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SOlar Calcium-looping integRAtion for Thermo-Chemical Energy Storage

Resultado final

SOCRATCES calciner model

Leader CLX (Involved CSIC, USE, ZAR, TOR, CERTH) This deliverable includes the following items: i)An introduction of the calciner reactor model. ii)Analysis under several scenarios are realized in order to obtained a database which describe the operation of the model. iii)Application of kinetic data extracted from lab-scale experiments to the reactor model is presented.

LCA, LCC Scope and system Boundaries.

Leader VER (Involved All) LCA, LCC Scope and system Boundaries. In order to perform the LCA, the evaluation method and strategy for data collection will be defined in a first stage. In parallel to the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), the costs derived from the development and implementation of the SOCRATCES technology will be also assessed

Final innovation evaluation Report

Leader BIOAZUL Involved USE POLITO CERTH CLX CSIC VM TTZ BIO CNR SPI ISI AUTHThis report contains the following information i Description of a multicriteria matrix defined in WP 85 for quantitative evaluation of new ideas for the implementation of new features or changes that improves the performance of SOCRATES platform The matrix will take into account the following criterias expected development time equipment needed human resources needed expected improvement in market acceptation ii Definition of a quantitive criteria for example a score higher than a threshold for ideas to be implemented iii The technology forecasting plan defined in WP 85 as well as the Technology Forescasting information obtained will be refelected in this report

Market Analysis

Leader SPI (Involved: USE, POLITO, CERTH, CLXHE, CSIC, VM, TTZ, BIO, CNR, SPI, ISI, AUTH) Report on Market Technology Analysis

First innovation evaluation report

Leader BIOAZUL; (Involved: USE, POLITO, CERTH, CLX, CSIC, VM, TTZ, BIO, CNR, SPI, ISI, AUTH). This report contains the following information: i) Description of a multicriteria matrix, defined in WP 8.5, for quantitative evaluation of new ideas for the implementation of new features or changes that improves the performance of SOCRATES platform. The matrix will take into account the following criterias: expected development time, equipment needed, human resources needed, expected improvement in market acceptation. ii) Definition of a quantitive criteria (for example a score higher than a threshold) for ideas to be implemented. iii) The technology forecasting plan defined in WP 8.5 as well as the Technology Forescasting information obtained will be refelected in this report.

Systems risk analysis

Leader USE (Involved: USE, POLITO, CERTH, CLX, CSIC, VM, TTZ, BIO, CNR, ISI, AUTH, SPI). The operating risk assessment realized in WP8.3 is reflected in this deliverable. It includes the following items: i) Definition of key performance indicators for the developed technology (KPIs). ii) A report of the comparison between KPIs resulting values and standard values obtained by present conventional systems marketed in the EU.

CSP-calciner integration model

Leader VM, involved (USE, CLX, ZAR, TOR, AUTH,CERTH) This deliverable aims to introduce the CSP-calciner integration pre-design, taking into account the necessary conditions (geometry, materials, etc.) to carry out the calcination, optimizing the reaction rate.

Networking Report

Leader BIOAZUL involved ALLReport including the description of SOCRATCES networking actions This report is structure as follows iIdentification of links andsynergies with other related projects 11 EU level 12 Nationalregional level 13 Local level iiStablished links andsynergies with identificated projects will be refelected here as well as an explanation about the followed procedureto stablish links identified advantages disadvantages difficulties experience exchanged repercussions iiiDissemination activities related to SOCRATCES performed by partners in other countries will be also refelected inthis report

Report on IPR Issues

Leader SPI Involved USE POLITO CERTH CLX CSIC VM TTZ VER CNR BIO ISI AUTHThis report include a table where IPR issues are summarized This table includes a Type of risk factor brisk factor crisk d Description ePreventative measure

Power cycles: schemes, models, analysis

Leader POLITO (Involved TTZ, ATR, ZAR, USE,BIO, CERTH) This deliverable includes: i) Schemes of analyzed power cycles. Ii) Description for each power cycle which includes main streams and power balance, which specially focuses in operation conditions. iii) For each power cycle, off-design and on-design conditions are refelected at system level. iv) Characteristics of the CSP sources are introduced, taken the integration into the whole system into account. v) power-cycles simulatations under different nominal operating conditions while considering different fluids, including analysis of the on-design expected performance of the cycles and theidentification of viable and technocally feasible operating conditions. vi) Results of the investigation in different design configurations (for example several expanders connected in parallel or in series, the integration of a recuperator, etc.) and conclusions (selection of those ones that are most favourable in therms of energy performance). vii) A more detailed a

Carbonator energy analysis

Leader USE (Involved POLITO,TTZ,ZAR,CERTH) This deliverable includes the description of the exothermic reaction which takes place in the carbonator reactor, operational conditions (it occurs at high temperatures) and energy release associated to the reaction, which is the thermal energy input to the power cycles.

Optimum heat integration carbonator-power cycle for SOCRATCES project

Leader USE (Involved TOR, ZAR, AUTH, CLX) This deliverable includes the following items: i)An optimized thermodynamic model is presented for each carbonation integration scheme linked to a power cycle. Several power cycle schemes are presented in this deliverable. ii)Conclusions obtained from the analysis of indirect thermal integration between the carbonator reactor and the power cycle is exposed. iii)The energy consumption that would require the Cal technology over the CSP plant.

Second report on LCA

Leader TTZ (involved all) Life cycle Assesment report includes: i) Definition of the evaluation method and strategy for data collection. ii) Quantitative data of materia (inputs and outputs) are collected in a table. iii) Evaluation of collected data through curves, graphics and comments. 3. Identification of energy and waste flows associated with the calcium looping thermal energy storage system over different stages of its life cycle is reflected in this section as well as an analysis of it evolution through graphics or tables... iv) Report of Impact Assesment. It includes results of the following analysis on enviromental impact: 1. Global warming impact 2. Resources uses and depletion 3. Energy demand and net energy balance... 4) A breaf description of computational tool used in the analysis.

Final carbonator model report

Leader: CSIC, involved ALL Final report summarizing the methodology and results obtained from task 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3.

Report on Dissemination Materials

Leader BIOAZUL involved ALLReport compiling all dissemination materials developed in the frame of SOCRATCES as well as information on project events

First report on LCA

Leader TTZ (involved all) Life cycle Assesment report includes: i) Definition of the evaluation method and strategy for data collection. ii) Quantitative data of materia (inputs and outputs) are collected in a table. iii) Evaluation of collected data through curves, graphics and comments. 3. Identification of energy and waste flows associated with the calcium looping thermal energy storage system over different stages of its life cycle is reflected in this section as well as an analysis of it evolution through graphics or tables... iv) Report of Impact Assesment. It includes results of the following analysis on enviromental impact: 1. Global warming impact 2. Resources uses and depletion 3. Energy demand and net energy balance... 4) A breaf description of computational tool used in the analysis.

Final report interaction

Leader USE Involved AllReviews and reports from partners are shared in the same report that will be published at the end of third year of the project in order to summarize the status of the project The reports include 1 Report detailing the progress of the project activities2The financial expenditure3 Dissemination activities 4 Objectives achieved at the reporting time5 Difficulties proposal for improvements

SOCRATCES calciner kinetics model

Leader CLX (Involved CSIC, USE ,ZAR, TOR, AUTH) This deliverable aims to introduce the calcination kinetic model developed in WP3 and includes the following items: i)Description of the kinetic analysis of calcination reaction under several calciner conditions (pressure, temperature, atmosphere composition. ii)Best condition for maximize the limestone decomposition rate are presented. iv)Results obtained after multicycle-tests (thermal and chemical tests) in a customised reactor setup.

SOCRATCES carbonator model

Leader CERTH (Involved USE, CSIC, AUTH, ZAR, CNR) This deliverable aims to introduce the carbonator reactor model developed in WP2 and includes the following items: - Determination the optimum conditions regarding to fluidization regime - Carbonator reactor model to estimate the carbonation efficiency (fraction of calcium carbonate produced per calcium oxide entering the reactor). A close collaboration with the task 2.1 is needed in order to take advantage of the kinetc analysis carried out.

SOCRATCES carbonation kinetics model

Leader: CSIC, involved USE, ZAR, AUTH,CNR The kinetic of carbonation is analyzed under different scenarios of pressure and temperature in which the reaction can occurs. As a conclusion, optimized conditions for improving reaction rate are selected. Furthermore, the progressive sorbent deactivation is analyzed under different scenarios: i) Carbonation under pure CO2 atmosphere ii) The effect of steam addition that might enhance reactivity. iii) The effect of another non-reactive gas atmospheres. iv) Analyzing the relative relevance of fast-reaction and diffusion controlled regimes.

Second innovation evaluation report

Leader BIOAZUL; (Involved: USE, POLITO, CERTH, CLX, CSIC, VM, TTZ, BIO, CNR, SPI, ISI, AUTH). This report contains the following information: i) Description of a multicriteria matrix, defined in WP 8.5, for quantitative evaluation of new ideas for the implementation of new features or changes that improves the performance of SOCRATES platform. The matrix will take into account the following criterias: expected development time, equipment needed, human resources needed, expected improvement in market acceptation. ii) Definition of a quantitive criteria (for example a score higher than a threshold) for ideas to be implemented. iii) The technology forecasting plan defined in WP 8.5 as well as the Technology Forescasting information obtained will be refelected in this report.

Technological Brochure

Leader USE (involved ALL) Brochure containing information on technical and scientific project achievements designed for the dissemination of the SOCRATCES project

Project leaflet

Leader BIOAZUL (involved ALL) General project brochure in English for the project dissemination among relevant stakeholders

SOCRATCES website.

Leader USE (involved ALL) This deliverable consists in a report of the website description, including de structure of the website, functionalities, responsabilities, images, etc…


On the factors affecting the deactivation of limestone under calcium looping conditions: A new comprehensive model

Autores: Athanasios Scaltsoyiannes, Angeliki Lemonidou
Publicado en: Chemical Engineering Science, Edición 243, 2021, Página(s) 116797, ISSN 0009-2509
Editor: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2021.116797

Kinetics and cyclability of limestone (CaCO3) in presence of steam during calcination in the CaL scheme for thermochemical energy storage

Autores: """Juan Arcenegui-Troya, Pedro Enrique Sánchez Jiménez, Antonio Perejón Pazo, Virginia Moreno, José Manuel Valverde and Luis A. Pérez-Maqueda"""
Publicado en: Chemical Engineering Journal, Edición 417, 2021, Página(s) 129194, ISSN 1385-8947
Editor: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2021.129194

One-Dimensional Heterogeneous Reaction Model of a Drop-Tube Carbonator Reactor for Thermochemical Energy Storage Applications

Autores: Evgenios Karasavvas, Athanasios Scaltsoyiannes, Andy Antzaras, Kyriakos Fotiadis, Kyriakos Panopoulos, Angeliki Lemonidou, Spyros Voutetakis, Simira Papadopoulou
Publicado en: Energies, Edición 13/22, 2020, Página(s) 5905, ISSN 1996-1073
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en13225905

Hybrid solar power plant with thermochemical energy storage: A multi- objective operational optimisation

Autores: R.Bravo, C.Ortiz, R.Chacartegui, D.Friedrich
Publicado en: Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, ISSN 0196-8904
Editor: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2019.112421

Dispatchability of solar photovoltaics from thermochemical energy storage

Autores: R. Fernández, C. Ortiz, R. Chacartegui, J.M. Valverde, J.A. Becerra
Publicado en: Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, ISSN 0196-8904
Editor: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2019.03.074

The Calcium-Looping (CaCO3/CaO) process for thermochemical energy storage in Concentrating Solar Power plants

Autores: """Ortiz, C. Valverde, J.M. Chacartegui, R. Perez-Maqueda, L.A. Giménez, P."""
Publicado en: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Edición 113, 2019, Página(s) 109252, ISSN 1364-0321
Editor: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2019.109252

Energy and exergy analysis of the integration of concentrated solar power with calcium looping for power production and thermochemical energy storage

Autores: Evgenios Karasavvas, Kyriakos D. Panopoulos, Simira Papadopoulou, Spyros Voutetakis
Publicado en: Renewable Energy, Edición 154, 2020, Página(s) 743-753, ISSN 0960-1481
Editor: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2020.03.018

Non-combustion non-solar deployment characterization of a free-piston Stirling engine to integrate with an exothermic reactor

Autores: Eusha M, Schulz W, Schumacher G et al.
Publicado en: Open Research Europe, 2021, ISSN 2732-5121
Editor: Open Research Europe
DOI: 10.12688/openreseurope.14361.1

Carbonation Kinetics of Fine CaO Particles in a Sound-Assisted Fluidized Bed for Thermochemical Energy Storage

Autores: Federica Raganati, Paola Ammendola
Publicado en: KONA Powder and Particle Journal, 2022, ISSN 0288-4534
Editor: Hosokawa Powder Technology Foundation
DOI: 10.14356/kona.2022007

Calcium-Looping Performance of Biomineralized CaCO3 for CO2 Capture and Thermochemical Energy Storage

Autores: Juan Jesús Arcenegui, Pedro Enrique Sánchez-Jiménez, Antonio Perejón, José Manuel Valverde, Ricardo Chacartegui, Luis Pérez Maqueda
Publicado en: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Edición 59, 2020, Página(s) 12924–12933, ISSN 0888-5885
Editor: American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b05997

FMEA and Risks Assessment for Thermochemical Energy Storage Systems Based on Carbonates

Autores: Andrés Carro; Ricardo Chacartegui; Carlos Tejada; Georgios Gravanis; Muhammad Eusha; Voutetakis Spyridon; Papadopoulou Simira; Carlos Ortiz
Publicado en: Energies, Edición 12, 2021, ISSN 1996-1073
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en14196013

Life cycle analysis of the solar thermochemical energy storage scheme SOCRATCES

Autores: Sara Hritz, Muhammad Eusha,Faraz Rasheed Mir, Gerhard Schories
Publicado en: Open Research Europe, 2022, ISSN 2732-5121
Editor: Open Research Europe

Multi-objective optimization of helium power cycle for thermo-chemical energy storage in concentrated solar power

Autores: Umberto Tesio, Elisa Guelpa, Vittorio Verda
Publicado en: Energy Conversion and Management: X, Edición 12, 2021, Página(s) 100116, ISSN 2590-1745
Editor: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecmx.2021.100116

Thermochemical Energy Storage Based on Carbonates: A Brief Overview

Autores: Carlos Ortiz
Publicado en: Energies, 2021, ISSN 1996-1073
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en14144336

Optimized synthesis/design of the carbonator side for direct integration of Thermochemical Energy Storage in size Concentrated Solar Power

Autores: U.Tesio, E.Guelpa, C.Ortiz, R.Chacartegui, V.Verda
Publicado en: Energy Conversion and Management: X, 2019, ISSN 2590-1745
Editor: Pergamon
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecmx.2019.100025

Towards a generalized carbonation kinetic model for CaO-based materials using a modified random pore model

Autores: Athanasios Scaltsoyiannes, Andy Antzaras, Georgios Koilaridis, Angeliki Lemonidou
Publicado en: Chemical Engineering Journal, Edición 407, 2021, Página(s) 127207, ISSN 1385-8947
Editor: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2020.127207

Modelling calcium looping at industrial scale for energy storage in concentrating solar power plants

Autores: Manuel Bailera, Sara Pascual, Pilar Lisbona, Luis M. Romeo
Publicado en: Energy, Edición 225, 2021, Página(s) 120306, ISSN 0360-5442
Editor: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/

Design and operational performance maps of calcium looping thermochemical energy storage for concentrating solar power plants

Autores: S. Pascual, P. Lisbona, M. Bailera, L.M. Romeo
Publicado en: Energy, Edición 220, 2021, Página(s) 119715, ISSN 0360-5442
Editor: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/

Carbonation of Limestone Derived CaO for Thermochemical Energy Storage: From Kinetics to Process Integration in Concentrating Solar Plants

Autores: C. Ortiz, J. M. Valverde, R. Chacartegui, L. A. Perez-Maqueda
Publicado en: ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Edición 6/5, 2018, Página(s) 6404-6417, ISSN 2168-0485
Editor: American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b00199

Design of an Integrated CSP-Calcium Looping for Uninterrupted Power Production Through Energy Storage

Autores: Evgenios Karasavvas, Kyriakos D. Panopoulos, Simira Papadopoulou, Spyros Voutetakis
Publicado en: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, 2018, Página(s) 2131-2136, ISSN 2283-9216
Editor: AIDEC The Italian Association
DOI: 10.3303/cet1870356

Study of a Drop−Tube Carbonator Reactor for CSP−Calcium Looping Based on a Heterogeneous Reaction Model

Autores: Evgenios Karasavvas, Kyriakos D. Panopoulos, Simira Papadopoulou, Spyros Voutetakis
Editor: AIDEC The Italian Association

The mOxy-CaL Process: Integration of Membrane Separation, Partial Oxy-combustion and Calcium Looping for CO2 Capture

Autores: C. Ortiz, J. M. Valverde, R. Chacartegui, and L. A. Perez-Maqueda
Publicado en: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, 2018, Página(s) 2131-2136, ISSN 2283-9216
Editor: AIDEC The Italian Association
DOI: 10.3303/cet1870108

Preliminary Study on Sound Assisted Calcium Looping for TCES in CSP Applications

Autores: Federica Raganati, Riccardo Chirone, Paola Ammendola,
Publicado en: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, 2019, Página(s) 427-432, ISSN 2283-9216
Editor: AIDIC
DOI: 10.3303/cet1974072

Energy consumption minimization for a solar lime calciner operating in a concentrated solar power plant for thermal energy storage

Autores: Pilar Lisbona, Manuel Bailera, Thomas Hills, Mark Sceats, Luis I. Díez, Luis M. Romeo
Publicado en: Renewable Energy, Edición 156, 2020, Página(s) 1019-1027, ISSN 0960-1481
Editor: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2020.04.129

Life cycle and environmental assessment of calcium looping (CaL) in solar thermochemical energy storage

Autores: G.Colelli, R.Chacartegui, C.Ortiz, A.Carro, A.P.Arena, V.Verda
Publicado en: Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, ISSN 0196-8904
Editor: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2022.115428

CaCO3 decomposition for calcium-looping applications: Kinetic modeling in a fixed-bed reactor

Autores: Athanasios Scaltsoyiannes, Angeliki Lemonidou
Publicado en: Chemical Engineering Science: X, Edición 8, 2020, Página(s) 100071, ISSN 2590-1400
Editor: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.cesx.2020.100071

Calcium-looping for thermochemical energy storage in concentrating solar power applications: Evaluation of the effect of acoustic perturbation on the fluidized bed carbonation

Autores: Federica Raganati, Riccardo Chirone, Paola Ammendola
Publicado en: Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, ISSN 1385-8947
Editor: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2019.123658

Role of particle size on the multicycle calcium looping activity of limestone for thermochemical energy storage

Autores: Jonatan D. Durán-Martín, Pedro E. Sánchez Jimenez, José M. Valverde, Antonio Perejón, Juan Arcenegui-Troya, Pablo García Triñanes,Luis A. Pérez Maqueda
Publicado en: Journal of Advanced Research, Edición 22, 2020, Página(s) 67-76, ISSN 2090-1232
Editor: Cairo University
DOI: 10.1016/j.jare.2019.10.008

"""Scaling-up the Calcium-Looping Process forCO2 Capture and Energy Storage"""

Autores: """Carlos Ortiz, José Manuel Valverde, Ricardo Chacartegui, Luis A. Pérez-Maqueda and Pau Gimenez-Gavarrell"""
Publicado en: KONA Powder and Particle Journal, Edición 38, 2021, Página(s) 189-208, ISSN 0288-4534
Editor: Hosokawa Powder Technology Foundation
DOI: 10.14356/kona.2021005

Calcium looping as chemical energy storage in concentrated solar power plants: Carbonator modelling and configuration assessment

Autores: Manuel Bailera, Pilar Lisbona, Luis M. Romeo, Luis I. Díez
Publicado en: Applied Thermal Engineering, Edición 172, 2020, Página(s) 115186, ISSN 1359-4311
Editor: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2020.115186

Role of acoustic fields on the fluidized bed carbonation for TCES in CSP applications

Autores: Federica Raganati, Riccardo Chirone, Paola Ammendola
Publicado en: Proceedings of MCS-11, 2019
Editor: MCS-11

The phenomena behind limestone’s deactivation under calcium looping conditions: experiments and modeling

Autores: Athanasios A. Scaltsoyiannes, Angeliki A. Lemonidou
Publicado en: Proceedings of ECCE13, 2021
Editor: ECCE13

MgΟ-Stabilized CaO for Thermochemical Energy Storage via Calcium Looping: Kinetics and Cyclic Stability

Autores: Athanasios Scaltsoyiannes, Geogios Koilaridis, Andy Antzaras, Angeliki Lemonidou
Publicado en: Proceedings of SDEWES, 2020
Editor: SDEWES

Calcium looping for thermochemical energy storage: Kinetic modeling of limestone calcination

Autores: Athanasios A. Scaltsoyiannes, Andy Antzaras, Tom Hills, Mark Sceats and Angeliki A. Lemonidou
Publicado en: Proceedings ECCE12, 2019
Editor: AIDIC

Solar calcium looping energy storage: Preliminary comparison between pilot and large scale

Autores: Pascual S., Bailera M., Lisbona P., Díez L.I., Romeo L.M.
Publicado en: Proceedings of ECOS 2020, 2020
Editor: ECOS 2020 Local Organizing Committee

Thermochemical storage of solar energy via calcium looping: Kinetic study and reactor modeling of a solar calciner

Autores: Athanasios A. Scaltsoyiannes, Stylianos G. Spyroglou, Stergios G. Yiantios and Angeliki A. Lemonidou
Publicado en: Proceedings of AICHE Annual Meeting 2021, 2021
Editor: AIChE

Exergoeconomic analysis for the optimal exploitation of heat in thermochemical storage units integrated with concentrated solar power

Autores: Elisa Guelpa, Martina Capone, Umberto Tesio, Vittorio Verda
Publicado en: Proceedings of ECOS 2019, 2019, ISBN 978-83-61506-51-5
Editor: Silesian University of Technology

High efficiency concentrated solar plant by increasing of power cycle temperature

Autores: Elisa Guelpa, Martina Capone, Umberto Tesio, Carlos Ortiz, Ricardo Chacartegui, Vittorio Verda
Publicado en: Proceedings of ECOS 2019, 2019
Editor: Silesian University of Technology

On the modelling of a lime carbonator operating in a concentrated solar power plant

Autores: Manuel Bailera, Pilar Lisbona, Luis I. Díez and Luis M. Romeo
Publicado en: Proceedings of ECOS 2019, 2019, Página(s) 3935-3946, ISBN 978-83-61506-51-5
Editor: Silesian University of Technology

Energy consumption minimization for a solar lime calciner operating in a concentrated solar power plant for thermal energy storage

Autores: Pilar Lisbona, Manuel Bailera, Thomas Hills, Mark Sceats, Luis I. Díez and Luis M. Romeo
Publicado en: Proceedings of ECOS 2019, 2019, Página(s) 4083-4096, ISBN 978-83-61506-51-5
Editor: Silesian University of Technology

Role of acoustic fields on the fluidized bed carbonation for TCES in CSP applications

Autores: Federica Raganati, Riccardo Chirone, Paola Ammendola
Publicado en: Proceedings of ECOS 2019, 2019
Editor: Silesian University of Technology

Off-design model of concentrating solar power plant with thermochemical energy storage based on calcium-looping

Autores: Carlos Ortiz, Marco Binotti, Matteo C. Romano, José Manuel Valverde, Ricardo Chacartegui
Publicado en: SOLARPACES 2018: International Conference on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems, 2019, Página(s) 210006
Editor: AIP Publishing
DOI: 10.1063/1.5117755

Almacenamiento termoquímico en plantas CSP basado en calcium-looping: Retos y oportunidades

Autores: Carlos Ortiz, Reyes Fernandez, Ricardo Chacartegui, José MAnuel Valverde, José Antonio Becerra
Publicado en: Proceedings of CIES 2018, 2018
Editor: CIES Proceedings

Effect of radiant properties and heat transfer mechanisms on the thermal performance of a Calcium Looping carbonator reactor

Autores: Pau Gimenez, Carlos Ortiz , Ricardo Chacartegui , José Manuel Valverde
Publicado en: Proceedings of ECOS 2019, 2019
Editor: Silesian University of Technology

Thermochemical energy storage of solar PV to enhance dispatchability and large scale commercial expansion

Autores: Reyes Fernandez, Carlos Ortiz, Ricardo Chacartegui, Jose Manuel Valverde, Jose Antonio Becerra
Publicado en: Proceedings of SDEWES 18, 2018
Editor: Proceedings of SDEWES 18

CaO-based sorbents for calcium looping applications: A generalized kinetic model for carbonation reaction.

Autores: Athanasios A. Scaltsoyiannes, Andy Antzaras and Angeliki A. Lemonidou
Publicado en: Proceedings of ChemReactor24, 2021
Editor: ChemReactor24

Feasibility Study of Combining the Stirling Cycle With theSolar Calcium looping Integration for Thermochemical EnergyStorage

Autores: M Eusha, F Mir, G Schories
Publicado en: Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Energieverfahrenstechnik, 2021
Editor: SOCRATCES Website

CFD based Stirling engine optimization poster

Autores: M Eusha, F Mir, G Schories
Publicado en: Annual Meeting of the ProcessNet professional group PAAT 2021, 2021
Editor: SOCRATCE Website

The calcium-looping process for advancing in the development of both C02 capture and thermochemical energy storage systems

Autores: Carlos Ortiz
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: Universidad Sevilla

"Búsqueda de nuevos materiales y optimización de los tiempos de residencia en la tecnología ""Calcium-Looping"" aplicada al almacenamiento termoquímico de energía"

Autores: Mónica Salazar Lago
Publicado en: 2020
Editor: Universidad de Sevilla

Analysis and optimization of supercritical CO2 cycles integrated with solar concentrated power

Autores: Simone Beneduce
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: None

Thermochemical energy storage for concentrated solar power

Autores: Fabio Scaiola
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: None

Simulation and analysis of a Stirling engine for the application to solar power

Autores: Emanuele Vinco
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: None

Exergoeconomic analysis of supercritical CO2 cycles for concentrated sola power

Autores: Paolo Borlengo
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: None

Numerical model of a carbonator reactor for thermochemical energy storage based on Calcium looping

Autores: Giangranco Caforio
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: None

Thermochemical energy storage system for solar applications

Autores: Giuseppe Masci
Publicado en: 2018
Editor: None

Estudio de la influencia del tamaño de partículas en la descomposición del carbonato de calcio. Aplicaciones en la tecnología de almacenamiento tecnoquímico integrado en plantas de energía solar

Autores: Ángela Hortigón Alcaide
Publicado en: 2020
Editor: Universidad de Sevilla

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