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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary


CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.

Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .

Resultado final

Current standards gap analysis and input to SDOs

This deliverable will summarise the interaction with the SDOs during the project to provide input to standardisation groups to maximise the impact of the project

Business and Exploitation plan

Business exploitation plan taking into account the expected benefits and the technical hurdles that need to be overcome to launch commercially the PIONEERS solutions The optimal set of business models across different scenarios for the PIONEERS Use Cases will be compared in order to identify safety technical environmental market and regulatory factors affecting their profitability and specify viable business models across the PIONEERS related markets

Improved numerical human body models

The deliverable reports on the suitability of state-of-the-art Finite-Element human body models for crash simulation for project-relevant load cases. This includes the assessment of given capabilities as well as reporting on the improved suitability by validation within the WP.

Impact evaluation methodology

This deliverable will include a methodology for the evaluation framework of the benefits that can be achieved by implementing the project results in terms of safety avoided or mitigated accidents reduction of morbidity and severity of injuries and from an economic point of view

Dissemination and international cooperation plan

Plan including dissemination key elements such as articulation of articulation of the project identity (branding); identification of target audiences; specification of channels for connecting with audiences (events and media platforms) and cross-integration of dissemination output

Guidelines for the policy making: Future trends in accident scenarios and ISO 13232 review

This deliverable will include a set of guidelines for policy making based on the evidence of WP1 and future trends will be created and disseminated to foster the implementation of safer technologies policies and habits for PTW users Additionally the outcomes of T11 will be compared with the ISO 13232 standard to check similarities and differences between the most critical scenario derived from PIONEERS T11 and the current ISO standard

Dissemination and international cooperation strategy plan: Beyond PIONEERS.

Final update gathering all the actions executed regarding the dissemination and international cooperation strategy plan including a roadmap for dissemination after the official end of the project

Riders' needs

The deliverable based on literature review and new collected data from the focus groups will provide an insight into the riders perceptions of their safety needs the barriers to use of existing protective equipment and additional requirements of riders eg comfort and weather protection for PPE in order to increase the usage

PPE specifications

The deliverable includes both the technical concepts and the specifications (i.e. the minimal technical, incl. protective, requirements to be met) for the design of new PPE. A specific section will be dedicated to each body section under investigation in WP4: head and neck, upper torso, pelvis, lower leg and foot.

Safety and economic benefits
Associated assessment method

This report will deal with the assessment methods applied to the experimental impact procedure as it will describe how the recordings obtained from the experimental impact will be related to the assessment of the protection level For some segments the assessment method will be based on FE model response for others it will relie on experimental injury risk curves

Test results

Includes a detailed report of the tests from the setup to the equipment used for the activity to the results The deliverable ends with a deviation analysis between the expected and the obtained results

Test procedures for PPE, helmet and full vehicle

This deliverable will include test procedures for impact abrasion cut mechanical resistance of materials dimensions and ergonomics and thermal resistance A specific test will be designed to study the interaction with the fuel tank in order to assess pelvic injuries A new proposal for helmet testing will also be included

Report on injury risk assessment procedures

This report summarises the approaches proposed within the WP for the assessment of injury risks with Finite-Element human body models specifically for the project-relevant load cases. The deliverable also inlcudes the specification of the models proposed for the addressed load cases.

Powered Two-Wheelers - Road Traffic Accident scenarios and common injuries

This deliverable will include the analysis of the accident data and the methodology and results for the identification of the Road Traffic scenarios selected and most common injuries

Dissemination and international cooperation strategy plan: Update.

Update of the document gathering the actions executed regarding the dissemination and international cooperation strategy plan at that point of the project

Demonstrators of lateral impact mitigation systems

Two lateral impact mitigation systems installed respectively on scooter PIAGGIO and motorcycle DUCATI

Demonstrator of generic airbag trigger

Will be a demonstrator of a connected powered twowheeler and PPE systems The vehicle can detect lowsiders and trigger airbags on the PPE using a wireless connection that will be open for further development into a standard

Advanced PPE systems to improve rider protection (working prototypes)

5 working prototypes of PPEs with novel concepts one for head and neck protection two for upper torso one for pelvis protection and one for lower leg and foot


Design of an after-market lower limb protector for scooters: Preliminary estimation of effectiveness

Autores: A. Bracali, N. Baldanzini, D. Barbani, F. Maffè
Publicado en: IRCOBI CONFERENCE, 2019
Editor: IRCOBI

Defining Body Regions by AIS © for Categorizing Injuries of Powered-Two-Wheelers

Autores: Sylvia Shick, Simone Piantini, Marcus Wisch, Julie Brown
Publicado en: IRCOBI CONFERENCE, 2019
Editor: IRCOBI

Design of an after-market lower limb protector for scooters: Preliminary estimation of effectiveness

Autores: A. Bracali, N. Baldanzini, D. Barbani, F. Maffè
Publicado en: AIAS 2019 International Conference on Stress, 2019
Editor: AIAS 2019 International Conference on Stress

Preliminary effectiveness assessment of an airbag-based device for riders’ leg protection in side impacts

Publicado en: AIAS 2019 International Conference on Stress, 2019
Editor: AIAS 2019 International Conference on Stress

Comparing Consequences of using 2 different definitions for body regions for the improvement of PPE for PTW

Autores: Sylvia Schick, Simone Piantini, Marcus Wisch, Julie Brown
Publicado en: AAAM 2019, 2019
Editor: AAAM 2019

Characteristics of road traffic accidents involving PTW in Europe and Australia– results from PIONEERS

Autores: Marcus Wisch, Simopne Piantini, Sylvia Schick, Julie Brown, Tom Whyte, Adrien Canu, Christopher Perrin
Publicado en: EVU 2019, 2019
Editor: EVU 2019

Comparing Consequences of using 2 different definitions for body regions for the improvement of PPE for PTW

Autores: Sylvia Schick, Simone Piantini, Marcus Wisch, Julie Brown
Publicado en: Traffic Injury Prevention, 2019, ISSN 1538-957X
Editor: Traffic Injury Prevention

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