Periodic Reporting for period 3 - NewSense (Perception with New Sensory Signals)
Période du rapport: 2022-05-01 au 2023-10-31
In the second setting (Work Package 2), we are studying abilities to sense the material of which an object is made using a new auditory signal. Specifically, we are training people to sense how dense (and therefore how heavy) an object is. As in WP 1, besides basic abilities to use the signal at all, we are interested in how well the new sense becomes integrated alongside natural everyday perception. To study this, we are measuring (1) the degree to which judgments with the new signal are combined with those from vision and (2) the degree to which this happens “automatically” (without conscious effort). Work on this WP is at an early stage, but so far we see a mixed picture with some indications of combination and automaticity (e.g. people’s grip forces as they pick objects up are calibrated to both the visual cue and the new auditory cue) but not others (e.g. people do not experience an illusion linked with automatic processing of visual cues to weight when they experience the auditory cue).
In additional work underpinning both WP1 and WP2, we have also (1) shown an important role of mis-calibration of sensory signals in limiting efficient perception in children and adults, even with familiar everyday multisensory signals, (2) developed and published new methods for analysing data on multisensory perception, and (3) developed new computational models of changes in multisensory space perception with learning and development.