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Culture Labs: recipes for social innovation

Descripción del proyecto

Empoderar a las comunidades mediante la colaboración

Preservar el patrimonio cultural al tiempo que se fomenta la innovación social no es una tarea fácil. Por ejemplo, es frecuente que el rico patrimonio y los recuerdos de las comunidades se desaprovechen, al tiempo que crece la necesidad de innovación social. En este contexto, el proyecto CultureLabs, financiado con fondos europeos, proporcionará una amplia gama de recursos, herramientas y metodologías. Reunirá a las partes interesadas institucionales y a los miembros de la comunidad para liberar el potencial de los recursos compartidos, lo que permitirá la creación de proyectos participativos adaptados a destinatarios específicos. En concreto, el proyecto se centrará en las comunidades de inmigrantes, incluidos los refugiados, los inmigrantes de segunda generación y las mujeres. A través de la colaboración entre museos, organizaciones civiles y responsables políticos, esta innovadora iniciativa pretende diseñar y aplicar veinte fórmulas específicas que guíen enfoques participativos para promover el impacto social y preservar el patrimonio cultural en todo el mundo.


The proposal’s central concept is CultureLabs, an open and evolving ICT-empowered infrastructure which comprises a rich variety of resources including guidelines, methodologies, digital tools, existing community engagement projects, as well as novel ideas and approaches that can facilitate social innovation in culture. The infrastructure is addressed to both institutional stakeholders and community members to make use of existing shared, and in many cases commonly created, resources, according to their missions and needs. Different resources, the “ingredients”, can be combined in various ways to form a “recipe” that describes how to carry out a participatory project to address the needs of a specific target audience. The primary focus will be on approaches that build positive awareness about communities’ own heritage and memories, and engage their members as bearers and producers of culture. CultureLabs’ case studies focus on different immigrants communities (e.g. refugees, second generation immigrants, female immigrants etc). CultureLabs toolkits and infrastructure are reusable and extensible, and its ingredients can be easily combined and adjusted to meet the needs of different stakeholders and target groups. At least 20 concrete recipes will be designed through the collaboration between different stakeholders, including museums, civil organisations, and policy makers. Four of these recipes will be implemented and evaluated as pilots in three different countries. Research outcomes and the empirical evidence gained from the project’s activities, including the recipes’ design and implementation, will be consolidated into general-purpose methodological guidelines and best practices that can be adopted by any stakeholder who wishes to organise participatory approaches to CH with a social impact.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 522 225,00
106 82 ATHINA

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Αττική Aττική Κεντρικός Τομέας Αθηνών
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 522 250,00

Participantes (8)