Periodic Reporting for period 2 - INNOVATE (Integrated solutioNs for ambitiOus energy refurbishment of priVATE housing)
Período documentado: 2018-12-01 hasta 2020-10-31
However, one-stop-shops are still (too) rare as their set up requires an excellent knowledge of the local market and in-depth know-how on business models. That is why the INNOVATE project has high value for the spread of one-stop-shops:
- First, it offered an exceptional experimentation and business assistance opportunity to 11 public and private organisations.
- Second, the learnings from these real pioneering implementation projects being cutting-edge, they will serve followers who can adopt the methodologies without having to invest significant resources themselves.
Between 2017 and 2020, a group of 13 organisations (municipalities, regions, energy agencies, private companies and installers’ cooperatives) from 11 European areas have accepted a dare: to develop and roll out integrated energy retrofit packages for homeowners of single-family houses and condominiums, offered conveniently in one location. In short, to set up a renovation one-stop-shop.
The project’s outcomes are the result of three years of hard work by partners, prototyping renovation one-stop-shops. Each of them designed and defined the purpose of its shop within its local boundaries, but the project gave them the great chance to exchange on experiences and to support each other in the journey.
INNOVATE specific project objectives and the progress done towards these objectives are summarised here below:
- Energies Demain – an experienced finance expert who has also been supporting French local authorities in ambitious energy renovations programmes – has compiled an “Inventory of best practices for setting up an integrated energy efficiency service package including access to long-term financing to homeowners”. The “Inventory” goes through all the different steps of the customer journey. Each step is illustrated by practical examples which further complement ten detailed case studies.
- All 11 target territories have developed a market gap analysis (MGA) for their target territory. One of the main finding of the MGAs is that the results are very specific for each territory and significant differences may exist between local authorities within the same country. The MGAs then led into the local development plans (LDPs) which actually offer different scenarios of how the integrated energy efficiency service package could function. These were discussed with local decision makers and stakeholders, adapted and fine-tuned, and finally resulted in the pilot business model to be tested in the target territories.
- All 11 target territories have developed and rolled-out integrated energy efficiency service packages. While experienced partners diversified their offer and upgraded their services, the learning partners developed new integrated service packages from the initial study and market gap analysis to the actual launch of the activities. At the end of the project, the 11 target territories have contributed to the renovation of 4795 dwelling units including 464 single family houses and 175 condominiums contributing to 4331 dwellings units. Together, the entire renovations triggered more than 26 M EUR of investments and achieved primary energy savings of 374 GWh/year.
- A set of “policy recommendations on how to boost one-stop-shops for integrated home energy renovation in the EU” for all governance levels (local/regional, national and European) as well as for the private and financial sectors has been compiled. Amongst the overarching conclusions, the report recommends that one-stop shops should focus on the type of renovations that are consistent with the EU's objectives of reaching a carbon-neutral economy by 2050. The findings of the report have been widely promoted especially ahead of the Renovation Wave Communication. Moreover, Energy Cities, the coordinator of the Innovate project, produced a step-by-step guide for local authorities willing to set up a One-Stop-Shop for integrated home energy renovation including 15 recommendations from the Innovate partners and practical case studies.
- A total of 6,273 stakeholders throughout the whole project duration has been reached through communication and dissemination activities. 25 capacity-building workshops and webinars, both at EU and national levels, have been held, reaching almost 1,500 stakeholders that are able to widely replicate the project results. The production of high-quality resources such as the guidebook and case studies were widely disseminated during events and workshops, thus leading to a higher impact of the project. Finally, the media presence of the Innovate project has been important. Innovate partners reported 111 news articles, interviews and social media posts with a regional and national coverage.
Total primary energy savings of 374 GWh/year
Investments triggered of 26.89 M EUR.
A total of 6273 stakeholders from the public, private and financial sectors capable to widely replicate the concept of local / regional operators offering integrated EE services and access to long-term financing throughout the European Union.