CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.
Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .
Resultado final
Compilation of EIPAgri practice abstracts developed until month 36The resulting innovative knowledge and easy accessible enduser material from this project should feed into the EIPAGRI website for broad dissemination The enduser material to be produced contains a substantial number of summaries for practitioners in the EIP common format practice abstracts including the characteristics of the project eg contact details of partners etc A full package of practice abstracts is needed for the project containing all the outcomesrecommendations which are ready for practiceA practice abstract is a short summary of max 1500 characters word count no spaces which describes a main informationrecommendationpractice that can serve the endusers in their daily practice The guidance to be followed for these practice abstracts and some explanatory text is available on the EIPAGRI web site httpeceuropaeueipagricultureencontenteipagricommonformat A target number of 35 practice is foreseen
Environmental policy analysisIncluding results from Governance analysis and specific description of obstacles to rollout the next level of efficiency in agricultures circular economy
Effects by international trade in relation to EU agricultureSynthesis report for Task 441 and 442 including a map visualising C N and P mass flows between continental levels
Design and performance of Microfiltered Digestate to Fertigation (MDF)Summary of outcomes from the pilot plant corresponding to the EmiliaRomagna Case Study
Completion of Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation plan (final)Completion of Communication Dissemination and Exploitation plan
Environmental profile of agro-ecosystems and of the food value chainIncluding all results from environmental assessments and crosscutting conclusions between Case Studies
Design and performance of integrated organic carbon recovery in whey managementSummary of outcomes from lab and pilot trials for the recovery of different highvalue carbon fractions from whey wastewater and their potential value chains
Classification of food waste and wastewater streams in food industry and their recycling potential for C, N and PSynthesizing defined BAT description of waste and wastewater streams recovery technologies and their accessibility and examples from three Case Studies and Input for the BREFDocument Task 31
Assessment of novel amendments compared with business-as-usual on elemental soil cyclesThe effect of applying of novel soil amendments Task 11 or innovative measures to increase soil internal cycling Task 12 are compared against standard management practices for the different case studies The deliverable will contain comparisons of different amendments for one site and as well crosscomparison between the different sites and their climatic conditions The report will benchmark results against the expected impact section 211 212
Compilation of EIP-Agri practice abstracts developed No3Compilation of EIPAgri practice abstracts developed until month 48The resulting innovative knowledge and easy accessible enduser material from this project should feed into the EIPAGRI website for broad dissemination The enduser material to be produced contains a substantial number of summaries for practitioners in the EIP common format practice abstracts including the characteristics of the project eg contact details of partners etc A full package of practice abstracts is needed for the project containing all the outcomesrecommendations which are ready for practiceA practice abstract is a short summary of max 1500 characters word count no spaces which describes a main informationrecommendationpractice that can serve the endusers in their daily practice The guidance to be followed for these practice abstracts and some explanatory text is available on the EIPAGRI web site httpeceuropaeueipagricultureencontenteipagricommonformat A target number of 30 practice is foreseen
Definition of best fertilization practices related to site, land-use / land-management, and climateComprehensive summary of results for different fertilizer application strategies Task 13 including usable recommendations to improve the nutrient use efficiency for different climaticsoil conditions The report will benchmark results against the expected impact section 211 212
Baseline assessment of core soil physical and chemical properties finished (bulk density, texture)The results on soil properties eg C N P profiles at the different sites before applying different soils amendments are summarized and compared against each other This baseline serves as benchmark for D13
Completion of Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation plan (preliminary)Completion of Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation plan
Completion of Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation plan (intermediate)Completion of Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation plan
Protocols for the collection of technical and economic data, technical and economic efficiency of the pilot farms (ex-ante)Analysis of costs and benefits of innovative technologies and proposed farm business models for implementation of the innovative technologies
Sustainable livestock farming strategies in animal housing and feedingWill provide a set of strategies to increase the sustainability at livestock farming level at both environmental and production level
Comparison of policy instruments to reduce the environmental impact of food production and their effectiveness in terms of consumer acceptanceMethodologies adapted for the environmental assessments for agro-ecosystems and of the food value chain
Including goal and scope definition and methodology description for different systems
Compilation of EIP-Agri practice abstracts developed No1"Compilation of EIP-Agri practice abstracts developed until month 18. The resulting innovative knowledge and easy accessible end-user material from this project should feed into the EIP-AGRI website for broad dissemination. The end-user material to be produced contains a substantial number of summaries for practitioners in the EIP common format (""practice abstracts""), including the characteristics of the project (e.g. contact details of partners, etc). A full package of practice abstracts is needed for the project, containing all the outcomes/recommendations which are ready for practice. A ""practice abstract"" is a short summary of max 1500 characters (word count – no spaces) which describes a main information/recommendation/practice that can serve the end-users in their daily practice. The guidance to be followed for these practice abstracts and some explanatory text is available on the EIP-AGRI web site ( A target number of 35 practice is foreseen "
Barriers to acceptance for the adoption of new farming practicesReport will be delivered as peerreviewed publication
Design and performance of vacuum degasification for agricultural residues and food-waste treatment for nitrogen depletion /recoverySummary of outcomes from pilot trial on vacuumdegasification Report will focus on N recoverydepletion rates against operational expenses operational reliability and will compare the novel technology against the current SoA solutions
Design and performance of soya bean wastewater treatment with integrated struvite recoverySummary of outcomes from lab and pilot trials of additional P recovery from phytic acid Possible tradeoffs between maximum P recevery and needed operational input enzyme energy other chemicals are evaluated
Exploitation Brochure
For communication of investigated technologies and exploitation roadmaps
Policy notePolicy note to directly disseminate project results and potential measures towards policy makers on EU level
Website and twitter account set up (final version). Project brochureData Management Plan. CA will join the Open Research Data Pilot in Horizon 2020 and will work with its Data Management Plan (DMP) according the mentioned guidelines and standards. The DMP will be written by the project coordinator, IRTA, which will act as a Data Manager, and will describe the data management life cycle for the data to be collected, processed and/or generated by CA, including information on: the handling of research data during and after the end of the project, what data will be collected, processed and/or generated, which methodology and standards will be applied, whether data will be shared/made open access, and how data will be curated and preserved. The first version of CA’s DMP will be submitted in the 6th month as a project deliverable (D6.2) and will contain at least the following sections: (i) Data summary. The DMP will ensure CA data to be FAIR: Findable, including provisions for metadata, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable; (ii) Allocation of resources. Will reveal the expenses associated to data FAIR and the way that they will be covered; (iii) Data security. In terms of specific provisions for data security: data recovery, secure storage and transfer of sensitive data; (iv) Ethical aspects. That can have an impact on data sharing. The DMP will be updated over the course of the project whenever significant changes arise, such as: new data, changes in consortium policies (e.g. new innovation potential), changes in consortium composition and external factors (e.g. new consortium members joining). The DMP will be updated as a minimum in time with the periodic evaluation of the project.
L. Morey; B. Fernández; L. Tey; C. Biel; A. Robles-Aguilar; E. Meers; J. Soler; R. Porta; M. Cots; V. Riau
Publicado en:
Lluis Morey, Alex Bach, Daniel Sabria, Victor Riau, Belén Fernández, Marta Terré
Publicado en:
Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2023, ISSN 0377-8401
Elsevier BV
Grassauer, Florian; Herndl, Markus; Iten, Laura; Gérard Gaillard
Publicado en:
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, Edición 2, 2022, ISSN 2571-581X
Dmytro Serebrennikov; Fiona Thorne; Zein Kallas; Sinéad N. McCarthy
Publicado en:
Sustainability-Special Edición Environmental and Economic Performance of Farming and Food Systems, Edición 4, 2020, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Gonçalo Nascimento, Dolors Villegas, Carlos Cantero
Publicado en:
European Journal of Agronomy, 2023, ISSN 1161-0301
Elsevier BV
Zhongchen Yang; Laura M. E. Ferron; Gerwin F. Koopmans; Angela Sievernich; Jan Willem van Groenigen
Publicado en:
Plant and soil, Edición 17, 2023, ISSN 1573-5036
Dr. Thomas Guggenberger, Mag. Elisabeth Finotti, Mag. Christian Fritz, MSc., Dr. Florian Grassauer,
Dr. Markus Herndl, Ing. Matthias Kandolf, Dr. Elfriede Ofner-Schröck,
Johannes Rumplmayer, Dr. Andreas Steinwidder, Dr. Georg Terler,
Petra Unterweger, Isabella Zamberger
Publicado en:
Abschlussbericht Reine Lungau B³, 2022, ISBN 978-3-902849-93-9
HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein
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