpose, advantages and disadvantages. The findings about these methods and tools will be categorised according to specific neighbourhood mobility challenges. This systematic summary thus forms crucial element of the knowledge base for the Neighbourhood Mobility Labs (NML) in each action neighbourhood and constitutes D2.1, the “Handbook for participation strategies for mobility issues in neighbourhoods”.

Package of six Neighbourhood Mobility Action Plans

WP2 culminates in six Neighbourhood Mobility Action Plans; these are concrete implementation plans articulating responsibilities, budgets, timescales etc. and they will then be implemented throughout WP3. D2.4 is a package of six such Neighbourhood Mobility Action Plans.

Report including SWOT results and status-quo description of the action neighbourhoods

Task 1.5 (SWOT Analysis and summarised top-down description of status-quo) results in one brochure per neighbourhood, which includes the results of the SWOT analysis together with all relevant information regarding the status-quo of the sustainable mobility situation and the planned steps for the participatory process within each action neighbourhood. It will also include the summarised results of Task 1.4. (Preparation and execution of the bottom-up participation process for the co-identification phase). This deliverable therefore functions as background document and “reference guide” for all following steps within the co-identification phase and also the ensuing co-development phase (WP2).

Final Assessment and Evaluation Plan including templates for the reporting of the assessment and evaluation results

This is the second iteration of D4.1, developed once the measures in each neighbourhood are defined in D2.4 (Package of six Neighbourhood Mobility Action Plans). This document defines the indicators to be used to assess the impact of the measures that are due to be developed by month 22, as these indicators can therefore only be defined when the measures are known. All measures will be developed hand-in-hand with the discussion how their success could be measured and, therefore, which are the indicators that can be used for the impact evaluation.

SUNRISE Final Brochure: making the change

SUNRISE will summarise its key-recommendations in a final brochure describing the actual change that occurred in the six SUNRISE neighbourhoods and the processes that led to them.

Co-learning and uptake strategy

D5.1 (Co-learning and uptake strategy) will describe which co-learning and uptake activities will take place when, where, why and how and with which target audiences in mind. The private sector will thereby be specifically taken into account, both at the level of communication to European stakeholders as well as the level of local communication planning. This strategy will indicate which types of interventions are necessary to promote, facilitate and enhance the sharing of experience and know-how. It will focus on the build-up of capacity of local stakeholders working on neighbourhood mobility issues, with the ultimate purpose to increase the number and quality of co-created neighbourhood mobility solutions. The strategy will address three levels of interaction: 1. Communication within and about SUNRISE neighbourhoods in their local language; incl. plans for the establishment and organisation of NLR as mechanisms to facilitate intra-neighbourhood learning 2. Communication among SUNRISE action cities and neighbourhoods and elaborated schemes to ensure productive interactions between SUNRISE partner neighbourhoods (through so-called Neighbourhood Learning Alliances) as well as between SUNRISE partners and ‘Take-Up’ cities with their neighbourhoods 3. Communication about SUNRISE, its findings and tools to the EU local mobility expert and civil society community.

Package of Final Assessment and Evaluation Reports (six neighbourhoods)

TRI will compile a package of six individual Process Assessment and Evaluation Reports for each of the six action neighbourhoods. Each of them will contain site- and context-specific findings about the preparation, execution and impact of the implemented actions, both in quantitative and qualitative terms.

Assessment and Evaluation Plan including templates for the reporting of the assessment and evaluation results

Once the locally specific co-assessment and co-evaluation principles have been agreed in each neighbourhood, the NEMs, in cooperation with the PEM and PPEM, will draw up the final evaluation plan as final result of Task 4.1. It will also include the assessment and evaluation templates that the PEM and PPEM will jointly develop to help the NEMs record and report their findings in a consistent way across the sites.

"Recommendations for ""Sustainable Neighbourhood Mobility Planning (SNMP)”"

SUNRISE aspires to no less than laying the foundation towards the establishment of Sustainable Neighbourhood Mobility Planning (SNMP) as a widely deployed planning concept both in terms of process. For this reason, WP3 will result in widely circulated recommendations for the development of Sustainable Neighbourhood Mobility Planning (SNMP) as a complementary strategy to SUMPs.

Set of six SUNRISE Neighbourhood Mobility Dossiers

A Neighbourhood Mobility Dossier will be produced in each action neighbourhood as final output of WP1. Such a Dossier will comprehensively capture the results of the co-identification and co-validation process, including the factual and subjectively perceived situation with regard to mobility and other related aspects. The Dossiers serve as guidebooks for the neighbourhoods themselves regarding the upcoming co-creative phases (co-development and co-implementation of sustainable mobility solutions), but also as an overview and inspiration for other cities and neighbourhoods regarding the co-creative development of sustainable mobility solutions.

Interactive eLearning course to facilitate the development of Co-creation Scenarios

"A brief, interactive eLearning course with very specific thought prompts will make it very convenient for representatives of Take-Up cities to develop their individual Co-creation Scenarios. This course will also be made available to the general public through the Neighbourhood Mobility Pathfinder. It will most likely be hosted on Rupprecht's ""Mobility Academy."""

Co-Implementation Guidelines

WP3 will start with an intensive workshop for the Neighbourhood Coordinators of each action neighbourhood in Jerusalem (attached to consortium meeting in project month 8) where the WP3 leader will assist the participants in the conceptual preparation of their implementation phase. Soon afterwards, the WP3 leader will start a travel tour to each action neighbourhood in order to kick-start the local implementation process on the ground (between month 12 and 19). In preparation of these workshops, Co-Implementation Guidelines (D3.1) will be prepared and fed into the Neighbourhood Mobility Pathfinder.

Package of Lessons Learned Reports (one for each action neighbourhood)

Each Neighbourhood Coordinator will write a lessons learned report, focusing on the implementation of the selected solutions. These will be compiled by Rupprecht into D3.4

Handbook on Neighbourhood Mobility Labs in practice

"TUW will compile an orientation handbook about the aims, strength, costs and support contexts of Neighbourhood Mobility Labs (NMLs) in the form of D2.2, the ""Handbook on Neighbourhood Mobility Labs in practice"""

Neighbourhood Mobility Pathfinder

The Neighbourhood Mobility Pathfinder (NMP) is SUNRISE's online toolbox to enable exploitation of SUNRISE results beyond the project’s lifetime. The NMP will be a structured and easy to navigate resource that provides process guidance, case studies and fact sheets on tools and methods for each of the four SUNRISE co-creation phases. Interested professionals in urban mobility, but also governance, political sciences, urban design, social cohesion, geography or gerontology will be able to find information that is close to their needs by means of key-words, the current phase of activity, thematic area etc. Over 120 resource sheets will be available - synergies with ELTIS and CIVITAS will be explicitly sought for this purpose. In the best co-creation spirit, open calls will be organised to find additional case studies and tools to include in the toolbox. The Pathfinder will be available through the SUNRISE website, and after the project has ended it will be accessible through and

SUNRISE website and Neighbourhood Dashboard

The SUNRISE website (D5.2) will serve as central communication hub. It will host the Neighbourhood Mobility Pathfinder and the Neighbourhood Dashboard. The SUNRISE dashboard will be an internet platform providing at-a-glance overviews of all previous and ongoing activities, progress and achievements in each neighbourhood, mainly to support project-internal co-learning. It will be the central navigation point to access background information, blogs, photographs, podcasts and video reports (with EN subtitles), indicators etc. about all action neighbourhoods. The dashboard will make it convenient for other neighbourhoods to learn about activities they are most interested in. SUNRISE will live up to its own approach in developing the co-learning and uptake strategy and start from an in-depth user needs assessment in order to co-develop the co-learning strategy. The dashboard will contain a secure area where SUNRISE partners can exchange on bad experiences. This will feed into the Neighbourhood Mobility pathfinder including sections on what specifically to avoid.


Co-Creation in der Stadtplanung: Solidarität und Partizipation 2.0?Erfahrungen aus dem Horizon-2020-Projekt SUNRISE

Autores: Lukas Franta, Nadine Haufe
Publicado en: Sozialpolitik in Diskussion, Edición 22, 2020, Página(s) 68-81, ISBN 978-3-99046-496-0
Editor: Arbeiterkammer Wien

Co-Creation und nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung: Theorie und Praxis am Beispiel der Entwicklung nachhaltiger Mobilitätslösungen auf Quartiersebene

Autores: Nadine Haufe, Lukas Franta
Publicado en: Jahrbuch Raumplanung 2019. Insitut für Raumplanung., Edición Band 7, 2019, Página(s) 53-74, ISBN 978-3-7083-1296-5
Editor: NWV

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