Periodic Reporting for period 3 - Pan3DP (3D bioprinting of pancreatic tissue for biomedical research)
Reporting period: 2021-04-01 to 2022-09-30
To achieve these long-term goals, within the duration of the Pan3DP project we have targeted three main objectives that are relevant, specific, measurable, and achievable:
Aim 1. To expand and unify the knowledge of the 3D architecture of the developing pancreas
Aim 2. To develop bioprinting technology for engineering vascularized pancreatic tissue units
Aim 3. To establish conditions for in vitro differentiation of the bioprinted pancreatic tissue
The Pan3DP ambitious project is carried out by a multi-disciplinary European consortium and organized into five work-packages (WPs) with a planned duration of 48 months.
The main tasks of the WPs are:
WP1. Collecting systematic information on the 3D organization and gene expression of the embryonic pancreas, its microenvironment and vasculature
WP2. Computational analysis to generate a digital atlas of the embryonic pancreas and to design the “blueprint” for organ bioprinting
WP3. Generation of the process plan for pancreatic tissue bioprinting
WP4. Optimization of bioprinting process to ensure functionality of pancreatic tissue
WP5. Management and coordination of the project
During the first 30 months of the project, all five WPs have been running.
Overall, the project and all WPs are progressing well with a good collaboration between the involved parties and a structured means of working, which is ensuring successful delivery of the planned results.
Most of the work during the first reporting period of the Pan3DP project focused on collecting systematic information on the 3D organization and gene expression of the embryonic pancreas, its microenvironment and vasculature (WP1; Milestones (M) 1, 2). All biological information collected in WP1 has been integrated to generate a digital 3D atlas of the embryonic pancreas (WP2; M3) and the image datasets processed into CAD files for developing the bioprinting approach.
During the second reporting period of the Pan3DP project, the digital 3D atlas of the embryonic pancreas (WP1, WP2; M3) has been made publicly available and an accompanying manuscript has been deposited in bioRxiv and submitted for publication. In parallel, most of the efforts of the consortium have been concentrated on establishing bioprinting (WP3; M5, M6) conditions for pancreatic tissue structures and the characterization of the obtained structures (WP4; M7, M8).
Management and dissemination are also proceeding according to plan. Since very early in the project, we elaborated a Plan for communication, dissemination and exploitation of the project results, designed the graphic identity of the project, and launched the website and social media tools to be used to convey the results and other messages to the targeted audiences identified in the communication plan. Our dissemination activities related to the project have included talks and posters presented at several conferences during the first and second reporting periods of the project, one consortium scientific publication and six publications from individual partners, the release of the digital embryonic pancreas atlas and the organization of the first project workshop in London, UK. We also elaborated a Data Management Plan to ensure an effective coordination and management of both research and technical activities and overall progress of the project.