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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary


CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Curricula for training and knowledge transfer

Curricula for training and knowledge transfer will serve as a framework for WP3 and training implementation plan.

Papers in open access journals

Published project results at least 4 scientific papers in open access journals

Advanced Additive Manufacturing Handbook

Upon completion of the training all teaching material and detail reports of the topics will be documented as a handbook for future training A summary of the training material in the form of a handbook will also be made available on the INEXADAM website for open access All project consortium partners will have to create the teaching material in English and may have the option to translate the content into their own national language The Steering Committee will also review the teaching material and determine whether an NDA document is necessary to protect commercial interests and intellectual property as defined in Consortium Agreement

Home and international conferences

Published project results in at least 4 scientific conferences

Evolution of the publications in high impact journals in the relevant research fields

The publications (prior the project start date) need to be encoded in the PP and a deliverable is to be created, which is referring to the number of publications listed on the Portal.

Dissemination and communication plan

To be able to achieve the maximum impact of the INEX-ADAM project, it is necessary to develop a detailed dissemination and communication plan that will take into account specific approaches for each target group made up of the transportation, tool making and medical sectors. The Steering Committee will consult members of the Advisory Board to develop a detailed but feasible Dissemination and Communication plan within the first three months of the project.

DESIGN 2020 conference participation

The DESIGN 2020 conference will provide a special session dedicated to the advanced application of AM in the field of design engineering and medical devices

Report on Pilot Projects with end-users

The successful exploitation of knowledge from WP4 as demonstrated from the 6 Pilot Projects will provide evidence that CATeh UNIZAG FSB researchers have achieved at least a proficient level of understanding in the use of AM for different target sectors

Project presentations

To reach all dissemination target groups the project consortium members will be encouraged to present their results to the media such as television podcasts radio interviews and blogs At the final project conference a summary of the project results will be presented

Meetings with public authorities

Round table with public authorities and professional associations about the Future Trends of AM Quo Vadis Croatia M6 and a panel discussion on Additive Manufacturing in Croatia Today and the Future M35

Social networks

Project INEXADAM will be present on social media Facebook Twitter LinkedIn and YouTube starting from M2

Project newsletter

The annual project newsletters will be generated in electronic and paper form and will be used in all dissemination activities

Project website

One of the main channels for communication will be the project website. To achieve a more efficient approach for mutual cooperation among the consortium partners and external stakeholders, the INEX-ADAM website will be the focal point to exchange information, transfer knowledge, share ideas and build proposals between all stakeholders.

Open air presentations

Open air presentation will include UNIZAG FSB and CATeh Open days M16 and M27 Presentation at UNIZAG Fair during the project M16 M27 Presentation of project Scientific picnic M21 and M33

Project visibility elements

For dissemination purposes, the visibility of the INEX-ADAM project will be defined through having a clear and consistent branding through the use of logos, standard letterheads and PowerPoint templates. All annual newsletters, flyers, posters and websites will have a standard layout with clear and consistent logos. All materials will be printed in English, but where necessary, a translation into the national language will be produced.

Presentation at regional fairs

For the second half of the project participation in regional trade fairs will foster direct linking with industry endusers such as the BIAM 2020 industry fair in Zagreb April 2020 UNIZAG FSB will have their own booth for presentation of project results as well as to inform relevant stakeholders about ongoing and future activities of the INEXADAM project As an alternative Formnext fair in Frankfurt November 2020 and the FORMA TOOL industry fair in Celje April 2021 will also be considered

Workshop on Innovative Management

Innovative Management in INEXADAM project will be actively promoted to boost measures to encourage a new products b improved products services and their development and c the development of new business models for stakeholders from the field of AM A specific Workshop on Innovative Management will be organised to increase the knowledge for all project participants particularly for UNIZAG FSB researchers and stakeholders from transportation tooling and medical sectors The Workshop on Innovative Management will be organised as part of the Advanced Additive Manufacturing Summer School


Two researchindustry workshops on Advanced Design and Application of Additive Manufacturing M18 and Advanced Material Modelling and Application of Additive Manufacturing will be organised M19 in collaboration with CTT the Croatian National Industry Clusters and the Croatian Chamber of Economy The goal of both researchindustry workshops is to educate stakeholders about AM the advantages and disadvantages of its application the INEXADAM project and the valueadded approach of implementing a digital workflow of such approaches to product and material modelling As the medical technology sector is unique and different from the transport and tooling industry a special regional technical workshop for Additive Manufacturing in Medical Application will be organised with the School of Medicine based in the University of Zagreb The goal is to introduce stakeholders from the medical sector about the possibilities and advantages of AM in this field emerging technological trends as well as to present the project results in this area This workshop would also open a dialogue of the application of AM in the public health sector in Croatia

Summer schools

Potential endusers from target areas such as transportation tool making and the medical will increase the knowledge on the possibilities of applying AM in their business systems with a strong emphasis in advanced modelling of AM through two summer schools Advanced Additive Manufacturing Summer School for Design and Materials M21 and a Medical Modelling for Additive Manufacturing Summer School M26

Project followers database

INEXADAM website will connect registered members from product design tool making medical sector and material producers as well as AM equipment vendors professional organisations RD institutions scientific and education institutions and RD associations to increase the awareness of AM Data about all of the registered project followers will be gathered within database on INEXADAM website


Additive Manufacturing of Polymer Moulds for Small-Batch Injection Moulding

Author(s): Damir Godec, Tomislav Breški, Miodrag Katalenić
Published in: Tehnički glasnik, Issue 14/2, 2020, Page(s) 218-223, ISSN 1848-5588
Publisher: Sveučilište Sjever
DOI: 10.31803/tg-20200525213336

Suitability of Recycled PLA Filament Application in Fused Filament Fabrication Process

Author(s): Tomislav Breški, Lukas Hentschel, Damir Godec, Ivica Đuretek
Published in: Tehnički glasnik, Issue 15/4, 2021, Page(s) 491-497, ISSN 1848-5588
Publisher: Sveučilište Sjever
DOI: 10.31803/tg-20210805120621

Material extrusion-based additive manufacturing of polypropylene: A review on how to improve dimensional inaccuracy and warpage

Author(s): Martin Spoerk, Clemens Holzer, Joamin Gonzalez-Gutierrez
Published in: Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Issue 137/12, 2019, Page(s) 48545, ISSN 1097-4628
Publisher: Wiley Periodicals, LLC.
DOI: 10.1002/app.48545

Repeatability and Reproducibility Assessment of a PolyJet Technology Using X-ray Computed Tomography

Author(s): Ana Pilipović, Gorana Baršić, Marko Katić, Maja Rujnić Havstad
Published in: Applied Sciences, Issue 10/20, 2020, Page(s) 7040, ISSN 2076-3417
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/app10207040

Inter-layer bonding characterisation between materials with different degrees of stiffness processed by fused filament fabrication

Author(s): A. Khudiakova, F. Arbeiter, M. Spoerk, M. Wolfahrt, D. Godec, G. Pinter
Published in: Additive Manufacturing, Issue Vol 28, 2019, Page(s) 184-193, ISSN 2214-8604
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2019.05.006

Mechanical Recyclability of Polypropylene Composites Produced by Material Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing

Author(s): Martin Spoerk, Florian Arbeiter, Ivan Raguž, Clemens Holzer, Joamin Gonzalez-Gutierrez
Published in: Polymers, Issue 11/8, 2019, Page(s) 1318, ISSN 2073-4360
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/polym11081318

Microreactor Production by PolyJet Matrix 3D-Printing Technology

Author(s): Mladen Šercer, Damir Godec, Božidar Šantek, Roland Ludwig, Martina Andlar, Iva Rezić, Franjo Ivušić, Ana Pilipović, Damir Oros, Tonči Rezić
Published in: Food technology and biotechnology, Issue 57/2, 2019, Page(s) 272-281, ISSN 1330-9862
Publisher: Sveuciliste u Zagrebu
DOI: 10.17113/ftb.

Influence of Processing Parameters on Tensile Properties of SLS Polymer Product

Author(s): Ana Pilipović, Tomaž Brajlih, Igor Drstvenšek
Published in: Polymers, Issue 10/11, 2018, Page(s) 1208, ISSN 2073-4360
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/polym10111208

Influence of SLS processing parameters according to the new mathematical model on flexural properties

Author(s): Ana Pilipović, Bogdan Valentan, Mladen Šercer
Published in: Rapid Prototyping Journal, Issue 22/2, 2016, Page(s) 258-268, ISSN 1355-2546
Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
DOI: 10.1108/rpj-08-2014-0092

Additive Manufacturing of Fixture for Automated 3D Scanning – Case Study

Author(s): Nino Krznar, Ana Pilipović, Mladen Šercer
Published in: Procedia Engineering, Issue 149, 2016, Page(s) 197-202, ISSN 1877-7058
Publisher: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.06.656

Optimization of the 3D Printing Parameters for Tensile Properties of Specimens Produced by Fused Filament Fabrication of 17-4PH Stainless Steel

Author(s): Damir Godec, Santiago Cano, Clemens Holzer, Joamin Gonzalez-Gutierrez
Published in: Materials, Issue 13/3, 2020, Page(s) 774, ISSN 1996-1944
Publisher: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/ma13030774

3D printing conditions determination for feedstock used in fused filament fabrication (FFF) of 17-4PH stainless steel parts

Author(s): Joamin Gonzalez-Gutierrez, Damir Godec, Radoslav Guráň, Martin Spoerk, Christian Kukla, Clemens Holzer
Published in: Metalurgija, Issue 1-2/57, 2017, Page(s) 117-120, ISSN 0543-5846
Publisher: Hrvatsko Metalursko Drustvo/Croatian Metallurgical Society

Fluid-Deposition of Rocks is Natural Model for Additive Production

Author(s): Igor Catic, Jasmina Caloska, Damir Godec, Marijan Kovacic, Ana Pilipovic, Karolj Skala
Published in: Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems, Issue 15/3, 2017, Page(s) 180-189, ISSN 1334-4676
Publisher: Croatian Interdisciplinary Society
DOI: 10.7906/indecs.15.3.2

Selection of appropriate 3D printing orientation considering actual product

Author(s): Suzana Kutnjak-Mravlinčić, Ana Pilipović, Damir Godec
Published in: 12th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering, RIM 2019 – Development and Modernization of Production, Issue 18-20.09.2019, 2019, Page(s) 455-460
Publisher: University of Bihac, Faculty of Engineering Sciences

Aditivna proizvodnja polimernih kalupa za maloserijsku proizvodnju

Author(s): Damir Godec, Robert Surma, Ana Pilipović, Miodrag Katalenić
Published in: 10. Industrijski forum IRT 2018 Vir znanja in izkušenj za stroko, Issue 04-05.06.2018, 2018, Page(s) 177-180, ISBN 978-961-94025-4-2
Publisher: Profidtp, d.o.o.

Utjecaj parametara 3D tiskanja na savojna svojstva 3D tiskanog proizvoda

Author(s): Damir Godec, Lea Mandić, Robert Surma, Ana Pilipović, Miodrag Katalenić
Published in: 11. Znanstveno - stručno savjetovanje Tekstilna znanost i gospodarstvo, Issue 24.1.2018, 2018, Page(s) 74-79
Publisher: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology

Accuracy of Polyjet 3D printed Structures

Author(s): Ana Pilipović, Gorana Baršić, Marko Katić
Published in: CIM 2017 Computer Integrated Manufacturing and High Speed Machining, Issue 8-10.06.2017, 2017, Page(s) 207-212
Publisher: Croatian Association of Production Engineering

Application of PolyJet Procedure on Complex Geometry - Case Study

Author(s): Ahmet Čekić, Ana Pilipović, Đerzija Begić-Hajdarević, Narudin Gorak
Published in: CIM 2017 Computer Integrated Manufacturing and High Speed Machining, Issue 8-10.06.2017, 2017, Page(s) 69-72
Publisher: Croatian Association of Production Engineering

Industry 4.0 and Additive Manufacturing

Author(s): Mladen Šercer, Damir Godec, Ana Pilipović, Miodrag Katalenić
Published in: Management of Technology - Step to Sustainable production MOTSP 2017, Issue 05-07.04.2017, 2017, Page(s) 4-4
Publisher: Croatian Association for PLM

Primjena aditivnih postupaka (3D tiskanje) za izradu ambalaže za hranu

Author(s): Maja Rujnić-Sokele, Ana Pilipović, Nino Dimitrov
Published in: 3. hrvatski kongres zdravstvene ekologije, Issue 24.-26.04.2017, 2017, Page(s) 49-50, ISBN 978-953-7031-63-3
Publisher: Hrvatski zavod za javno zdravstvo

Aditivna proizvodnja i dizajn

Author(s): Ana Pilipović, Mladen Šercer
Published in: Tekstilna znanost i gospodarstvo, 10. znanstveno - stručno savjetovanje Komplementarnost znanosti, tehnologije i dizajna, Issue 24.1.2017, 2017, Page(s) 89-94
Publisher: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology

Additive manufacturing of fixture for automated 3D scanning - case study

Author(s): Nino Krznar, Ana Pilipović, Mladen Šercer
Published in: International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Materials, ICMEM 2016, Issue 06.-10.06.2016, 2016
Publisher: Department of Manufacturing Technologies, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies Technical University in Košice with a seat in Prešov

Impact of Ageing, Different Share of Recycled Material and Orientation on SLS Polyamide Product Hardness

Author(s): Ana Pilipović, Maja Rujnić-Sokele, Mladen Šercer
Published in: Regional Conference Polymer Processing Society Graz 2015, PPS2015, Issue 21-25.09.2015, 2015, Page(s) 243-243
Publisher: Polymer Processing Society 

Shaping, Debinding and Sintering of Steel Components via Fused Filament Fabrication

Author(s): Joamin Gonzalez-Gutierrez, Damir Godec, Christian Kukla, Thomas Schlauf, Carlo Burkhardt, Clemens Holzer
Published in: CIM 2017 Computer Integrated Manufacturing and High Speed Machining, Issue 8-10.06.2017, 2017
Publisher: Croatian Association of Production Engineering

Dual 3D printed material mimicking mechanical behaviour of healthy and aneurysmal arterial tissue

Author(s): Marija Smoljkić, Lana Virag, Ante Jurčević, Kristijan Kubik, Ivan Grabić, Damir Godec, Igor Karšaj
Published in: 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Issue 02-06.7.2018., 2018
Publisher: European Mechanics Society

Batch dyeing of 3D printed acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene with disperse dyestuff

Author(s): Kutnjak-Mravlinčić, Suzana; Godec, Damir; Sutlović, Ana
Published in: "VI Scientific-vocational conference ""Development tendencies in the textile industry – Design, Technology, Management""", Issue 27.06.2018., 2018, ISBN 978-86-87017-42-9
Publisher: The College of Textile Design, Technology and Management

Tensile properties of multi-material 3D-printed parts

Author(s): Damir Godec, Ivan Gabrić, Ana Pilipović, Marija Smoljkić, Robert Surma
Published in: 10th International scientific conference MOTSP2018 Management of Technology Step to Sustainable Production, Issue 06.-08.06.2018., 2018, Page(s) 43-43
Publisher: Croatian Association for PLM

Utjecaj parametara 3D tiskanja na savojna svojstva 3D tiskanog proizvoda

Author(s): Damir Godec, Lea Mandić, Robert Surma, Ana Pilipović, Miodrag Katalenić
Published in: 1. Znanstveno - stručno savjetovanje Tekstilna znanost i gospodarstvo, Issue 24.01.2018., 2018, Page(s) 74-79
Publisher: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology

3D printed parts reinforced with fiberglass

Author(s): Robert Surma, Damir Godec, Ana Pilipović
Published in: International Conference on Materials, corrosion, heat treatment, testing and tribology - MTECH 2017, Issue 04.-07.10.2017., 2017, Page(s) 369-377
Publisher: Croatian Society for Materials and Tribology

3D modeliranje i 3D tisak šupljikavih struktura u obućarstvu

Author(s): Suzana Kutnjak-Mravlinčić, Damir Godec, Ana Sutlović
Published in: Zbornik radova 9. znanstveno - stručnog savjetovanja Tekstilna znanost i gospodarstvo - Kreativni mikser, Issue 25.01.2016., 2016, Page(s) 100-103
Publisher: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology

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