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The INTERnAtional network on Crisis Translation


Open Day & Research Night Events

Open day events at UCL and DCU on crisis translation and presentation of research findings at a European Research Night event.

Translation-Enabled Crisis Communication Event

A public networking event that will take place at an international humanitarian response conference (e.g. World Humanitarian Summit or equivalent) to highlight the work of the entire network and the role of translation in Crisis Communication in general

Open access course content

Open access course content on training for citizen translators.

Panel on Crisis MT

A public networking event that explores the topic of Crisis MT. This will be a WMT 2018 workshop event and will lead to a special issue on Crisis Translation of the journal Machine Translation. The objective will be to share ideas, experiences and best practices in this field with a view to moving the state-of-the-art forward. The results of Task 4.1 will be disseminated at this networking event.

Panel at Vth Translating Voices Workshop

Panel at Vth Translating Voices Workshop will be a co-organised panel by UCL and DCU to highlight the objectives of the Network, the achievements at that point in time and to reach out to other interested cross-sectoral entities in order to build collaboration further.

Workshop with Public Translation Stakeholders

A co-organised workshop by UCL and DCU with Public Service Interpreters who work in crises and the Institute of Translators and Interpreters in the UK, as well as other stakeholders such as Oxfam and the UK’s DfID. The aim of this networking event is to disseminate results from the Network and to further dialogue between translation providers and users in crises settings.

Panel on Translator Training for Crises

A public networking event where experience to date on translator training and crowd sourcing in Crisis Communication will be presented and discussed. This will be a workshop event, with an open call for papers linked with a large conference such as the IATIS (International Association for Translation and Interpreting Studies) 2018 conference in Hong Kong, with a view to highlighting the successes and challenges in this field to date.

Website and Social Network

Network website containing all open access materials. Twitter and Blog account and social media outreach and dissemination

Reports on Policy Gaps

Public reports on Community Workshops and best practice and gaps in crisis translation policy; journal article on policy gaps in translation and crisis communication, as described in the WP2 description.

Crisis MT Pivot engines and papers

Crisis Pivot MT engines for health content for the languages specified in WP4. Conference paper on evaluation of above engines using standard MT evaluation techniques. Journal article on Crisis MT and Post-Editing, highlighting scientific and infrastructural challenges.

Recommendations and article on ethical challenges

Report and policy recommendations on the ethical challenges associated with crisis translation, with a specific focus on policy, technology and training. Journal article on the ethical challenges associated with crisis translation, with a specific focus on policy, technology and training.

Articles on training needs analysis

Conference paper on training resource needs analysis for citizen translators in crisis translation scenarios. Journal article on the effectiveness of training for both translation and post-editing.

Journal article and conference paper on simplification

Recommendations for the most robust simplification techniques for English health- related content, based on empirical measures of usability and comprehension with LEP communities. A journal article in an open access journal focusing on comprehension and cultural appropriateness for LEP community members. A conference paper reporting the evaluation results for simplified vs. non-simplified input to a Crisis MT engine.


Crisis Translation and Interpreting: Reasons and Methods for Training

Author(s): Patrick Cadwell
Published in: Translating Europe Workshop, 2019
Publisher: FIT Europe and European Commission

Proceedings of the Crisis MT Workshop at the MT Summit 2019

Author(s): Sharon O'Brien; Mirko Plitt; Eric DeLuca; Carla Parra Escartín; Helena Moniz; Antoni Oliver; María del Mar Sánchez Ramos; Celia Rico; Nataša Pavlović; Patrick Cadwell
Published in: MT Summit 2019, 2019
Publisher: INTERACT

Volunteerism and the citizen translator: A case study of Cochrane

Author(s): Patrick Cadwell, Sharon O'Brien, Claudia Bollig
Published in: Presentation at the 9th Congress of the European Society for Translation Studies (EST 2019), 2019
Publisher: European Society for Translation Studies

A post-editing 101 course for crisis response

Author(s): Nataša Pavlović, Sharon O'Brien, Patrick Cadwell
Published in: Presentation at the 9th Congress of the European Society for Translation Studies (EST 2019), 2019
Publisher: European Society for Translation Studies

Translation-enabled crisis communication

Author(s): Ellie Kemp, Sharon O’Brien, Patrick Cadwell, Federico M. Federici, Jay Marlowe, Brian Gerber
Published in: Presentation at the Fourth Disaster Risk Reduction Conference, 2019
Publisher: University of Warsaw

Translation training in crisis communication settings in Ireland and beyond

Author(s): Patrick Cadwell, Sharon O'Brien
Published in: Presentation at The Future of Translation in Ireland, 2019
Publisher: Translation Studies Network of Ireland

INTERACT: The International Network in Crisis Translation

Author(s): Sharon O'Brien
Published in: Translating Europe Forum 2019, 2019
Publisher: European Commission

On translation as a crisis management tool

Author(s): Sharon O'Brien
Published in: The Many Faces of Translation, 2019
Publisher: DG Trad

International network in crisis translation - Recommendations on policies.

Author(s): Federico Federici, Sharon O'Brien, Patrick Cadwell, Jay Marlowe, Brian Gerber, and Olga Davis
Published in: Public report by INTERACT - The International Network on Crisis Translation, 2019
Publisher: INTERACT - The International Network on Crisis Translation

Recommendations on simplification of health content.

Author(s): Alessandra Rossetti
Published in: Public report by INTERACT - The International Network on Crisis Translation, 2019
Publisher: INTERACT - The International Network on Crisis Translation

Ethics recommendations for crisis translation settings.

Author(s): Dónal O'Mathúna, Carla Parra Escartín, Helena Moniz, Jay Marlowe, Matthew Hunt, Eric De Luca, Federico Federici, and Sharon O'Brien
Published in: Public report by INTERACT - The International Network on Crisis Translation, 2019
Publisher: The International Network on Crisis Translation

Crisis translation - A definition of field

Author(s): Sharon O’Brien, Jay Marlowe, Brian Gerber
Published in: Presentation at the International Association of Translation and Interpreting Studies (IATIS 2018), 2018
Publisher: International Association of Translation and Interpreting Studies (IATIS)

The International Humanitarian Sector and Language Translation in Crisis Situations

Author(s): Federici, F. M., Gerber, B. J., O'Brien, S., & Cadwell, P.
Published in: Public report by INTERACT - The International Network on Crisis Translation, 2019
Publisher: INTERACT - The International Network on Crisis Translation.

A comparison of different approaches for editing health-related information: an author’s satisfaction perspective

Author(s): Alessandra Rossetti, Silvia Rodríguez Vázquez, Juliane Ried, Sharon O'Brien
Published in: Presentation at Cochrane Global Evidence Summit, 2017
Publisher: Cochrane

Translation training needs in crises: Design and delivery

Author(s): Minako O'Hagan, Patrick Cadwell
Published in: Presentation at the International Association of Translation and Interpreting Studies (IATIS 2018), 2018
Publisher: International Association of Translation and Interpreting Studies

Cochrane plain language summaries: A study of authors' satisfaction and users' comprehension

Author(s): Alessandra Rossetti
Published in: Presentation at SIG Writing 2018, 2018
Publisher: Special Interest Group on Writing

Professionals, non-professionals, citizens: Definition of roles

Author(s): Federico Federici, Khetam al Sharou
Published in: Presentation at the International Association of Translation and Interpreting Studies (IATIS 2018), 2018
Publisher: International Association of Translation and Interpreting Studies

Introducing INTERACT – The International Network on Crisis Translation

Author(s): Patrick Cadwell, Sharon O'Brien
Published in: Presentation at the 2017 New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters Annual Conference, 2017
Publisher: New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters

Spanish translations of Cochrane plain language summaries: Assessing the impact of a controlled language checker on machine translation quality

Author(s): Alessandra Rossetti
Published in: Presentation at Cochrane Colloquium 2018, 2018
Publisher: Cochrane

Training needs of translators involved in crisis communication scenarios

Author(s): Patrick Cadwell, Federico Federici, Sharon O'Brien
Published in: Presentation at the 4th International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation (NPIT4), 2018
Publisher: Institute for Advanced Study

The INTERACT project and crisis MT

Author(s): Sharon O’Brien, Chao-Hong Liu, Andy Way, João Graça, André Martins, Helena Moniz, Ellie Kemp, Rebecca Petras
Published in: Presentation at the MT Summit XVI, 2017, Page(s) 38-48
Publisher: Machine Translation Summit

Translation in disaster and crisis settings: A new field of research

Author(s): Patrick Cadwell
Published in: Presentation at the International Japanese-English Translation Conference (IJET-28), 2017
Publisher: Japan Association of Translators

Terminology and quality for crisis translation

Author(s): Patrick Cadwell, Federico Federici, Sharon O'Brien
Published in: Presentation at the EAFT Terminology Summit, 2018
Publisher: European Association for Terminology

Introducing INTERACT – The International Network on Crisis Translation

Author(s): Patrick Cadwell
Published in: Pre-recorded video presentation at Translating Europe Workshop 2018, Interculturalité, Traduction et Interprétation: Le Cas des Réfugiés et des Demandeurs d'Asile, 2018
Publisher: Translating Europe Workshop

Crisis translation: INTERACT and the challenge of translation

Author(s): Sharon O'Brien
Published in: Presentation at the Vth International Translating Voices Translating Regions Conference, 2017
Publisher: The Centre for Translation Studies

Crises in multilingual contexts, or the translation barrier

Author(s): Federico Federici, Sharon O'Brien, Brian Gerber
Published in: Presentation at the Dealing with Disasters Conference (DwD 2017), 2017
Publisher: Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience

Training community translators for crisis scenarios

Author(s): Minako O'Hagan, Patrick Cadwell
Published in: Presentation at the Vth International Translating Voices Translating Regions Conference, 2017
Publisher: The Centre for Translation Studies

Translation strategies for evidence-based health research

Author(s): Hayley Hassan
Published in: Presentation at the Vth International Translating Voices Translating Regions Conference, 2017
Publisher: The Centre for Translation Studies

Technologies for MT of Low Resource Languages (LoResMT 2018)

Author(s): Chao-Hong Liu
Published in: Edited Proceedings of the Workshop on Technologies for MT of Low Resource Languages (LoResMT 2018), 2018
Publisher: Association for Machine Translation in the Americas

Crisis translation: People, problems, products, processes

Author(s): Federico Federici
Published in: Presentation at Translating Europe Workshop. Presentación e intercambio de recursos y experiencias sobre la importancia de la TA y de las herramientas TAO en situaciones de crisis., 2018
Publisher: University of Alcalá

Vulnerability, translation, and integration: “I didn’t know translation was so complex”

Author(s): Federico Federici, Patrick Cadwell
Published in: Presentation at the 2018 New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters Annual Conference, 2018
Publisher: New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters

Sustainable communication in multilingual crises

Author(s): Federico Federici
Published in: Presentation at The Future of Cultural Sustainability, 2017
Publisher: University of Wellington

Vulnerability, translation, and integration: “I didn’t know translation was so complex”

Author(s): Federici Federici, Patrick Cadwell
Published in: Presentation at Language, Translation, and Migration: Conference and Public Summit 2018, 2018
Publisher: Migration, Identity, and Translation Network

Mediating emergencies: Translation, the perennial issue

Author(s): Federico Federici
Published in: Presentation at the American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association (ATISA) Conference IX: Contexts of Translation and Interpreting, 2018
Publisher: American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association

More than tweets : A critical reflection on developing and testing crisis machine translation technology

Author(s): Patrick Cadwell, Sharon O'Brien, Eric DeLuca
Published in: Translation Spaces, 2019, ISSN 2211-372X
Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing Company

Ethics at the Intersection of Crisis Translation and Humanitarian Innovation

Author(s): Matthew Hunt, Sharon O’Brien, Patrick Cadwell, Dónal P. O’Mathúna
Published in: Journal of Humanitarian Affairs, Issue 1/3, 2019, Page(s) 23-32, ISSN 2515-6411
Publisher: Journal of Humanitarian Affairs
DOI: 10.7227/jha.022

Crisis Translation Training Challenges Arising from New Contexts of Translation

Author(s): Federico Federici, Minako O'Hagan, Sharon O'Brien, Patrick Cadwell
Published in: Cultus: the Intercultural Journal of Mediation and Communication, Issue 12, 2019, Page(s) 246-279, ISSN 2035-2948
Publisher: Iconesoft Edizioni

Crisis translation: considering language needs in multilingual disaster settings

Author(s): Sharon O’Brien, Federico Marco Federici
Published in: Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, Issue 29/2, 2019, Page(s) 129-143, ISSN 0965-3562
Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
DOI: 10.1108/dpm-11-2018-0373

Language translation during disaster: A comparative analysis of five national approaches

Author(s): Sharon O’Brien, Federico Federici, Patrick Cadwell, Jay Marlowe, Brian Gerber
Published in: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Issue 31, 2018, Page(s) 627-636, ISSN 2212-4209
Publisher: Elsevier Limited
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2018.07.006

Training citizen translators

Author(s): Federico M. Federici, Patrick Cadwell
Published in: Translation Spaces, Issue 7/1, 2018, Page(s) 20-43, ISSN 2211-3711
Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing
DOI: 10.1075/ts.00002.fed

Engaging citizen translators in disasters: Virtue ethics in response to ethical challenges

Author(s): Dónal O'Mathuna, Carla Parra Escartín, Proinsias Roche, Jay Marlowe
Published in: Translation and Interpreting Studies: Special Issue on Ethics of Non-Professional Translation and Interpreting in Public Services and Legal Settings, 2020, ISSN 1932-2798
Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing Company

Helping the helpers: Evaluating the impact of a controlled language checker on the intralingual and interlingual translation tasks involving volunteer health professionals

Author(s): Alessandra Rossetti, Sharon O'Brien
Published in: Translation Studies: Special Issue 'Social Translation: New Roles, New Actors?', 2019, ISSN 1478-1700
Publisher: Taylor and Francis Inc.

Ethical considerations on the use of machine translation and crowdsourcing in cascading crises

Author(s): Carla Parra Escartín, Helena Moniz
Published in: Translation in Cascading Crises, 2019
Publisher: Routledge

Cascading crises: Translation as risk reduction

Author(s): Federico Federici, Sharon O'Brien
Published in: Translation in Cascading Crises, 2019
Publisher: Routledge

Intralingual translation and cascading crises: Evaluating the impact of semi-automation on the readability and comprehensibility of health content

Author(s): Alessandra Rossetti
Published in: Translation in Cascading Crises, 2019
Publisher: Routledge

Management and training of linguistic volunteers: A case study of translation at Cochrane Germany Foundation

Author(s): Patrick Cadwell, Claudia Bollig, Juliane Ried
Published in: Translation in Cascading Crises, 2019
Publisher: Routledge

Extracting in-domain training corpora for neural machine translation using data selection methods

Author(s): Catarina Cruz Silva, Chao-Hong Liu, Alberto Poncelas, Andy Way
Published in: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Machine Translation (WMT18), 2018, Page(s) 224-231, ISBN 978-1-948087-81-0
Publisher: Association for Computational Linguistics

Preparedness in diverse communities: Citizen translation for community engagement

Author(s): Jamie Shackleton
Published in: Proceedings of the ISCRAM Asia Pacific 2018: Innovating for Resilience, 2018, Page(s) 400-406
Publisher: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management

Pivot machine translation using Chinese as pivot language

Author(s): Chao-Hong Liu, Catarina Cruz Silva, Longyue Wang, Andy Way
Published in: Proceedings of the 14th China Workshop on Machine Translation (CWMT 2018), 2018, Page(s) 74-85, ISBN 978-981-13-3083-4
Publisher: Springer

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