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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Towards a European THeory Of juStice and fairness

Resultado final

Comparative report on the development of welfare restrictions in different states, their promotion and contestation, with focus on key fault lines of justice and the shifting capabilities of those most affected by the welfare changes

A report highlighting similarities and differences on welfare state restrictions that will build on reports from Task 5.5 and D5.4.

Framework paper on the methodological tool for reflecting and reviewing the findings of WP3 to 6

The paper will elaborate on the “back-and-forth” method envisaged in the project – the constant comparison of theoretical frameworks and empirical results that allows (1) the revision of theoretical assumptions in light of (new) empirical findings as well as (2) the re-interpretation of empirical results in light of the changing theoretical frameworks. It will also elaborate on how the “back-and-forth” method can be used to compare and possibly re-interpret different empirical findings of various WPs.

Submission of a proposal for publication of a collection or edited journal issue based on the results of WP2 workshops, papers and reviews

The collection will include selected papers produced in relation to tasks 2.1-2.4 and is intended to present some of the main results of WP2 to a broader academic and professional audience.

Report on the cross-national study of the moral psychology of relevant stakeholders and opinion leaders by way of a cross-national vignette study

The report will be based on the findings gathered by the means of vignette analyse as described in Task 4.5. In the report intra-country as well as inter-country differences in moral justice views will be discussed. The focus will be on determining, describing and testing the factors that are able to explain these differences to some degree. These factors include both cultural differences as well as differences in, for instance, the targets of justice.

Comparative report on the legal rules and practices regulating access, retention and arrangement of one’s home, exploring tensions between the right to property and the right to housing.

Exploring justice as distribution, this report will be based on Task 3.5 and provide a comparative analysis on the legal rules and practices affecting access, retention and arrangement of one’s home, including EU and ECHR, and national levels, on the basis of the national reports drafted according to the guidelines provided in Deliverable D3.3.It will, in particular, explore tensions between the right to property and the right to housing.

Report on European heritage of philosophical theorizing about justice

The report will include elements specified in Task 2.1.

Report on (social) media representation of (minority) claims – recognitive, representative and redistributive – to justice with special focus on the discursive representation of conflicts and tensions between different types of claims and claims

Report will be based on research described in Task 4.4. It will compare and synthetize the result of the analyses of the (social) media representation of justice claims of various cultural, social and demographic groups in the participant countries. In the report, special attention will be paid to discursive representation of conflicts and tensions between different types of claims and claims of different social categories and the consequence such framing may have on the capabilities and functionings of the minorities. Cross-country differences will be discussed.

Report on the ‘European Landscape of Justice’

D8.8. will be a full report about this core exercise

Report on the divide between the public and private domain as a fault line of justice in the area of social policy

In the report the divide between the public and private domain as a fault line of justice in the area of social policy, with special focus on issues of moral obligations and (inter)dependency will be analysed. It will be based on the analysis of the most recent policy papers, available secondary data and the results of Task 5.3.

Research paper identifying which conceptions of justice informed the early development of European integration.

The deliverable will be a 7000 – 10000 word paper specifying the understandings of justice that informed the post-World War negotiations on European Integration, with particular emphasis on the notions of human rights and the rule of law.

Background paper on how the conceptions of justice as recognition, representation and distribution permeate legal rules and their judicial interpretation and application to integrate religious and ethnic communities, persons with disabilities, and other

Based on Task 3.3, this deliverable will constitute a conceptual paper that develops an analytical framework to guide the three comparatives case-studies (3.4 – 3.6) that will focus on rights, their scope and limits, procedural dimensions and relevant balancing mechanisms, and the capability of all actors to activate or challenge the law, in pursuit of justice. The paper will be based on an analysis of relevant EU level rules and policies

Comparative report on the conflicts concerning the existence and operation ADR structures

Comparative report, based upon interviews of key actors that use ADR mechanisms as well as judiciary and non-judiciary actors that deal with ADR on the nature of conflicts and effectiveness of ADR structures. Relates to tasks 6.4 and 6.5.

Comparative report on the effectiveness of social dialog as an instrument to promote labour justice

Comparative report on the actual status and functioning of social dialogue as a mechanism to produce a more participant and effectiveness of labour rights between the different political and social actors. This task will combine interviewing of judicial and key political actors and legal documentation (both national and international / EU – relates to tasks 6.3 and 6.4)

Submission of three scientific articles to peer-reviewed journals

Three articles based on the key elements studied and analysed throughout the project will be submitted to peer-reviewed journals in English following the practices of open access (relates to task 6.7)

Report containing a conceptual framework for integration of findings

Drawing on the disciplinary overviews of the conceptualisation and articulation of justice in philosophical thought, social, political and economic theories prepared by WP3-WP6 and synthetized by WP2 (D2.3), the deliverable will formulate the ideal-typical (Weberian) claims to justice that will form the frame of reference for reflecting and interpreting the results of empirical studies. The deliverable will also critically discuss the dimensions along which the integration of findings may take place, such as (1) the interplay and tensions between justice claims; (2) mechanisms that impede justice; and (3) fault lines of justice and/or identify other possible dimensions that might emerge from the disciplinary initial theoretical investigation conducted.

Proposal for a (peer reviewed) edited volume on (the building blocks of a) European Theory of Justice and Fairness to be published by an academic publisher

The proposed volume will include selected papers: theoretical, empirical and integrative that would reflect the main findings and conclusions of the project and identify the main challenges to (the realisation of) justice that Europe faces today. The volume is intended for a broader academic and professional audience.

Comparative report on national (political and advocacy) discourses about minority social rights with respect to access to education and the potential effect the framing of social rights might have on the capabilities and functionings of those groups

The report based on Task 4.3 will explore the inter- and intra-country differences in discourses around the minority access to education. Differences in the discourses of various social and political actors, with respect to different minority groups and national/regional contexts will be discussed. The deliverable will also analyse the inclusionary/exclusionary consequences of the use of specific discursive frames and the effect those frames have on the capabilities and functionings of various groups with respect to education.

Report 1st Annual Consortium Meeting

The Report will include a summary and the minutes of the meeting.

Comparative report on legal rules and practices, including judicial decisions, regulating access and participation in education for all EU citizens and third country nationals.

Exploring justice as recognition, this report will be based on Task 3.6 and provide a comparative analysis on the legal rules and practices affecting participation in education for all EU citizens and third country nationals, including EU and ECHR, as well as national law and practices, on the basis of the national reports drafted according to the guidelines provided in Deliverable D3.3. It will place particular emphasis on the notion of inclusive education, for instance where it concerns children with disabilities, those from minority background and third country nationals.

Comparative report on the legal rules and practices regulating the exercise of the right to vote (eligibility and representation) in local, national and EU elections of marginalised groups.

Exploring justice as representation, this report will be based on Task 3.4 and provide a comparative analysis on the legal rules and practices affecting the exercise of the right to vote of marginalised groups, including EU and ECHR, and national levels, on the basis of the national reports drafted according to the guidelines provided in Deliverable D3.3.

Report on the first workshop on normative justice and empirical findings: “Ideal and Non-Ideal Theories of Justice.”

The Report will feature abstracts and presented papers on the above theme from WP2 coordinators and other invitees participating in the workshop. It will include an assessment of the state-of- the-art in non-ideal theory, and recommendations for further developing a non-ideal theory of justice, based on workshop findings.

Comparative report on competing claims for justice and everyday practices of recognition and redistribution in the private household and a reflection on how those tensions affects the capabilities and functioning of the various individuals/groups studied

This deliverable will constitute a summary report of the country case studies generated by Task 5.3. It will highlight the similarities and differences between states of these competing claims for justice, supplemented by empirical analysis of similarities across states of their impact on different groups.

Report Final Consortium meeting and Conference

The Report will include a summary and the minutes of the meeting.

A theoretical review of the conceptualization and articulation of justice in legal theory contributing to task 2.3.

The deliverable will constitute a research paper on the conceptualisation and articulation of justice in legal theory.

Review Report

The Review Report will critically review and assess the progress of the project, specify possible problems with its realisation and – in case problems are identified – suggest their resolution. The report will constitute a basis of a Review meeting in M16.

Comparative report on the types of distributive claims, interests and capabilities of various groups of the population evoked in the political and economic debates at the EU and at the nation state level

The report will synthetize findings of national studies conducted in Task 6.2. It will be based on the analysis of dominant political and economic debates at the EU and at the nation state level, seeking to explore how the distributive claims of various marginalized groups are constructed and expressed in advocacy discourses and by (inter)national financial and economic actors.

Submission of two articles

Submission of two articles to international refereed journals a) on the relationship between institutionalized and the lived experience of justice by vulnerable categories of the population, and b) the relationship between functions, capabilities and the lived experience of justice.

Designing a graphic model of justice (Landscape of justice) - Concept for graphic app

The ‘landscapes of justice’ will be the core task and outcome of WP8. According to the ETHOS concept of justice a graphical display will be designed. The display will be disseminated online (mainly through social media channels) and will serve as a graphic questionnaire. The results of this kind of ‘survey’ will then be put together to landscapes which will be accessible through the ETHOS web platform. D8.3 will be performed by tasks 8.3 and 8.5.

Preparing and launching press releases

Press releases will be prepared together with the newsletters in a media-friendly style. D8.6 shall be a report on all media work including all partners’ efforts in this respect.

Integrative paper on the conceptualisation and articulation of justice in legal, political, social and economic theory

The paper will synthesize the theoretical insights along the following dimensions: (1) the interplay and tensions between justice claims as articulated in legal, political, social and economic theory; (2) the mechanisms that impede justice as articulated in legal, political, social and economic theory; and (3) fault lines of justice or boundaries of justice as articulated in legal, political, social and economic theory.

Guidance to the media (handbook)

ETHOS results are expected to create impact. D8.5 shall contribute by publishing and disseminating a media handbook on fairness and justice.

Report on a second workshop on normative justice and empirical facts: “Justice and Beliefs about Justice: Democracy, Stability, and Reflective Equilibrium” (featuring papers from WP2 coordinators and other invitees)

The Report will feature abstracts and presented papers on the above theme from WP2 coordinators and other invitees participating in the workshop. It will include an assessment of the scope and limits for taking people’s attitudes and beliefs about justice into account in formulating a theory of justice, based on workshop findings.

Comparative report on the relationship between the EU and national political discourses on representative justice with regard to migration, ethnic, religious and regional minorities

Based on Task 4.2., the report will compare the national political discourses on justice as representation and explore how they differ per (minority) group and/or the national (and regional) context. The relationship of national political discourses and discourses at the EU level will be discussed critically.

Review of the conceptualization and articulation of justice in social theory as contribution to Task 2.3 (WP2)

In this deliverable, the conceptualization and articulation of justice in social theory will be explored. The review will be based on a selected sample of articles in international refereed journals as well as a selection of most quoted book publications.

E-news letters

The six newsletters will inform the broadest possible audience about findings of the project and their implications for the project’s target groups. It will further inform about any events organised by the project consortium or its partners (tasks 8.6 and 8.8).

Report on the extent to which fundamental social rights (EU Charter and Social Charter) can constitute a counterweight to austerity measures in times of crisis

Joint report on the public sphere debate on fundamental social rights and the challenges to austerity measures. This analysis will be based upon a legal analysis, by looking at national legal practice and at legal developments at EU level, including the case law of the European Court of Justice, the legislative practice of the EU and other legal measures strengthening fundamental social rights (legal documents – task 6.3).

Comparative report on the tensions between institutionalised political justice and the experienced (mis)recognition

This will be a report based on Task 5.2 case studies, comparing experiences of naturalisation/long term residence refusals across states.

Submissions of three scientific articles

Submissions of three scientific articles on (1) the relationship between the EU discourse on representative justice and the political discourses on national level; (2) comparison of national discourses about minority’s access to education and the potential impact of those discourses on the capabilities of those groups; and (3) cross-national comparison of (social) media representations and the moral views on justice, with special focus on the discursive representation of conflicts and tensions between different types of claims and claims of different social categories and the effect those representations may have on the capabilities and functionings of minorities

A theoretical review of the conceptualization and articulation of justice in political theory as contribution to Task 2.3 (WP2)

The review will constitute a research paper on the conceptualisation and articulation of justice in political theory, with special focus on recognitional and representational aspects of justice. Attention will be paid, among other things, to how different political theories of justice tackle the divergencies, conflicts but also solidarities among groups with different identities (ethnic, gender, migration). The review will be based on a selected sample of articles in international refereed journals as well as a selection of most quoted book publications.

A proposal for an edited volume (peer-reviewed), or three articles submitted to a peer-reviewed journal, assessing how different conceptions of justice informs and are translated in legal rules and practices in Europe

The articles submitted will reflect the work carried out in Task3.1-3.7.

Report 2nd Annual Consortium Meeting

The Report will include a summary and the minutes of the meeting.

Concept papers synthetizing the project results on (1) the interplay and tensions between justice claims; (2) mechanisms that impede justice; and (3) fault lines of justice

The papers will reflect on the relation between the ideal-typical heuristic frameworks identified in the course of the theoretical reflection with the empirical results of WP3-6. Similarities and commonalities but also inconsistencies and contradictions in people’s attitudes to justice and experience of (in)justice, on the one hand, and the compatibility of the ‘lived’ and ‘the ideal’, on the other will be discussed with respect to (1) the interplay and tensions between justice claims; (2) mechanisms that impede justice; and (3) fault lines of justice.

Final report on dialog meetings with stakeholders to engage in the exchange of perspectives
Report Kick-Off meeting

The Report will include a summary and the minutes of the kick-off meeting

Review of the conceptualization and articulation of justice in dominant economic theory as contribution to Task 2.3 (WP2)

In this deliverable, the conceptualization and articulation of notions of justice in dialogue and / or opposition to dominant liberal economic theory will be explored with special focus on (re)distributive justice. The review will be based on a selected sample of academic publications

Data Management Plan (DMP)

DMP will outline how the data generated in the project is handled both during the project and after its completion.

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