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Disrupting the Digital Publishing and Advertising Markets by New Digital Services

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PubFORWARD (Disrupting the Digital Publishing and Advertising Markets by New Digital Services)

Período documentado: 2017-08-01 hasta 2018-04-30

PubCoder is an Italian company founded in 2012 by a group of senior executives and software developers with an extensive experience in the digital publishing domain. Our mission is to make life easier for those who want to create and publish high quality interactive materials, and to help students (from primary to design school) to discover and learn 21st century skills, like non-linear storytelling, computational thinking and basic programming.
We have created the first quick and affordable digital content creation tool allowing to: i) Produce any advanced interactive product (either an eBook or an App) without requiring any programming knowledge, ii) Create accessible materials for people with reading disabilities, iii) Full compatibility with all existing platforms. iv) Great interoperability.
PubForward will be built on top of PubCoder 2.0. which is our current award-winning all-digital, interactive, zero coding product, with more than 7,100 digital interactive contents produced by more than 5,000 publishers and creators. PubForward is a prototype system tested in a relevant environment close to the expected performance (TRL-6).
The project is technically feasible, and we have the required expertise, own personnel and will team up with experienced subcontractors to develop it. In addition, thanks to the expertise and knowledge gained from the development of PubCoder 2.0 platform, we have already defined the needed steps to optimise our new service together with a thorough risk analysis and mitigation/contingency plan.
There is a clear unmet need within our target market, as there are currently no digital content creation tools for people with reading disabilities. The core market of € 7.5 bn dedicated to authoring tools has grown at a CAGR of 68% from 2015 to 2018 and its revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2018-2022) of 5.3 %resulting in a market volume of US$ 22 M in 2022.
This promising scenario represents a unique opportunity for us.