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breAkThrough innovaTion pRogrAmme for a pan-European Detection and Imaging eCosysTem

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ATTRACT (breAkThrough innovaTion pRogrAmme for a pan-European Detection and Imaging eCosysTem)

Período documentado: 2020-02-01 hasta 2020-11-30

The ATTRACT project has fully achieved its main objectives foreseen for this reporting period :
• Objective 1: Identify a minimum of 170 breakthrough concepts or technologies (TRL 2-4) in the domain of Detection & Imaging technologies across Europe with the aim of contributing to the creation of jobs in the EU Member States and Associated Countries.
• Objective 2: Assess, through peer review by an Independent R&D&I Committee (hereafter referred to as the ‘IC’) from within the domain, the technical feasibility and innovation potential of the identified opportunities.
• Objective 3: Fund 170 expert-evaluated breakthrough opportunities/concepts (each receiving €100,000 of seed funding) toward the development of a proof-of-concept or prototype while keeping in mind applications beyond fundamental research.
• Objective 4: Guide the funded opportunities by providing technical and business concept advice toward conversion to breakthrough innovations by using the expertise of top-level independent technical experts from the IC and Europe’s leading business schools who are members of the ATTRACT Project Consortium.

The reader is encouraged to consult the ATTRACT project website and especially the sections and
Explanation of the work carried per WP
Before offering a brief description per Work Package (WP), it is necessary mentioning three facts originated during the project implementation course that have been key for its success until now and will continue to be so:
• First, it is remarkable how the consortium has acted as a pro-active, highly motivated and committed whole working towards the objectives achievement.
• Second, and also notable, the great collaboration and coordination between the different project management and advisory bodies: The Project Consortium Board (PCB), The Project Administrative Office (PAO), The Independent R&D&I Committee (IC) and the Project Advisory Committee (PAC).
• Third, and especially important, the close coordination and collaboration between the Consortium and more concretely the PAO and the EC project officers.
These three facts have allowed the smooth running of this managerially complex project. This is especially important regarding the contribution of all Consortium partners to the achievement of the objectives within each WP. Therefore, in the coming section, we will not offer an account per partner but we will focus on the main achievements reached considering them a collective work.
Work Package 1: Project Management
The main objective of this WP has been achieved. Meaning, the management of the process linked to the launching, administration and logistics of the Open Call for Third-Parties.

Work Package 2: Industrial Liaison and Work Package 3: Liaison with European and national Research Infrastructures, academia and RTOs
The main objectives of these WP for this reporting period have been achieved. Meaning:
• The establishment of a network of national and international RIs, academic centres and RTOs as well as industrial organizations which have potential interest in the ATTRACT Project.
• Stimulating their participation in the ATTRACT Open Call.
Work Package 4: Business, Innovation, Knowledge and Technology Transfer Bridge

The main objectives of this WP are:
• Identifying out of the 170 ATTRACT Phase-1 funded projects a selection of (potential) technologies which lend themselves most readily to the Young Entrepreneurs Design-Thinking Pilot for MSc students.
• Organising different Young Entrepreneurs pilots that provide opportunities for at least 100 young innovators.
According to the ATTRACT project timeline this objectives are met successfully.
Work Package 5: Scientific and technical projects monitoring
The main objective of this WP has been achieved. Meaning, the provision and implementation of a monitoring process for the funded projects which will give an oversight of their technical and scientific progress over the course of the award period.
Work Package 6: Communication, Dissemination & Outreach
All the objectives related to this WP corresponding to this reporting period have been achieved. Meaning:
• Supporting the awareness raising and dissemination of the ATTRACT Open Call (support to WP1).
• Raising visibility and awareness of the ATTRACT Project and the envisaged wider ATTRACT Programme as a new integrated approach to innovation, based on the ‘Open Science to Innovation to Open to the World’ paradigm.
• Raising visibility for funded projects so they become appealing for future (research) funding by external parties (e.g. venture capital and national/EU public funding).
• Providing scientists within the 170 ATTRACT Phase-1 funded projects with a better understanding or basic knowledge about entrepreneurship whilst at the same time promoting the initiation of technology transfer activities and create opportunities for young entrepreneurs in an effort to close the gap between business and science.

Channel Link
ATTRACT Website especially the News and Events section as well as the Media Room





Work Package 7: ATTRACT Phase-1 Project evaluation
Not applicable for this reporting period.

Work Package 8: Ethics requirements
In coordination with the EC the ATTRACT PAO has requested and ethical self-assessment to all the funded projects as well as additional information when required to all the necessary ones. The collection of the reports has been delivered to the EC.
The evaluation of the overall impact of ATTRACT is part of the final reporting period. Nevertheless a first glimpse the following links can be consulted so the reader has an indea of the tremendous and positive impact that the ATTRACT funding signifies for each one of the 170 projects funded. and