Description du projet
De nouvelles méthodes de surveillance de la santé des systèmes de soins de santé
La pandémie de COVID-19 a mis en évidence la nécessité de disposer de systèmes de santé efficaces, durables et capables de prendre en charge un grand nombre de patients tout en leur prodiguant des soins de qualité. Elle a également souligné les lacunes des systèmes de santé actuels, en particulier dans certains pays où ils sont négligés et sous-financés, et ne suscitent que peu d’attention de la part des décideurs politiques. Le projet IMPACT HTA, financé par l’UE, entend répondre à ces enjeux en développant un ensemble complet d’outils, de méthodes et de conseils destinés aux décideurs dans 10 domaines de recherche. Ces ressources pourront améliorer l’évaluation et le suivi des systèmes et des infrastructures de soins de santé, ce qui permettra aux décideurs de mieux apprécier les coûts, les besoins et l’efficacité. Cette perception plus éclairée les aidera à mieux allouer les ressources destinées à revitaliser les systèmes.
IMPACT HTA proposes new and improved methods, tools and guidance for decision-makers across ten research areas in the context of HTA and health system performance measurement, which, overall, contribute to the understanding of costs and health outcomes variations within and across countries and to costs and health outcomes data integration from different sources. IMPACT HTA researches factors on the supply and demand side of health systems that have major effects on the costs and outcomes of health-related interventions. It includes methods for more robust measures of quality of life, patient preferences, patient-reported outcomes, better incorporation of stakeholder views into value assessments, developing methods for cost comparability leading to better generalisability of economic evaluations as well as measuring broader economic and societal impacts and incorporating these in economic evaluations and improvements in performance at health system and provider level. The perspectives of different stakeholder groups in the health system and the broader economy are taken into account, including patients, HTA agencies, the macro-economy, hospitals and hospital networks. These perspectives are obtained through participation in research and preference elicitation (patients, hospitals, hospital networks), or derived explicitly through participation in this consortium (HTA agencies). With respect to data integration, IMPACT HTA develops new methods to integrate data on direct and indirect costs of illness and on health outcomes from various sources, such as randomised controlled trials, observational studies and registries. New methods proposed make use of the strengths of real-world data and address their limitations. The consortium calibre in terms of research and research planning track record, continuous interaction with decision-makers and the patient community will ensure project objectives are realistic and achievable within the project’s duration.
Champ scientifique
Régime de financement
RIA - Research and Innovation actionCoordinateur
WC2A 2AE London