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Denis Ferranti JTI-CS2-2017-CfP07-LPA-01-40

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - MDD (Denis Ferranti JTI-CS2-2017-CfP07-LPA-01-40)

Période du rapport: 2020-05-01 au 2020-10-31

New aircraft architectures include increased numbers of electrical systems with increased power demands. As an example, an Airbus A320 has a typical power demand of 50kW whereas a Boeing 787 has a demand of 500kW.
The increased electrical energy demand on the 787 comes from the electrical air conditioning system, electrical cabin pressurisation and electrical wing de-icing.
Increased demand for electrical energy makes it necessary to demonstrate radical aircraft configurations with alternative energy propulsion architecture and components. One such component could be the Mechanical Drive Disconnect (MDD) solution for an embedded generator. In the event of a fault, the drive will disconnect, preventing a fire.

By designing, developing and testing a novel Mechanical Drive Disconnect (MDD) solution for an embedded generator at TRL3/4 Denis Ferranti will:

• Address safety
• Reduce aircraft mass
• Facilitate more electric systems
• Improve efficiency

These impacts are key enablers ensuring the MDD can meet the goals of ACARE, horizon 2020 and flightpath 2050 by reducing fuel consumption, CO2 and NOx.
Simultaneously strengthening and anchoring industrial competitiveness in the European aeronautical industry in line with horizon 2020 objectives for smart green and integrated transport.
Growing industrial leadership in the sector: Growing revenue, improving productivity, increasing rate of high level employment (good jobs, not just jobs), Exploit R and D, Grow the knowledge/innovation economy

In the framework of Clean Sky 2 WP 1.6 LPA IADP the call objective is to open up the new design space of hybrid electrical power transmission thus facilitating distributed propulsion, by designing, developing and testing a novel Mechanical Drive Disconnect (MDD) solution for an embedded generator at TRL3/4.
The design of the rotor with a disconnect has been completed and manufactured. Phase 1 of the rotor disconnect concept has been tested. The stator design with incorporated faults has been completed and manufactured (along with the instrumentation required for testing).

The full prototype has been assembled and successfully tested.
The innovative aspect is operating the conical disconnect concept.

It is a big safety innovation. The innovation element is that the MDD enables a permanent magnet machine to intelligently detach itself, ensuring a safe system. So, it has potential to be included in many hybrid electric architectures in the future.